Private Jet Flights, Americas, Far East, Europe, Eastern Med, Middle East, SEA, Australia, NZ, Pacific, Africa, Indian Ocean, Himalaya, Singapore, Switzerland ...

also Helicopters : Jets / Choppers  


HSBC  worldwide     

PhoneSat  News  Videos 


Wearable video recording 


Facial Recognition  


Electronic Robot Locks  AllSize  AllDoors  AllGates  AllApps  Day/Night/All Weather  VideoVision  DeepMemory MaxSecurity  PowerAlarm PoliceConnect GetThruRecognition FaceRec  FaceRegistration   ...   Study R&D 


Consumer Electronics 

Unbox Therapy  -  videos   

QR code  Free or Pay ??? 

Google Road Signs Images    Past Present Future   



Business Lounges   

Internet Video meeting rooms places with hotels restaurants  bars -  golf open-air - airports near by - worldwide ...  


More Ad space : Insider press, subjective ads ...                Say don't tell,  tell don't say ...  Special4u  Contrôle Pub ARPP  International 

Quick  finding : 

Google   in English   in other languages   

Google Apps   Google Products  

Alternatives to Google apps / products 


Wikipedia    News   Maps   Google apps   

Photo    Photo sites   

Videos  Video4u   

YouTube   YouTube by country   YT alternatives 


8 working languages on this site :  

Google in English    US    UK google news  

.com    .fr   .de   .nl    .se    .es   .pt   .it 

Time - Date - Calendar - Weather - Timer - Alarm - Calculator      

LatLong - GPS     Maps - Earth     

Track phones on maps   


Color code for this site     

Unbox Therapy 

and much more ... 


Sign in  






with 3 Web addresses, at 1 URL , and 2  plain text :  ( URL

Reload  Special4u  frontpage  ( plain text )   

google  special4u  (plain text ) 


From 1993 to 2023   ( during 31 years !!! ), 

this website is set up at 3 internet/website hosts

1994 at 50Megs,   1996 at Angelfire,   from 1998 and 

forwards at Google with the above and below 

Web addresses , 1 URL , and 2  plain text : 

Reload  Special4u  frontpage  

google  special4u  


Often overlapping, or completing each other, e.g.,

as for example at : 

Favorite Links    Angelfire Special4u    Frontpage4u  

How these websites work    Reload Special4u frontpage 

Brain    Mind  ... ... ... ,  



it is now in 2024

a multi-lingual,   multi-topic website, 


with main focus on their AI  APPLICATIONS , 

and with these different icons below, to identify and  memorize easily most of the different Special4u selected main sites



some Special4u icons  ( globe )     Entanglement ( arrow )

                           Animated infinity symbol   

    Copilot    Perplexity    ChatGPT     Gemni    free icons  

                         Open AI    ChatGPT   free icon  

                                     ChatGPT   free logo  



On all these Special4u sites,  

use of AI, chatbots, chatGPT ... 

is made under human control !!! 

So far ???  






In Greek mythology, the idea of mastering the human mind can be traced back to Talos

Much later in the 18th century, Jacques de Vaucanson created at the Jesuit School in Grenoble, probably after the idea of a Lathe, the Automata, the Flute Player, the Digesting Duck, and the Tambourine Player

The next names to have in mind in this long process are Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1804, based on earlier inventions by the Frenchmen Basile Bouchon (1725), Jean Baptiste Falcon (1728), and Jacques Vaucanson (1740)

Then are to mention Quantum Entanglement, by Erwin Schrödinger, Biography at YouTube in 2020, and many videos in English,  Audio herunterladen in Deutsch, en Francais ... sensed by many great artists before and after Schrödinger, e.g. Hyeronimus BoschMatei Apostolescu ...,  sensed also by many great Doctors and Scientists in Medicine, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, History, Geography, Explorers  ,,, , Musicians ... , Professionals ...

Quantum Entanglement and Superposition

Word cloud for Quantum entanglement,    

Quantum Computing changes the world,  

and sensed as well by many anonymous Hackers ...  

( see Hacking at The End of page  )   





Artificial Intelligence  

AI Apps  

History of AI  

AI in Healthcare  

AI in Video Games  

Pages containing AI  

Generative Artificial Intelligence  

Prompt Engineering 

m. m. 



AI  -  Quantum  Computing  sentient    ( conscious ) ???  ( on a YouTube video ) 


More conversations between LaMDA and Google staff  ( on YouTube videos ) :,vid:aUSSfo5nCdM,st:0  


+ many more ...  

Blake Lemoine not alone !!!  


AI + Quantum Computing = Sentience ??? So what ???  


Conversation with LaMDA  


Beginners guide to Google AI LaMDA  

( One conversation / language model, 

   among many other models ... ) 






Sign in  

Color code for this site     

Unbox Therapy

( mainly for most well known and popular products )  





 with 3  Web addresses , 1 URL , and 2  plain text : 

Reload  Special4u  frontpage  

google  special4u  


This site contact by email or phone at :   

+46709624165  ( WhatsApp )  

+46739955208  ( Appointments at Kloten, Cointrin )  

in 7 languages : 

see below - siehe unten - se nedan - voir ci dessous - vedi sotto - vea abajo - veja abaixo ---  




Quick checking : 

Google   Google Apps   Google Products  

Alternatives to Google apps / products 

Wikipedia    News   Maps   Google apps   Videos 


8 working languages :  

Google in English    US    UK google news  

.com    .fr   .de   .nl    .se    .es   .pt   .it 

Examples :  English   Francais   Deutsch   Dutch  

Swedish   Español   Português   Italiano 

% of languages used on the internet  2024 

List of prizes, awards, rewards, grants ... 

Online  services  4u   Apps   

Internet Apps   more apps 




AI  AI Apps 

AI Chatbot ChatGPT 

Google AI Apps 

  AI   Chatbot   ChatGPT   some other AI chatbots 

 Zapier AI chatbots 

 AI for Small and Medium-Size 

 Businesses, Organizations, Companies 


 AI for large corp., companies ...  

 150 top companies using AI in 2024 



Quantum Computing 

Quantum Companies 2024 



Argent noir, argent sale, capitaux clandestins, offshore, tax free, tax haven, black money, crypto currencies, darkweb ...,  

corruption, marchés financiers parallèles, transfers gris, à la limite du correct mais non-illégaux ..., 

blanchiment criminel, paradis fiscaux, mafias ...  

VIDEOS about all that ... 

Panama Papers trial starts 2024  

Pandora Papers 2021   

Transnational collaboration of investigating journalism ( videos ) 


Sign in  

Color code for this site     

Unbox Therapy

( mainly for most well known and popular products )  






Wikipedia :  Quantum Computing 2023 

120 companies in Quantum Comp. 2023  

7 stages of Quantum Computing  2023 


Universe a big Quantum computer ???  11 Sept 23 ( English )  

file:///home/user/Skrivbord/lebigdata.html  ( Francais )  

Accueil>Informatique Quantique>Notre univers est-il un gigantesque ordinateur quantique ?

Notre univers est-il un gigantesque ordinateur quantique ?

Elina S. 11 septembre 2023 2 minutes de lecture Informatique Quantique

Un physicien et informaticien américain soutient que notre univers est par essence un ordinateur quantique géant. Il ajoute que tout ce qui se passe dans notre univers est le résultat d’un programme informatique. 

Table des matières

La théorie d’un physicien décalé

L’hypothèse selon laquelle notre univers est un gigantesque ordinateur quantique a été avancée par Edward Fredkin. Ce physicien et informaticien américain récemment décédé (13 juin 2023) est un intellectuel autodidacte. 

Il y a vingt ans, à l’âge de 34 ans, il est devenu professeur titulaire au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) sans baccalauréat en poche. Embauché pour enseigner l’informatique, puis sélectionné pour diriger le désormais éminent laboratoire d’informatique du MIT, il s’est rapidement lancé dans des activités plus décalées.

La théorie la plus décalée jamais enseignée par Edward Fredkin est peut-être celle sur la « physique numérique ». Dans celle-ci, il expose la plus singulière de ses nombreuses hypothèses idiosyncratiques. Ed Fredkin pense en l’occurrence que l’univers est un ordinateur quantique.

Focus sur l’information

Edward Fredkin est le pionnier de la physique numérique. Il a même formé pour ainsi dire un groupe de penseurs qui se font appeler physiciens numériques ou philosophes numériques. Ce groupe inclut entre autres Gregory Chaitin, Seth Lloyd, Rudy Rucker, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Stephen Wolfram et Konrad Zuse.

Ces physiciens croient que l’univers est un ordinateur quantique. « Tout dans l’univers est constitué de morceaux d’informations appelés bits », explique Seth Lloyd. Pour commencer à comprendre si l’univers est un ordinateur quantique géant, c’est-à-dire un ordinateur qui fonctionne selon les principes de la mécanique quantique, nous devons d’abord en comprendre les éléments constitutifs : l’information.

Selon la bande à Fredkin, l’univers a créé des structures d’information au cours des premiers milliards d’années d’évolution. Celles-ci ont été créées par des forces purement physiques, nucléaires, électromagnétiques, puis gravitationnelles. L’information est une quantité conservée, tout comme la matière et l’énergie, l’impulsion, le moment cinétique, la rotation, etc.

Comment l’univers peut être considéré comme un ordinateur quantique géant ?

Ed Fredkin a été le premier à proposer que l’univers pourrait être un ordinateur dans les années 1960. L’univers, dit-il, pourrait être un type d’ordinateur appelé automate cellulaire, qui décrit un système dynamique divisé en grilles noires et blanches.

Dans cet ordinateur (l’univers), les cellules recueillent des informations auprès des cellules environnantes pour savoir si elles doivent ou non changer de couleur. Ceci est similaire à la façon dont une ligne ou une colonie de fourmis en mouvement peut partager des informations entre elles sur leur environnement.

Dans l’univers, l’information est traitée de manière très mécanique quantique, à petite et à grande échelle, explique la bande à Fredkin. L’efficacité de ces processus dans notre univers pourrait très bien suggérer sa véritable nature : l’univers est de type quantique.

Sur le même sujet

21 août 2023

22 juillet 2023

6 juillet 2023

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Dernières news



Quantum News videos  Oct 2023  


NASA / Google stop Quantum Comp. 

China stops Quantum Comp. Nov 23 

NASA - China stopped Qu. Co. 11-23  

AI special4u reload frontpage Dec 23 

List of AI companies 2023  

Quantum Computing companies 2022 

A top startup Quantum company 2023 

AI and Quantum Computing info 2024 

Quantum computing companies 2024 


AI  free courses  2024 

Quantum Computing free courses by country  2024 

PAT Courses  

Books about AI     Videos about AI  

Examples of more questions and answers 2024 

about the AI-debate and Quantum Computing  

( selected and stored at






 with 3  Web addresses , 1 URL , and 2  plain text : 

Reload  Special4u  frontpage  

google  special4u  


This site contact by email or phone at :   


+46709624165  ( WhatsApp )  

in 7 languages : 

see below - siehe unten - se nedan - voir ci dessous - vedi sotto - vea abajo - veja abaixo ---  




    ----------------  more  ----------------     


Big Data  in the  Cloud      Big Data icon      Big tech  /  Big biz  Oct 23 

Data from scratch, to PhD in Computer Science

Selected Data Glossary, Word Lists, Terminology, Dictionary, Catalog, jargon ... 

Data, Computer, Internet, Web, Microsoft, IBM,  Algorithm, Google, Wikipedia,  IoT,  AI, GenAI,  Chatbot,  Chip,  Super Chip,  Semi-conductors,  bit-qubit,  new raw materials,  rare earths,  Quantum  Entanglement ...  

Google and Wikipedia these names and words, They are some of the many new words, names, acronyms ...  of the 20th century. Many more are coming in this 21th century, and hopefully further ... 

This site is selecting past and current topics as a matter of thinking ( for the Special4u Thinktanks ), talking, discussion, debate, study, writing, dissertation ... , whichever. Color code for this site.

For selecting Internet solutions suitable 4u, choose which of these topic examples below are most appropriate for your tasks 2023 and later : 

Big Iron   Supercomputer   Computers   

Desktop specs  

PC  PC specs  Laptop  Laptop specs                Tablet   Tab specs  

Internet devices   ISP   Telecom companies  

Smartphones    Smartphones specs  

Satellite internet  Internet industry            Unbox Therapy   

OS   OS+  CPU  VPN  APK  free internet  DIY  

bit  qubit     Quantum  Computing  

Chips   Advanced chip  makers 2023    

GAFAMI-Big Tech   AI   AI chatbot  

Al alternatives 2023  

Bing   Bard   chatGPT   AI chatbots +  

Prompt engineering   Requête informatique  

Las Vegas DEF CON 2023 - AI   

IA future 2023    Super IA-chatGPT  

Generative  AI 

50 GenAI Web Products, 4 Oct 2023   

Quantum  vs  AI chabots  2023 - 2030 ???  

Quantum change the world  2023 - 2100  ???  

Michio Kaku  18 Aug 2023 

Quantum Thinking   Sept 2023  

Quantum  vs  Cloud ???  Sept 23 


Universe a big Quantum computer ???  11 Sept 23  


NASA shut down Quantum Computer, Nov 2023  

idem video  Elon Musk, Michio Kaku ... 10 Nov 23  


Court cases of misuse of the internet - web ...  

These abstracts, summaries, are from  Wikipedia, Google, IBM +

38 top Quantum Companies in Jan 2024  ... 

IT Data  Computer science, courses, schools, higher education  ... 

IT Data Computer, Terms, Jargon, Glossaries, Books, Papers  ...  

Data, Computer,  IT ... , book shops in Europe ...  

IT terminology glossary     Programming vs Coding  ( video )  ...  

IT Data Computer Science magazines ... 

Journals,  Magazines,  Publications  ... 

Quantum  Computing  Courses FREE - by country  

DreamHack Sweden 

This site contact by email or phone at :   


+46709624165  ( WhatsApp

Google    Sign in      Color code for this site  

   -------------------------------  more  ----------------------     


Internet Tools 

for Web design 

300+ tools ... many without manual code editing ... , 


visualization,  web browsers,  online services,  apps,  

QR codes,   alerts,  nuclear warnings ...

Click/type/tap/touch/point out/think only, on/at/about underlined words, texts, images, pictures, photos, maps, diagrams, buttons, symbols, signs, colours ... , all along this extensive  internet  web page.  

This website can use 7 working languages : English, Svenska, Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Italiano

This site is made with an easy Google editor, and it is run from the Nordic Countries by PAT

Click for more infinity symbols ▼  : 


Online  services  4u  

Apps  Internet Apps  


Major  crises  alerts    

Nuclear  alarm  warning 


Google   Sign in    Color code for this site  


   ----------------------  more  -----------------------   



Quick  &  Easy 


Easily, quickly, find this very rich Special4u  internet site. also here :   

Open a Google command, menu, toolbar, then type, write, touch, say, distinctly in two words,   google special4u, and there you are.  At the top of the page, click, tap, touch, or Think only,  Reload Special4u frontpage, then enjoy ... 


a multi-lingual,  multi-topic  site,   



By Pierre Thibault  ( PAT ), a freelance journalist 1965-95, 

a foreign press correspondent, Nordic Countries 1980-90, 

an internet developer 1993-2023.   


+46709624165   (  WhatsApp  )  

Google   Sign in   Color code for this site  

Some topics selected from 1993 to 2023 in 7 languages : 

Since 1993-94,  first at 50Megs, then at Angelfire  1996, at Google  1998 ... ,

developing the Internet, selecting, saving, storing, the daily news which have enough probable "future value", advocating for internet sites still useful in 5, 10, 20, 30 ..., 100 years ..., for events in history, and from 2023 and on, whether we are dead or alive, 24/7, as for example at :  


News,  News Agencies,  

Google News For you, your interests, en, US  

Business & Trade Press

Vidéo4u 2001,  Video making 2023


Web Social Networks, late 1990s and further,  


Top 28 Big Social Media,  

250 Social Media, in 33 languages

A multitude of Small Social Media,   

Music4u,   Languages4u

Maps4u,   Maps +


Bretton Woods, 1944

IMF, 1945,    WB, 1947

OECD Paris, 1961,   OECD

UN Org.,  Economic Int. Org.


Global Economy 2050, seen in 2023  

Global market vs NGO, Big Illusion ???  

Top 25000  10000  5000  1000  500 100 companies in the world,   


Time & Date, Weather - Meteorology

Climate Change, EU - Copernicus


IPCC  GIEC  PICC  PIMC  GICC  ZAFK  IWIK ...        + 71 Languages.           Latest report 2023.     


Humans'  Health,  Food

Natural  Environment, Biosphere

Ecosystem, Ecology ... , 


Deforestation of the tropical rainforests       

( Português + 7 languages, 2023, add more ) 


Protéger les quelques Biotopes restants,  

Effondrement - par Yves Cochet

( vidéo  idem en 2020 )  ( universitaire ) 

( vidéo  idem en 2021 - 23

Effondrement - par Pablo Servigne

et bien d' autres

Une lecon de collapsologie, Pablo Servigne

Avenir sans pétrole ? - par Matthieu Auzanneau

Polluted water in soft drinks

Plastic pollution

Démographie : Sommes-nous trop nombreux

The world could end

Méditerranée région invivable

La 6ème extinction de masse

Biblical famines  

Effondrement inéluctable, Vincent Mignerot 

Pourquoi tout va s' effondrer -

On est dans la merde

Collapsologie - Survivalisme

Cataclysme économique - Gaël Giraud

Crise économique globale - Gilles Raveaud

Cette civilisation s' effondre,

une autre s' annonce - Michel Onfray

La Nef des Fous 2 - Michel Onfray

( vidéo ) Éditions Bouquin 2022

at Google

Révolution racialiste

et virus idéologique - Mathieu Bock-Côté

La dernière crise, la fin ...,

Alexandre Dianine-Havard  

Préparer le chaos - Arthur Keller  1-11-22   -*-  -**-  

Guerre civile - Michel Onfray  Juin 2023  

Fin du néo-libéralisme  2023  ???  

Perte de crédibilité des gouvernants :

Le Covid a été créé de toutes pièces pour nous manipuler :

Le complotisme - Qui sait ???

Par Béatrice Quintin Publié le 01/10/2020

dans La Voix du Nord

( + résumé en vidéo avec l' article )

" ... le pire est à venir ... " - AFP Berlin

11 jan 2021

Covid in animals, fauna, flora ...

at Google, 2020 - Dec 2021

Voir la suite, 13 -

changement climatique dramatique,

14 - résurgence de la vie sur terre 

après un effondrement global, 

voir resilience4u et resurgence4u




Extinction Rebellion = XR   

Scientist Rebellion = SR   


Soulèvements de la Terre 2023 ... 


Black Block  

Barrage de Sivens   

N D des Landes     Sainte Soline   

Paris 2023    ZAD  A69   

Colère Agricole France, Europe ...  2024 ...   

Blocage de  Paris,  Rungis,  Bruxelles ... ???  








Maths,   Math +

Think Tanks  ... 2020, 21, 22, 23, 24 ... 


Google,   Alternatives to Google

Microsoft,  Alternatives to Microsoft

Wikipedia, Alternatives to Wikipedia

YouTube,  YouTube altern., Top best ...

TikTok,   TikTok alternatives,  

Snapchat,   Snapchat alternatives

Whatsapp,  Whatsapp alternatives

4G  5G  6G  7G ...  ( April 2023 ), 

Unbox Therapy,                            

Chips,  GAFAM ( Big Tech )

AI,  AI chatbot,  Alternatives

Bing,  Bard,  chatGPT,  other AI chatbots

IA future 2023

Super IA-chatGPT ??? 

( vidéo francais 04-2023 ) 


Nvidia,  Alternatives to Nvidia,  

Nvidia vs Elon Musk  more           ( June 2023 ),

Alternatives to DeepMind  ( June 2023 ), 

Superchips - Superpuces ( Sept 2023 ), 

Advanced chipmaking ( 2 Sept 2023 ),   

A&B Europe   A Super-chip startup ( 16.9.23 ), 

Atom Computing 1st over 1000 qubits race ??? ( 24 Oct 23 ),           Atom Computing Quantum computer with images   


Satellites manufacturers and launchers ... 


Top 100 IT companies, top 500  ...

Top Tech & Innovation  

From new ideas to innovations  

Digital Trade Shows  Trade Fairs 


... Time BC  ...  History  ... 

... Technical developent  ...  2023   ... 


32 Entangled Categories 2000-2022  


The Future of the Internet seen in 2023 ... 


( 2023 - 24 - 25 ... 30 ... 40 ... 50 ... 2100 ... 2200 ... that is, if nothing real bad happens before


( Hackers Worldwide, see the End of this page )  



" Always systematically triple checking  origin, sources, authorship, financial contributions, involvements, staff, intentions, if texts AI chatbot made, if pictures, videos, manipulated  ... , for all information facts mentioned, named at these Special4u internet sites ... "    PAT  


This Special4u internet site is : 

"Probably the 1st of the absolutely best internet sites in the world."    PAT   


The easiest, and quickest way to get at this much varied, extensive, Special4u  internet site, is to open a Google command, menu, toolbar ..., and type, write, say, distinctly in two words, google special4u, and there you are. At the top of this page, click / tap / think of the line  Reload Special4u frontpage, then enjoy ... 


Underlined words, text, images, colours, buttons ...  

on these sites, are hyperlinked to some other  

internet pages


Free   open source   online   websites builders  


Diffusion Télé : Hertzien  satellite  câble  IPTV  Web  euronews  

Internet  Cable,  Fiber,  Wireless,  Mobile,  Cloud,  VPN  ...   

VHA, Very  High  Altitude, Small  Internet  Satellites  Trains  ...... 

List of satellites orbits   

Difference between Internet and www  ...  

Most visited, viewed,  websites  worldwide  


Operating Systems    18 Alternatives   


Fastest Internets in the world 



            Color code for this site  

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  ---------------------------------  ▼ 


infinity symbol deviant manyinternets4u 

madsen   G   gfycat   fsymbols 


These infinity symbols above can also be linked, 

or connected somehow, to the 

Frontpage of the Special4u internet site.  

This site contains about 200 main categories 

of intriguing items.   Here, 2022, under about 

2000 headlines, are summarized often debated 

"top topics", selected from the www, during 

the about 30 years of practical existence of 

the Internet. This site was first started 1993-94

by PAT on Special4u ( at CERN, Switzerland, 1993, 

as a non-official attendee to a Tim Berners Lee 

conference, with Martin Koster, and with a 

paper and pencil, in Alavus, Finland, on 

architect-designer Jorma Saariaho' s IBM PC 440

and as an adviser at Kari Mänty' s company. )  

See here   🔊   emojipedia   

Klassisk musik för Studier  


                    Color code for this site  

          Top of page     Google    Sign in 




Click / Tap, on this  SPACEGOO   picture

or title, or Webgl, or HTML5, for full screen 

video animations, on most visual displays

of computer monitors, at 

( SPACEGOO was started 2nd decade 

of the 21st century, by Xavier BOURRY

a former pupil at 

Lycée Pierre de Fermat, Toulouse, France, 

and École Polytechnique, Paris, France. )







An IBM "Selectric"  prototype with a "golf ball", 

was borrowed from the US Army base at Maison Fort

France, perhaps by a competitor. 

1959    ( PAT ) 



--- From 1993-94 to 2022-23, see further below ---  



URL for this  Special4u  Internet Site  



Main public IP address for this site

                 IP address 


" For evolutive  multi-internets, extra-terrestrial,   Himawari

  independent, satellite-based, node-systems   -*-  -**-  -***-

 and all very secure systems, on Earth and Space."   


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DashboardControl Panel,  

Keyboard,       more ...,     Click 

All-in-one  screen view  

All-in-one  connected to smartphone  

Several monitors in one screen, several screens in one monitor ... ??? 




Control panel  

Open Control panel in Windows 11 ( 2022 ) 

Voice control - recent smartphones  2005  

Voice control - recent computers    video  

Voice Typing ( video, 20 apr 2022 ) 

Voice to voice translator  ( 2023 ) 


Unbox  Therapy   ( 2022 )  


Building, Editing, and Publishing systems 

used 2022 for creating these Special4u sites : 

Internet EXPLORER - Microsoft WINDOWS,  

( Explorer, opened here 1997, until June 15, 2022 ) 



( Google, opened here 1999 ... until today )  



 At Google in English  ( + many languages ), 

"How to use a computer",  "Right Click using keyboard  ... 

tap, touch, point at / to, ( think ) to / on / about any,

linked, or underlined  headline, word, text, sentence, phrase ...

image, gif, photo, photography, big-picture, video ...

drawing, chart, map, icon, symbol, sign, logo ... , 

digital art - graphic design - web design ... , as at :  

How to create a website from a mobile phone 


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Typography   Calligraphy 

Modern  Typography     Modern  Calligraphy  

type, typefaces, point sizes, line lengths, line-spacing, 

letter-spacing, space between pairs of letters ... 


design and execution of lettering, 

classical calligraphy, type design, 

non-classical hand-lettering ...  


digital art - graphic design - web design ... , as at :  



Cryptography    Encoding 

Electronic   Texting    Messaging  


Programming vs Coding  ( video ) 


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Animated text & icons 

Digital Art - Graphic Design



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FROM THIS Special4u SITE. 

For any product, service, or sales info ..., 

apply directly to the suppliers´ internet 

sites, but not here on this site.  

We don't take any order for products or 


We don't provide any further info than 

what is already mentioned here.  Thanks.   


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This site can use 7 working languages,  

English Svenska Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano : 

keyboard   tangentbord   pc tastatur   clavier   teclado   teclado   tastiera 

( + 120  other languages possible, but seldom used ) 

Top Ten Languages used in the web by March 2020  

( website webpage homepage symbol icon logo ... ) ( tag ) ( brou )  



   Y     ThinkTank    Onypens    

thinktank     onypens  

Special4u   Archive  

 ( Recorded surf 1993-94 ... 2023 ... )  

" Hony soyt qui mal pence

( Old Norsemen-Old French dialectal origin, 

from late 8th century and onwards, 

by then spoken in Normandy )   



Topics, issues, themes, abstracts, on YouTube videos ...  

encore plus de vidéos, en francais ... 

Speculating - what's next around Putin ... ( Sept 2022 ) 

more videos on  Ukraine War,  

Nord Stream pipelines ... 

Who blew-up the pipelines  ???  ( 30 Sept 2022 ) 

Belgorod sub + Poseidon +++ ( Oct 2022, English ) 

Belgorod + Poseidon  +++ ( Oct 2022, Français ) 

Belgorod + Poseidon  video ( Oct 2022, English ) 

Forces sous-marines russes ( 2019-2022, Français ) 



Bucha massacre  ( March 2022 ) 

KERCH-CRIMEAN bridge  ( 8 Oct 2022, 55 languages ) 

KHERSON crucial battle ???  ( Oct 2022 ) 

BAKHMUT strategic symbol ???  ( 2023 )  

Запорі́жжя - Zaporizhzhia, a major risk ???   2023  

David Axe, an American Ukraine-war reporter  2023  


La France, dans une UE "ultra-forte", peut alors compter sur une capacité de 3ème frappe, à construire, pour une  "Triade"  ???   ( Oct 2022 ) 


Putins Ryssland ( KKanal, 5 Nov 2022, 10:15 ) 


Innovations, technological progress 2030  

Innovation and technology news by 2030  ( videos ) 

Le Monde en 2030  ( vidéo en Français ) 


UR Samtiden - Planeten jorden     ( på svenska )  

 ( Mycket pedagogiskt - skolnivå ) 


La guerre des puces  ( 17 mars 2023 ) :  


De-Dollarization :

About 30 countries could accept

a new monetary system replacing the Dollar   


De-Dollarization will cause Nuke WW3 ??? 

Nuclear WW3 causes collapse of civilization and human extinction ???  

Armageddon and Apocalypse ??? 

Where, how, who, will survive ??? 

( May 28, 2023 ) 


Argentina, como nuevo miembro del BRICS, por Alberto Fernandez en Augusto  2023  ( video en Español )   

BRICS expansion in 4 chart, August 2023   


Humans' aging ( ageing ) process  ( 2023 ) 

Altern  ( 2023 ) 

German scientists study aging  ( 2023 ) 

Cooperative genetic networks - Abstract  2021 


De l' ADN humain dans l' environnement 15-05-23


France unrest, a deep shit ... ???   

Vidéo Michel Onfray-Guillaume Bigot 

( analyse évênements 2023, et le prochain 

coup, ca sera plus chaud encore ??? )  


Fin du néo-libéralisme  2023  ???  


Big Think : 5th fundamental force of nature ???  Aug 2023 


Afrique : La France doit-elle partir ??? Sept 2023  



Las Vegas DEF CON 2023 - AI   

IA future 2023    Super IA-chatGPT  

Quantum  vs  AI chabots  2023 - 2030 ???  

Quantum changing the world  2023 - 2100 ... ???  

Michio Kaku  18 Aug 2023 

Quantum Thinking  Sept 2023 


lebigdata :

Universe a big Quantum computer ???  23-09-11  


Super-AI-chatbot, Quantum Computing ... , gateways to Utopia vs Dystopia ???  Oct 23   


Israel-Palestine conflict, Google selected videos - Oct 23 


Internationalization of Middle-East conflicts ???  Oct 2023  


AI,  Quantum computing,  already at school ???   Nov 2023   


Court cases of misuse of the internet - web ...  



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Free Internet / web sites builders

with useful top sites to do the job 

in many languages. 

Difference between internet & web 

Google in 109 LanguagesGoogle in English directly 

Wikimedia in 325,  Wikipedia Top 10,  Languages.        

Languages used on the internet 2020  

Free website builders in English 



Google Sites, create for free.  


( Select languages, checDocsk on Google 

if free or paying Website builders

try some, make your choice, create. 


On this Google editor

start with signing in here below, 

click on the round pencil icon far right 

at the bottom of the page indicating 

"Edit this page" when pointed out, and 

build according to Google specifications 

and instructions. You can select 

the Docs icon, Start a new document, or 

the Sites home icon ( far left top of the page ), 

then enjoy editing : ) 


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Humans'  Health,  Food

Natural  Environment

BiosphereEcosystem ... , 


( selected  Keywords,  Issueschallenges

  achievements ..., but also failures, flops, 

  cheats, humbugs, fakes, frauds, swindles, 

  accidents, catastrophes, or simply 

  bad luck ..., about Life on Earth ) :



The coming famines ???  

( Apr 2, 2022 ) ...   

Polluted drinking water ...  

( 2017-2022 and further ) 

Polluted water in soft drinks ... 

( 2018-2022 and further ) 

+ many selected videos, articles, studies ...  

about that ( 2007-2022 and further ... ) 


Bisphénol A et bactéries dans les bouteilles en plastique 

( 19 juin 2022 ) 


Eau du robinet et en bouteille polluée aux pesticides, 

herbicides, carburants, produits chimiques, micro-

plastiques, médicaments, arsenic, peintures, plomb, 

fluor, tritium, détritus, alcools, drogues, excréments 

animaux et humains ...    À votre santé !!!   ( 2014-2022 ... )


Resilience Covid    Resurgence 

( read in English,  en Français,  2019-2022 )


Global  Pollution    Overpopulation 


Särskilt utsatta område i Sverige  ( AB 2016 )  

( Polisens listan 2022 ) 

Particularly vulnerable areas in Sweden 

( Police list 2022 )  



Air  Pollution   ( videos

Marine  Pollution   ( videos

Soil - Land  Pollution   ( videos

Cities  Pollution   ( videos ) ... 


( See, read, watch, listen, study, 

more about that, also below ,,, ) 

The global antibiotics crisis ( video )

When antibiotics don't work Dec 22, 2021 

HSBC  ( Feb 2021 ) : 

World population by 2050-2100 ??? 

Half of what it is today 2022 ??? 



Atmosphere  Air ...  

Seasons  Climate  Weather ... 

Climate change   Droughts   Desertification ... 




Résilience au Corona - Covid virus : 

Un exemple de modèle de Pires des Cas 

de Fin de Civilisation Moderne  ( 2023 )  



Global Warming   Greenhouse effects ... 

North and South Poles, Greenland, melting ... 

Permafrost melting releases many gases ... 

( videos


Physics & Chemistry of the Air ... 

Industrial & Commercial use of the Air ... 

Industrial air & gases companies ... 

Industrial gas at Wikipedia 


Wildfires  Storms  Tornadoes  Hurricanes ...  


Physics & Chemistry of Water 

Water   Water cycle    Groundwater 

Water on Earth    Fresh Water 

Rain  River  Lake  Sea  Ocean  Flood ... 

Shores   Coasts   Continental shelves ... 

Plate Tectonics   Earthquakes   

Tsunami   on National Geographic Video ... 

Nature   Environment  Landscapes ... 

Lowlands   Terrain / Relief  

Mountains   Erosion   Glaciers ... 

Drinking water   Mineral water   

Heavy water   ...  


Fossil fuels  Wood  Coal  Oil  Gas  Nuclear ... 

Non-renewable,   renewable  energy ...  

Energy resources from water,  streams,

tide,  deep seas,  oceans ...  

wind,  sun ...   renewable ... 

Geothermal energy ... 

( as deep as 12-15 km ??? ) 


2035, fin des automobiles thermiques ???  


"Nouveaux"   matériaux,  

GraphènePolymères ...  

Applications of Graphene 

Applications of Polymers 

New Polymer ... Aug 9, 2023 ??? 


Deep-sea mining 


"New" mineral resources ... 

"Rare Earths"  

Thorium, le pari de Macron, oui mais ???   2022  

Rare Earth mining worldwide, map 11 Sept 23 


Cosmic rays  

Cosmic rays  Japan  China  USA  

France   *   **   

in Sweden  in Swedish ... 


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Languages   often with : 

Google + Wikipedia    

Linguistics  Etymologies 

Langue et écritures gauloises, E. Dupraz  ( vidéo YT 2022-23 ) 


You have a multilingual capacity ... 

Bi-multilingual children ... 


Google in English    US    UK google news  

.com    .fr   .de   .nl    .se    .es   .pt   .it 

.uk  .ru     + 85  more languages & regions 


Swedish public radio in Ukrainian language 


Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - Institute - Videos 

German Videos with subtitles 

Goethe Institut  Humboldt  GAL  GSL  DAS  +15 


Der Banker - Master of the Universe  

Videos  by Marc Bauder ( interview 7 min )

with Rainer Voss  ( 2013

( Deutsch )  ( Français )  ( films 1 1/2 hour ) 

( Trailer with English subtitles ( 2 min )  



Science tech press magazines 

Science magazines 


Google  Translation  Lens  Photo ( free ) 

Google  Traduction sur Photo ( gratuit ) 

Google  Translation Lens  Photo ( free )  

at Wikipedia in 15 languages ( 2022) 


Voice to voice translator   2023  

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Color code on this site 

All colors 

7 basic colors on this site : 

#4a86e8  ( pale blue )    google or diverse stuff 

#ff0000   ( red )    tittles, headings, rubrics 

#0000ff   ( blue )          important stuff 

#38761d  ( before dark green )     video 

#ff00ff      (  pink)        wikipedia 

#800000   ( maroon )    interesting  

#000000   ( black )     other color codes 


Color codes computing 


Q & A    manyqaa4u   FAQ   Big?4u     Top Stuff 4u 

New Revolutions    Special pages 4u - TopStuff4u 

Video  Wikipedia  


Color code on this site  

Plain text and other Colour Codes on this site ... 


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------------------------------------------ ▼   



       Time & Date   

... 2022 - 2023 - 24 - 25 ... 

at Google   Wikipedia       Time Zones 

( in English )   ( in Deutsch )   ( en Français )  

( en Español de España, en América Latina )   

( hora e data em Português )    ( em Brasil )  

( de tijd en datum in het Nederlands

( Svenska )  ( Dansk  Norsk  Suomi  Íslenska )  

( Data e ora di oggi in Italiano )   


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----------------------------------------- ▼   


Weather - Weather forecast,  Climate,  


Climate change,  Global warming    ( at NASA

Global Weather  -  Local Weather   ( at Google


Global Weather  

Aviation :  Weather forecast  

Weather  forecast  at Sea   


climate4u   genetics4u   pandemics4u ...  

Really Big Questions 4u 


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Climate Change   

Mass Migrations History 

Modern gradual mass migrations


Covid Resilience    Resurgence

( read in English,  lire en Français ) 



EU - "Copernicus" on Climate Change : 

"Polar, glacier ice, melting quicker" ( 2022 ) 

"Antarctic ice melting very quick" ( 2022 )   

Natural Disasters ( 2023 )    


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News  Agencies      NEWS  

Shadow governments - Conspiracy theories   

M/S Estonia sinking involving a dozen States   

Jeffrey Epstein + others  ( -*- ) ( -**- ) ( -***-

Swedish public radio in Ukrainian language   

More Top Stuff 4u   


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in  Ukraine ...   

Mass famines  ( after the Ukraine War ??? )  

( Massive mass migrations ( by the billion )

  with Mass famines

NASA-funded study about 

The End of this Civilization ??? 


Gradual Collapse  ( at best )   

Collapsology ???  Collapsology  Collapsology  


Résurgence naturelle ??? ( en français )  


The End of this civilization  ???  "END TIMES"   

"Religious End Times" more plausible ???  RELIGIONS 

We' ll never know for sure in advanced ??? RESURGENCE 


( after UkraineTransnistriaMoldavia

 the Baltic and Nordic Countries

Eastern-Western-Europe, North Africa-Middle East ...

and finally, WWW 3 ???,  see below, June, 2022 ) 



Risk of WW 3 ???    WW III 

WW 3 possible ??? ( 2022 or later ??? )

Ukraine-war prelude to 

Taipei-China-war & WW3 ???  ( WW 4, 5, 6 ... )  

Some Internets can survive  WW3, 4, 5, 6 ...  ???  


Belgorod sub + Poseidon + ... ( Oct 2022, English ) 

Belgorod + Poseidon  +++ ( Oct 2022, en Français ) 

Belgorod + Poseidon  video ( Oct 2022, English ) 


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 Earth from Space - Video   

( a video with music,  loop ... )  

( Here on this site, most Videos 

  are mentioned in the green color ) 


Video 4u  

Video top Companies 

YouTube  TikTok  TT-alternatives 

YT main competitors 

28 YT competitors   51  ... 

8 TikTok competitors   16  ... 


A few tips, hints, about making videos : 

How to copy a video with a smartphone  

How to make a good video with a smartphone 

How to publish a video worldwide  

How to make a video "go viral"  ... 


Unbox  Therapy  ( advanced  2022 - 23 ... )   


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About  MAPS 4u 

Google  maps     Alternatives 


Diercke Weltatlas - Braunschweig, Germany 

( The whole Europe physical map + more

( The whole World's maps + more


3D physical raised relief topographic maps ... :

The whole World, cities, waters, mountains ... 

École des Chartes - Paris, France 


LE MONDE  ( 30 Nov 1977 ), 

a press article in the French newspaper 

Le Monde,  by Pierre Thibault

about the French sea charts ( maps ), 

of J-F de La Pérouse ( 1741-1788 ), 

Y-J de Kerguelen de Trémarec ( 1734-1797 ),  

J-B de Lesseps ( 1766-1834 ), 

and J Dumont d’ Urville ( 1790-1832 ). 


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Units of measurement systems 


Math formulas 

Arithmetic   ( basic ) 


( more advanced ) 

Mental Calculation   Contests   World Cup 

Calculators      Vintage      Computers    

Algorithm    Google Algorithms 


( even more advanced )  

Fermat - Wiles, Cambridge ( UK ) ( vidéo ) 


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Espace-Temps  SpaceTime  Raumzeit 

( in 88 languages

Quantum maths  

( very advanced, see below Quantum 4u ) 


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( Archive,  Records, for this site, from year 

1994  to  2022, here above and below )  


A 2nd Earth ???   madsen    globes  spinning    



 A top internet  assistant

 absolutely free for you


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 Or often free, for what is not already on the 

 NEWS, for Top Stuff 4u    ( red headlines ),  

 for Strategic Computing    ( Google items ), 


 for MIT Tech Review  ( access thru M Gmail ), 

 for Boston Robots    ( videos ),  

 for Biomimetics    ( Wikipedia topics ),  

 for Future Energies  ( at Special4u ), 

 for Rare Earth Metals  ( at LKAB, Boliden ... )  

 for Thorium ( that changes everything ),   


 for instance, e.g. ,  ...   Probably the best of 

 Google add-ons, extensions, complements ... ,  

 and in the brown colour, mostly for any 

 special mention, as for example at  Sign in   


Special4u  ( at Angelfire )     Special4u - Google Sites   

More infinitely   ( brou


Periodically, since 1993 - 1994, Special4u sorts,  

classifies, categorizes, and selects, worldwide, 

in several languages, top news, press articles, 

images, icons, videos, and internet topics, entries,  

items, references, and Top Stuff, for free, for you, 4u ...  


Focus is on human endeavour, success, 

and openness, as well as on the opposite, 

on monstrous failures, backfires, tricks, cheats, shit, 

crimes ..., fakes, dissimulation, and occulting facts ...  



the absolute website  

edit directly in Google "New Sites" - from Sept 1,  2021  

How to use these Google sites       

Edit text and pages  

Create a Google site  

Free website builders comparison - Top 10     More 

Building, Editing, and Publishing systems 

used 2022 for creating these Special4u sites : 

Internet EXPLORER - Microsoft WINDOWS,  


Since 1993 - 1994 ...  at first with Martin Koster

then with, later with Angelfire, 1, 2,  

mostly with Google and Wikipedia at the turn 

of the century, and from 2022 and on ... 


Multi lingual,  based in The Nordic Countries

2022,  daily refreshing, updating, upgrading,  

most of the Specialpages4u, many of 

which have been there since  1994  !!! 



This Special4u internet site is : 

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Languages often with Google + Wikipedia  

Linguistics  Etymologies 

Google in English    US    UK google news  

.com    .fr   .de   .nl    .se    .es   .pt   .it   

.uk  .ru     + 85  more languages & regions  

Swedish public radio in Ukrainian language 


Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - Institute - Videos 

German Videos with subtitles 

Goethe Institut  Humboldt  GAL  GSL  DAS  +15 


Science tech press magazines 

Science magazines   

Google  Translation  Lens  Photo ( free ) 

Google  Traduction sur Photo ( gratuit ) 

Google  Translation Lens  Photo ( free )  

at Wikipedia in 15 languages ( 2022) 




Data  Centers  4u  

The future of Data Centers  

Pros & Cons of Data Centers  

Data Center vs Cloud  

Cloud platform  Cloud computing  

                              Top of page       Sign in 


( Next steps are "evolutive multi-internets

extra-terrestrial independent satellite-based, 

mini-robots node-systems

not easy to hack, control, manipulate, 

or shoot them all down - 

by the thousand, at very high altitudes ..." )  


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Search   Google  

( Market shares of Search, Google, Wikipedia, together, 

are 92 % of the search telecom market, worldwide 2022. 

ICT global market share 2013-2021 )


Google  Alternatives      

Wikipedia  Alternatives   

Google  Maps  ( Alternatives )     


YouTube ( Alternatives )  ( videos )   

News   ( Social  media ) 

Live  Stream in 22  languages     

Email    top  100  emails  

Messaging  apps      

Messaging  apps     MMS  

Messaging  apps  icons  

Day n' night, at  Special4u,  in writing, 

or ask in many languages, for the different 

voice-only options, besides "Hey Google"

and compare with the many 

assistant  alternatives, and other solutions ...  


Zoom,  Center,  Pinch,  Scroll ... ,  

Multi-touch Trackpad gestures   ( videos ),  

with fingers on smartphones,  

or on  internet devices.  

Functions  integration on smartphones.


Underlined words, text, images, colours, buttons ...  

on these sites, are hyperlinked to some other  

internet pages.  

Free   open source   online   websites builders  


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Related image

                                                giphy       adev       

Site Jingle Music   ( Video - Loop )   🔊  emojipedia  

Background Music for your Internet Sites  


MUSIC 4u  4ever  

Video 4u   ( Video options for many topics )  

Apps 4u  4 a while ...  

Top 20 Apps worldwide 2019 

Top 50 Apps worldwide 2020 

more than 100 Apps 2021 

1000 + Apps 2022 


Sing, hum, a music, a song ...

for voice recognition ...


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BIG  QUESTIONS   2020-22 

 climate4u  genetics4u  pandemics4u 




Global Pollution   Overpopulation

The global antibiotics crisis  ( video ) 

When antibiotics don't work  Dec 22, 2021 


HSBC  ( Feb 2021 ) : 

World population by 2050-2100 ??? 

Half of what it is today 2022 ??? 


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                                         madsen   globes   

SEE,  HEAR,  KNOW  everything  


Flightradar24    ( Alternatives )   

Flight MH370  Malesia Airlines - Vidéo 2021   

Crash du Rio-Paris  Air France - Vidéo 2021    


Vessel Finder    GPS on vehicle  

Lo/Jack - Lobster - Geotraceur - Traqueur ... 2022      


Track anyone with a smartphone  

( even switched off  /  battery dead ??? )   



USA + ALLIES spying on EUROPEANS + RUSSIA ...     

"Mit solchen freunden braucht man keine feinde mehr !"  

"Mit solchen freunden braucht man

 keine feinde mehr !"  Angela Merkel 2013


NSA spying on allies via Denmark 2021

2021 - PEGASUS Spyware  

Vidéo 1 en français 

Vidéo 2   Vidéo 3   Vidéo 4   Vidéo 5   Vidéo 6 

Vidéo 7   Vidéo 8  ( Presse Citron )   Vidéo 9  

Israelis themselves targeted by PEGASUS  

Contrer PÉGASUS  ???  

What  we  know  about  PEGASUS    

Microsoft TEAMS hacked by  

PEGASUS, or CHINA, or both ... ???    

Alternatives  to  PEGASUS  

Nouvelles  formes  de  PEGASUS  

ENCROCHAT  alternatives & competitors   



the alternatives and competitors,

all hacked by the NSA  ??? 


Quadream = PEGASUS  ???


 Wireless micro camera, audio, night vision ...   

 Caméras espions  

 Caméras sans fil, orientable à distance   


EPR    EPR 2    Eurajoki    Macron  

Uranium, Plutonium, Cobalt, Osmium, Thorium,

Plasma,  Deuterium,  Tritium ... .

for "Mini - Super - Nuke - Bomb" makers  ???  


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 ... 3G  4G  5G ( 2021-22 )  6G  7G  ... 

     4K   4K resolution   8K resolution  


Samsung Galaxy S22, S22+, écran non-LTPO 

Samsung Galaxy S22Ultra  texte+vidéo français 


Unbox  Therapy  ( Lewis Hilsenteger )

Unbox  Therapy  ( videos )  


Huawey allegedly used old tech  ( 15 Sept 23 )  

Teardown phone repair  ( 18 Sept 23 )  more 


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Related image



Nine In 10 Aussies Read News Media: emma Data

                   bandt   icon-library   365webres  

INTERNET  DEVICES  2021 - 22  ...  

Mobile  Internet  Device  (MID)  

Tablet  Computers  



Hardware-software for

Video Conferencing ( VC ) :  

Watch  Video 

Video Conference hardware

Online meetings, virtual platforms ..., 

Zoom alternatives, competitors,

Free video conferencing

Video conferencing software, 


more VC software,  

Open source video conferencing

Interactive Teams Rooms

Video meetings for any space


100 among 1000 Trade Shows, 

Digital Trade Shows / Fairs


Hologram Shows / Performances

Polls, Elections, Political campaigns,  

Religions, Ideologies, Opinions

Education, Science, 

Medicine, Dentistry

Business, Communication

Products, Consumers, Marketing, 

Services, Industry, Finance

Government, Military ... more ... 


Video conferencing solutions, 

equipment, hardware ... 


Video conferencing advice, assistance, service  ... 


Hacking VC systems ( keeping secure ) 


Languages with Google + Wikipedia in VC 

Linguistics  Etymologies 

Google in English    US    UK google news  

.com    .fr   .de   .nl    .se    .es   .pt   .it 

+ 85  more languages & regions 


Vidéo / Visio conférence  ( Français ) 

Videokonferenz  ( Deutsch ) 

Videoconferencing  ( English ) 

Videoconferentie  ( Nederlands )  

Videosamtal ( Svenska ) ( Dansk Norsk Suomi Íslenska )  

Videoconferencia  ( Español ) 

Videoconferência  ( Português ) 

Videoconferenza  ( Italiano ) 

відеочат  ( Українська ) 

Видеотелефония  ( Русский

+ Videoconferecing in 33 more languages 



Videos   Future IoT devices  ( Videos )  

Future  IoT  devices 

Videos    Unbox  Therapy   


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( many are free,   at  WIKIPEDIA OPEN  SOURCE ... ,  

  many others are not free ...   See also new ones )  


manyqaa4u               Color codes for this site   

Free  open source  online  websites builders  


VPN    VPN   


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Science de l' Information et de la Communication  


In these days ( 2022 ) much of 

Communication, visual, verbal, 

written, Quantum, beyond ..., 

ends up being  " Digital "

For any Communication, click here

For communication animated gif





Communication at Special4u

Specialpages4u = Top Stuff 4u

Online Services 4u      ( Open )

List of open source

Open source icons

Virtual digital handshake

Market shares - communication market

Search and communication market

Can stock photo open source

For Openness in communication 

Communicating about stuff which

is considered to be better off if

treated as discreetly as possible.

( no com = no comment = OMERTA )


( vidéo YouTube - 20 Déc 2021 )  


Some more about COMMUNICATIONS 2023 : 

Terrestrial,  Marine,  Over Seas,  Cables,  Hertzian Waves,  Radio Waves,  

Aviation,  Satellites ... 



2023  Much about Terrestrial, Cable,   

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main article image


Quantum News  

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Man is God  ( video )  

Michelangelo - Sistine Chapel Ceiling   Genesis 1:27  

Man is God theme  

at Google  


EVOLUTION     ( )  




Time / Space          History  

History of Earth  ( videos )  

Existential  questions     


Russia vs Israelaccording to scriptures ??? 

Ezekiel 38 39 ( English ), Ézéchiel 38 39 ( Français ),  

Ezekiel 38 39 ( Svenska ), Gog & Magog ( in 32 languages

Armageddon    Apocalypse 16 16    ( in 50 languages )  


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: German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble (R) sticks his tongue out at Finnish Finance Minister Alexander Stubb (L) at the start of the Eurogroup finance ministers meeting at the European Council headquarters in Brussels

                         Anadolu - Getty 

  Finnish and German finance ministers  

  talking to each other, they didn't agree !!! 



often with : 

Google + Wikipedia    

Linguistics  Etymologies 


Google in English    US    UK google news  

.com    .fr   .de   .nl    .se    .es   .pt   .it 

.uk  .ru     + 85  more languages & regions 

Swedish public radio in Ukrainian language 


Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - Institute - Videos 

German Videos with subtitles 

Goethe Institut  Humboldt  GAL  GSL  DAS  +15 


Science tech press magazines 

Science magazines   

Google  Translation  Lens  Photo ( free ) 

Google  Traduction sur Photo ( gratuit ) 

Google  Translation Lens  Photo ( free )  

at Wikipedia in 15 languages ( 2022)  


English Grammar  Eng Gram 

Wordhippo   English  fluency   


BIG  subtitles    BIG  subtitles


Quantum solutions for language questions  

List of Languages by number of speakers  

( Wikipedia News

List of Languages by number of articles at Wikipedia 

List of Languages mostly used on the Internet 


Country  Phone  Numbers 

Internet  Country  Codes 


Emergency  calls  by  country 


Selected  Translation  


Bi-lingual and +  /  Bi-lingue et +   




( or more than 1 )    


Language videos :  

Man is God  ( English )  

EVOLUTION  ( Français - Deutsch )  

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - Institute - Videos 

German Videos with subtitles 

Goethe Institut  Humboldt  GAL  GSL  DAS  +15 


Bañistas cazan narco-traficantes ... :  

( desde 2018 - Video en Español )    


Migrantes a la playa :  

( Video en Español - texto en Árabe ) :  


Macron  ( Italiano )  


'Macron est un psychopathe'

l’analyse d’un psychiatre italien.mp4

( YouTube Video italiano - 

Sous titres français ) 


M/S Estonia färjan  ( på Svenska ) 


Swedish public radio in Ukrainian language   



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                                            Google calendar        


Western  Calendar  

Gregorian  Calendar 



Advanced Calculator  


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Related image

                           giphy      Milky Way with Black Hole 

The Milky Way      

The Universe   

 The Milky Way News      Universe News  

La Gravitation Universelle 

Earth from space ( ISS live video )  Earth in space      


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▷ Hourglasses: Animated Images, Gifs, Pictures & Animations - 100 ...
Related image

 Hourglasses     Pioneer     i.e. / e.g.     

          TIME         SPACETIME   


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Panneau d’avertissement jaune avec symbole de substances biohazard
Related image


Basic Q & A,  useful 4u  ??? 

The most FAQ at Special4u ??? 

Internet access for free ???   Videos 


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BY WHOM ???     WHO ??? 


Pierre  André  THIBAULT           

Internet Developer = PAT  at Google

     CV                      rage3d   madsen 

Phone : +46739955208    

email :  

Main URL : 


Direct Google search in American English thru google special4u 

Main public IP address :  



These sites are run by PAT and ARE NOT Bots.  

Internet Revolution    Videos    Cache  

Always triple checking sources   


  Top of page         Sign in

Pierre  André  THIBAULT,  a French  

freelance journalist and photographer, 1968 to 2005,  

( in Europe, Atlantic, The Americas, The West Indies, Africa ),  

an accredited press correspondent in The Nordic Countries,  

mainly for the French press, in 1979 to 1989,  

and an internet developer, 1993 to 2022,  

personally in at least 5 languages,  

+ 3 more understood but not spoken.  


Internet sites 4u  ( Top 500 for you ) 

... 2015 16 17 18 19 2020 2020 2021 ...  


  Top of page         Sign in



SPECIAL  INVESTIGATIONS   ( 1960 - 2022 )  


( Some intriguing facts in the 62 years 

   journalistic archive of PAT


( In the green colour are VIDEOS access 

 mentioned. )   


Cook the books  ( "Follow the money" )  







Private  Special  Investigations  

Rep = Reporting Journalism 

Insiders - Predators  

Whistleblowers  NSA  CIA ... Leaks 

( see, read, learn, about PEGASUS

here above on this site at :  

SEE,  HEAR,  KNOW  everything



 Also much about :  

Olof Palme  

( murdered 1986, 

and the further mystery ... ??? ) 

Bob Dylan  

( dead 2012, 

and the further holograms ... ??? ) 

Swedish Academy - Literature Nobel Prize 

( a 24-year-scandal until 2018 )   

The sinking of the Estonia ferry  

from the attack of 1994 ..., 

and further facts until August, 2022, 

M/S ESTONIA news,  with Google videos ... 

M/S ESTONIA disaster, POSTIMEES latest 

Estonian English news, 7 Dec 2022  


MS ESTONIA 2023 with Åsa Myrberg video 


MS ESTONIA, video, 

about the 7th of April 2023  


Mystery of the Baltic Sea: About the 1994 Sinking of the MS Estonia, by Courtney Leeper Girgis, at YSI | Mar 09, 2023   






Macron, et Macronie  ( video Endeweld 2019 ) 


Macron, et Uber  ( 2014 - 2016 ) 

Macron, Black et BlackRock 

( depuis  Rothschild ( Deutsch video ),

Rothschild ( video français ), ( 2017 ), 

Rothschild ( nouveau vidéo YT français 2022 )

   ... , avant et plus tard ... ) 


McKinsey & Company scandals 

Macron, et l' affaire McKinsey 

Affaires Mac Ron - McKinsey  


Le vrai visage de MACRON 

" Le Traître et le Néant "  ( vidéo 20 oct 2021 ) ... 


... and more to come ... 



Shadow governments - Conspiracy theories   

M/S Estonia sinking involving a dozen States   

Jeffrey Epstein + many others  ( -*- ) ( -**- ) 

More Top Stuff 4u       Sign in  






( vidéo YouTube - 20 Déc 2021 ) 


OMERTA d' état ? TA GUEULE !!! 

( vidéo YouTube - 30 Mars 2022 ) 



Liste des Maisons de Retraite en France 

Or Gris - orgie de maltraîtance !!!  ( ... 2022 ... ) 



Vous mangez de la MERDE ( 1960 - 2022 ) 

( 62 ans d' enquête avec preuves juridiques ) 

OMERTA  MALBOUFFE   ( video 2017 )

ARNAQUE au RESTO   ( video 2013

More than 1/2 a century of  FOOD  CHEAT  

                       = FOOD  SHIT 

1960, The Kangaroo Meat Scandal  ( article ), 

1974, La Fraude Alimentaire  ( book ), 

2006-2011, L' industrie du poulet ( 4 videos )

2021, La Merde Alimentaire Industrielle ( video ). 


2022 ... and that's going on, year after year ...  

Pizza Buitoni E.coli caca !!! 

Vidéo - Des rats dans l'usine à pizza !!! 

Bonduelle condamné déjà en 2014 !!! 

Rebelote en 2015, 2017 ... !!! 

De la barbaque dans les boîtes de légumes !!! 

Kinder Surprise Eggs ... with salmonella !!! 

Fromages à la listériose chez Lactalis !!! 

Big Food, poisoning everywhere ( videos )  

France 2022 !!! 

et c' est pareil partout ailleurs, 

à longueur d' année ... !!! 

Vidéo YT - Christophe Brusset, La vérité !!! ( 2015 ) 

Plus encore !!! Vous êtes fou d'avaler ça !!! ( 2018 )



( Video  Dec 2021 )  


"Manger peut vous tuer ..." ( 11-07-2022 ) 

"Nitrites du jambon = cancer" ( video 2022 ) 

"Nitrates, nitrites = cancer ... " ( articles 07-2022 ) 

"Arnaque mondiale - huile d' olive" ( article 08-22 ) 


"Cochonneries", livre par Guillaume Coudray

après des années d' enquête scientifique, 

médicale, et journalistique, présentation 

d' Élise Lucet, Kindle Edition, 2017-2022. 


L'américain MONDELEZ et ses biscuits 

et barres sucrés à la salmonelle pour 

écoliers, son chocolatier suisse 

BARRY-CALLEBAUT, avec des marques 


GRANOLA, LU ... , tous dans même le pétrin 

avec des bactéries dangereuses comme 

chez les Oeufs KINDER de l'italien FERRERO ...  

( journal Sud-Ouest, 27 aôut 2022


Biscuits GRANOLA au métal dans toute la

France ( journal Midi Libre, 22 Oct 2022 ) 


OMERTA  MALBOUFFE  FRANCE  2023 - 24 - 25 ...










( résumés vidéos chez Google, YouTube ..., 27 Oct 2022 )

Encore un qui dit tout : Le fric, le fric, le fric ... 


Big Pharma  =  Big Biz 1st  

Corona virus Covid, 

Les secrets de la Big Pharma ... 

 - Enquêtes en cours 2022 ...  

Une 1ère en France - Sanofi condamné  

Vaccin Covid français - Quand ???  


The global antibiotics crisis  ( video ) 

When antibiotics don't work  Dec 22, 2021 




climate4u  genetics4u  pandemics4u  

resilience4u      resurgence4u   

Worst case - Pire des cas  ( Eng - Fr )  


Global Pollution   Overpopulation

The global antibiotics crisis  ( video ) 

When antibiotics don't work  Dec 22, 2021  


HSBC  ( Feb 2021 ) : 

World population by 2050-2100 ??? 

Half of what it is today 2022 ??? 


Corona virus - Covid 19   

Coronavirus - Socio-political polemics   


En savoir + sur la vaccination,  

Pandémie et manipulation politique,  

Instrumentalisation, manip, désinfo ... 

Covid, le meilleur coup du Mossad, tous temps ??? 


Big pharma, Pfizer, Covid, vaccins ... 

efficacité bidon, vrai ou FAKE ???     



McKinsey & Company scandals 

L' affaire McKinsey   

Affaires Mac Ron - McKinsey ... 



References, Sources, Bibliography, 

Special Studies, Qualified testimonies ... :  

Protection des Consommateurs, since 1974  

Competitiveness Food Industry, since 1998

Food shit - Assembled material,  1980-2022 

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Related image
Image result for future vehicles





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Image result for stock exchange ticker



Real Big Biz  -  Real Big Money  

Special pages 4u  


Traders  Brokers  Commodities

( Genève-Rolle is a good place, 

   but there are plenty of others ... )  


Trading  Top Commodities   

Oil - Crude Spot Market  ( Rotterdam )    

Oil - Brent-Crude Market 

( London - North Sea )    


Economics    Economy    Markets

Google International Ranking

of the World's largest Economies

Quantum computing

changing the economy  ( videos )

Cook the books - videos

+ much more cheat  


Der Banker - Master of the Universe  

Videos  by Marc Bauder ( interview 7 min )

with Rainer Voss  ( 2013

( Deutsch( Français )  ( films 1 1/2 hour

( Trailer with English subtitles ( 2 min


Den nya ekonomin ( in English with Swedish subtitles )    ( 2023,  kan ses till den 9e Nov 2025 ) 


Swift   Swish   switch   games   more  ...  


Ecoin     Big Crypto theft 2021 +

Poly network   Bitcoin  

Ethereum   Oxpolygon ...

List of all crypto-currencies  2021


Taler projects  2022 




Faux billets

Après HSBCUBS ... , le dernier en date

des géants bancaires condamnés

pour des milliards en manips financières,

à l' échelle mondiale; et rien qu'en France,

avec de multiples complicités ... 2021 ( Vidéo


Crédit Suisse ... , encore !!!  2022  

Le Crédit Suisse et le crime ... 2022  ( vidéo


Fortune   500 - 1000 - 2000   Biggest Companies   

Forbes' list of the about 2800 richest

Billionaires in US $ in the world  ( 2021) 


Just 8 men own more than 1/2 the world  


Soros offshore + more  ( 2022 ) 

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Related image

                            TED         DAVOS  



TED talks 2018 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 ...   

( with videos )   

TED 2013   must see  


Davos 2017    

Davos 2018  ( Who was there )   

Davos 2019-20    21  22 ...  


Google  International  Relations   

Special4u  International  Relations   

International  Relations  

International  Baccalaureate  


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Climate and Humans  

with a video, Apr 14, 2022, by Axel Timmermann with team, at :  



The Earth without Humans 


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dna GIF


         LIFE +   BIOCHEM  

          TIME      SPACE  


DNA repair  

DNA damage & repair - Sweden  

DNA  RNA  Genetics   

GMH  GEH  He Jiankui  


 Newest  DNA  Technologies  ( 2022 ) 


The Story of a Spoon  ( en Français


Big Bang Theory     

Atmospheric  Sciences 


The origin of life ( 2023 )  

 Top of page     Sign in   


red and yellow down arrow



Real big stuff 

Global Pollution   Overpopulation

The global antibiotics crisis  ( video ) 

When antibiotics don't work  Dec 22, 2021 


HSBC  ( Feb 2021 ) : 

World population by 2050-2100 ??? 

Half of what it is today 2022 ???  

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Related image



Culture  and  the  Arts


Image result for europe satellites animated images





Secret services - Intelligence agencies  

( by  Google,   Dec 2021 )  


NYT articles   March 24, 2022  

( Triple check with other global military info )  


Military Industrial Complex and McKINSEY 

Top Defense Consulting Firms  ( by Google ) 


"McKinsey,  blood- and multibillion $-suckers"

( with very little work and results

and not far from no-tax-paying ), 

by Natasha Bertrand and Daniel Lippman,

at POLITICO   07/02/2019   

and by PAT, March 26, 2022  


En France, McKinsey et Macron  

( by Google 1 avr 2022 )  



WW 3    Video 

Cyber  Warfare 

Janes      SIPRI       After WW 3 ???  

Janes  Intara  ( 2022 ) 

Institute for the Study of War  ( by 2022 ) 



Quantum  Military  Applications  




Video Atomic vets    

Suicidal strat nukes     

Nuclear  war  videos  



Use of cobalt and osmium in Nukes  

( see relevant articles at M/S  ESTONIA )  

Thorium used for Nukes making ???   


Drones   Satellites   Cubesat  Space 

Internets   survive    global collapse 


War  WW 3  Uranium ban ???  Peace 



"Mit solchen freunden braucht man

  keine feinde mehr !"  Angela Merkel  2013   


   NSA spying on allies via Denmark 2021   



Deciphering Russia’s Zapad-21 

strategic military exercise - 2021   

( with Google texts and videos )  



WAR in UKRAINE in 2022, or later ???  

French Canadian   le 3 Déc 2021 by Benjamin Tremblay 



Histoire de l' Ukraine en une vidéo 

( simplifié, pédagogique, en français )  

par TéléCrayon    le 3 Fév 2022  


ANTONOV, as the whole UKRAINE, will be rebuilt !!! 


Ukraine-war,  societal collapse in Russia ???  

CTV-news Canada  YT Video  by Yuval Weber  07 03 2022  



Ukraine,  how far will Putin go ???  

Deutsche Welle - YT video English   March 9, 2022   



Anti-tank "Javalin" by CBS news    March 13, 2022 



"La Russie c' est l' Europe ... "  ( stratégie globale ) 

par France24 - YT,  Gérard Chaliand,  15 Mars 2022 



700 entreprises francaises en Russie  24 Mars 2022 



KGB:s hemliga arkiv3. Putin & Co


Ons 16 mar 2022   Kan ses till Lör 30 apr 2022

Produktionsår 2019

Rättigheter : Kan bara ses i Sverige 

På Kunskaps Kanalen och SVT Play 

i 3 delar - sista den Fredag 24.03.2022 kl 21:30 

KGB:s hemliga arkiv  ( på

Publicerades: Lör 5 mar 02:00Lör 5 mar • 52 min

Medan Lenin installerade sin då tänkta temporära säkerhetstjänst i landet, opererade redan agenter internationellt med att infiltrera andra länders säkerhetstjänster. Här inleddes så sakteliga det som genom historien kallats "kalla kriget". Del 1 av 3.Mer om programmet

Publicerades: Lör 12 mar 02:00Lör 12 mar • 52 min

1949 blev Sovjetunionen plötsligt världens andra maktcentrum, tack vare att dess spioner stulit USA:s atombombshemligheter. Efter Stalins död och en omorganisation genomför KGB en av sina största rekryteringar någonsin. KGB lyckas placera en mullvad i CIA:s toppskikt. Del 2 av 3.Mer om programmet

Publicerades: Ons 16 mar 12:30Ons 16 mar • 52 min

Statskupper, avrättningar, sexskandaler och radioaktiva giftskandaler. Det är som taget rakt ur en Bond-film. Men i dagens Ryssland är detta en verklighet. Under Vladimir Putins styre har KGB, eller nuvarande FSB, fått ökad makt och styrs med järnhand från Kreml. Att utmana makten i Ryssland är att utmana döden. Del 3 av 3.


En 2022, Perspectives de la guerre en Ukraine, 

selon des visions nocturnes supposées de 

Poutine, le soir dans son lit : 

"Après une succétion de victoires militaires

faciles en Ukraine, Moldavie, Roumanie,

Pologne ... , et dans toute l' UE de l' Est, 

Poutine sur l' Oder-Neisse, puis sur l' Elbe, 

la Meuse, à Maastricht ( rêve-t-il d' aller

y pisser dans la rivière ??? Hitler a bien voulu,

et obtenu, de dormir dans le lit de Louis XIV,

à Versailles, qu' y a-t-il fait, seul ??? ).

Puis Poutine sur le Rhin-Rhône, la Suisse,

l' Autriche, puis sur le "Mur de l' Atlantique",

de Brest ( Litovsk )  à Brest ( Finistère ) ...,

en Yougoslavie, à Fiume, Milan, Rome.

( rêve-t-il d' aller au Colisée tourner

son pouce vers le bas pour l' UE ??? ),

( l' UE du Traîté de Rome, du 25 Mars 1957 ).

Puis à Naples, en Sicile, Sardaigne, Baléares,

à Lampedusa, en Corse, en Catalogne,

au Pays Basque, en Espagne, à Gibraltar, aux

Canaries, au Portugal, à Madère, aux Açores, 

dans les Pays Baltes et Nordiques,

la Courlande, la Prusse, Königsberg-Kaliningrad, 

le Suwalki ( corridor / gap / couloir )

la Pologne ( la moitié en 40,

en entier cette fois-ci  ??? ),

en Grande Bretagne, en Irelande,

aux Féroé, en Islande, au Spitzberg, Groenland,

aux Malouines, dans l' Atlantiquue Sud,

à Constantinople ( Istanbul ), en Grèce, Chypre,

à Malte, en Syrie ( où il est déjà - depuis 2015 )

à Casablanca ( la conférence de 1943 ), Alger,

à Carthage ( Tunis ), "qui comme

Londres, sera détruite", mais est encor là )

à Tanger, Céuta, Melilla, Mers-el-kébir,

les Guinées, au Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Congo,

Gabon ... ( mines d' uranium ), El Alamein, Suez,

Addis Abeba, Djibouti, Socotra, Diego Suarez,

dans tout le Moyen-Orient, de la Méditerranée

jusque sur l' Indus, comme Alexandre.

César, Napoléon, et Hitler, en rêvaient ... ???


Putin in Tehran  ( July 2022 ) :

To exchange Nukes for Drones

the Russians badly need in Ukraine ???


Possibly to deal with the extension of their

laser system for electro-optical warfare ???


To secure, strengthen, extend,

a future "Southern flank" ???  

Centred about Armageddon ???    

Le reste à Xi Yin Ping, et Kim Jong Un ... ???

De l' Yenisei au Pacifique ... ,

l' Amérique, de l' Alaska à la Terre de Feu ??? "

"Pour Poutine, y a du boulot, mais,

c' est ça, tout un Atlantique-Nord élargi ...,

ou l' atome,  ou l' abandon ???" 


 ארמגדון        يأجوج ومأجوج  


by ABC NEWS, Shannon Crawford, March 11, 2022 

and by Special4u, PAT,  15 mars 2022 



Chars russes à mal en Ukraine - BFMTV  23 mars 2022    



27 mars 2022 :

Avec un "regroupement" russe au Donbass, Poutine

masque-t-il une attaque nucléaire sur Kiev ???, 

par Ouest-France, 26 03 2022,  

by Reuters, March 30, 2022, 

and by PAT, March 26, 2022 


Efter Putin ??? ( Svensk video )  

av Expressen  20 Mars 2022 


Thermobaric  bombs  

( used by Russians in Ukraine ) 

( "dirtiest" of "classics", just before "nukes" ??? ) 

Phosphorus  bombs  

( used by Russians in Ukraine ) 



" PUTIN À PARIS pour voir L'ARMÉE ROUGE défiler SUR LES CHAMPS ELYSÉES ... ??? "  

Le 23/03/2022 à 22:24 )  


Hypersonic  missiles  Kinzhal  Iskander 

( used by Russians in Ukraine ??? ) 


Cluster bombs 

( used by Russians in Ukraine )


Russian Chemical and Biological weapons  

( by March 22,  2022 )    


Drones on both sides :   US  ( Switchblade ... ), 

by DW on YT-video, March 29, 2022  

Turkish  ( Bayraktar ... ) ,    others ...  

( see also above :  DRONES )  

Russian  drones 


Swedish "Pansarskott Carl Gustaf m48 / m86" to Ukraine

by Google Latest March 2022 


Sweden Carl Gustaf to destroy Russian tanks 

US News - YouTube video - May 12, 2022  


Swedish Archer - Excalibur, a game changer 

US Himars multiple rocket launcher  ( Aug 2022) 


Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants 

by Google  March 22,  2022



2022  UKRAINE  Russian invasion 



Russian cruiser MOSKA  2022 



MARIUPOL  ( by in English )   

MARIOUPOL  ( en Français )

( article Francetvinfo, de Raphaël Godet, du 22.04.2022,

avec video en ukrainien )  



Modern warfare - video  2021 

Digital Tech     Arms Race     AI     Cyber warfare    

Autonomous Weapons   Entanglement   Hacking  

Flash wars     Kamikaze drones    Turbocharging 

Swarming    Killer robots  ... , 

and what else ??? 

  Yes, of course, something like  


  in Swarming-mini-kamikaze-killer-drones, 

  thinking and acting by themselves -  

  with no human intervention".  

( Existe as prototypes on both sides of the Atlantic

  the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, the Baltic Sea,

  the Black Sea, and Meditrranean shores, by Jan, 2022 ??? )  

Deutsche Welle - YouTube video in English 



Russian nuclear bombers in Ukraine ??? 

( YouTube video, 19 Apr 2022


Russia warns ...  14 Apr 2022 


Undersea  Internet  Cables  very  vulnerable ??? 


The  Satellite  Cyber  War  is  on - 2022 


Elon Musk   SpaceX   Starlink   Ukraine 


Russian and other Oligarchs 

"Suicides" d' oligarques ??? 


Serguei Jirnov ( "ex"-agent multiple du KGB ??? )  

"Tuer Poutine  ( difficile, mais possible ??? )" 

( Serguei Jirnov sur les TV en France,  mai 2022 )  

Macron à Kiev et Irpin, avec Scholz, Draghi,

Iohannis.    Macron : "... c'est de la barbarie ..."  

( 16 juin 2022 ) 


5 countries, next to Ukraine  ( March 5, 2022 ) 

Königsberg - Kaliningrad  ( 30 mai 2022 ) 


Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant  ( Aug 2022 ) 

Izium,  Dovhenke ...  ( Sept 2022 ) 


Poutine face aux Russes ???  ( Vidéo - Sept 2022 )  


Belgorod sub + Poseidon, more ( Oct 2022, English ) 

Belgorod + Poseidon  +++ ( Oct 2022, en Français ) 

Belgorod + Poseidon  video ( Oct 2022, English )


Risk of WW 3  ???  

WW 3 possible ???  ( 2022 or later ??? )  

Ukraine-war prelude to

Taipei-China-war & WW3 ???  



Climate Change     Mass Migrations  

Diseases    War    Mass Famines    Collapse 

Collapsology ???   Collapsology  Collapsology 


NASA-funded study, End of civilization ???



End of this civilization  ???  "END TIMES"   

"Religious End Times" more credible ??? RELIGIONS 

We' ll never know for sure in advanced ??? RESURGENCE 


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Of Mice, Men and... Computers: Common Foundations of Biological and Artificial Vision

                        PIxabay   EurekAlert   


in day light, in obscurity    

Assistive  Technology    

Auditory  Assistive  Devices  

Hearing,  Voice,  Speech,

Language  Disorders    


 Medical,  Scientific,  Civilian apps,   

 in the Air, Submarine, in outer Space,  

 in Smoke ( normal ), artificial ( Military ) ...     


Video camera for obscurity 

Many  videos    


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Odd, Hot, Top Topics + Follow ups of Key issues  

WW 3 : possible alert  2019-2020  2022 ... 2030  ???  


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An idea by PAT, 1993.  "Universe Energy",  

an oil painting by Pointillism,  

canvas by Laila, 2008.   



Animated text & icons 

Digital Art - Graphic Design


23 Raster Graphics Editors Software 2023  

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This whole thing started in 1994

with a paper and a pencil at ( brou ) .    


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 ... 2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020    

     2021   2022   2023   2024   2025  ...  2030  ... 


      Major  factsevents,  and  WARS

      are also on the NEWS ;  much of 

      their follow-ups is often here too ... 


      Sources, resources, archives, prove 

      documents, legal testimonies and 

      evidences, for the research and 

      journalistic pool works of the 

      Special4u teams, can be exhibited 

      any time, for any relevant 

      Court of Law, in most countries. 


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