Top stuff 4u


Odd & top topics at Special Pages 4u,

and follow-up of key issues by PAT :

A quickly changing World

New reserve currency systems


En plus, pour Bolloré, les matières premières africaines,

pour l'agro-alimentaire, huile de palme …, les industries

portuaires exportatrices ... C'est tout du bonus !!!

Black et BlackRock,

un conte inédit des 1000 et 1 nuits modernes.

Les fonds de retraites français, une fois privatisés

et trustés en un projet africain titanesque encore

très hypothétique, d'exploitation des sous sol sahariens

très profonds, pourront être alimentés et grassement

rémunérés par les très gros bénéfices engendrés :

Gigantesque mer d'eau douce très pure,

énergie thermique sans limite et gratuite sauf coûts

d'extraction et de transformation, pétrole et gaz à gogo,

uranium très propre à l'enrichissement,

c'est bien le cas de le dire, et en veux-tu en voilà,

pléthore de terres rares pour les industries

des smartphones et électroniques, ravissant ce quasi

monopole aux chinois ..., or, diamant, mmm !!! ya bon,

minéraux divers à la pelle ...

De plus, le tout de toute première qualité,

sur les marchés boursiers mondiaux ...

Voilà ce que Benalla ( Mossad-Maroc ??? )

a été envoyé prêcher aux sahéliens et

autres autochtones africains

qui n'y pigent que pouic, et ce qui est décrit par ici

à nos élites, initiées, croient-elles.

Un énorme pactole, ou un colossal mirage du désert,

oubien un immense miroir aux alouettes

pour très gros pigeons, Bolloré, Rockfeller & co.,

Rothschild ( Deutsch video ),

Rothschild ( video français ),

Rothschild ( nouveau vidéo YT français 2022 )

leurs avoirs mammonesques au black,

dormant dans plus de 200 offshores fiscaux,

et qui ne demandent qu'à

être blanchis dans les lessiveuses géantes

des lobbies financiers multiples et à tiroirs,

et les officines des gangsters américains

des retraites de chez BlackRock.

Macron qui eut vent discrètement de ce

synopsis moyen-oriental

quand il était chez Rothschild ...

Tous sont dans le coup, pour piller le pognon

de vos retraites qui du coup

encaisseront tous les coûts !!!

À tous ces filous de filer avec les caisses

bien bourrées, à vous de rester avec les miettes.

De la belle ouvrage !!!

Macron met Merkel et Poutine dans la combine,

le 9 déc 2019 à Paris, en sous main,

officiellement sous un prétexte ukrainien,

elle pour sa technique, son économie, et son Europe,

lui pour ses foreuses grande profondeur uniques ???

Si ce tour de bonneteau affairiste marche

sans anicroche, là, Macron n’a vraiment

plus besoin de sa misérable retraite de président.

Si quelque part le plan déraille,

ses copains de chez BlackRock, Blackstone ... et cie

( Larry Fink, Stephen Schwarzman ... & co. )

le sortiront de la sauce, croit-il !!!

C'est bien mal les connaître !!!

Cynique mais génial, Macron pense-t-il !!!

Ça vaut bien quelques Légion d’Honneur !!!

Quel bonheur, Paris valait bien une messe !!!

Les suédois qui ont adopté le système unique

de retraites à la Macron,

se posent maintenant des questions

sur les très gros risques à terme pour ces retraites,

de mettre tous leurs oeufs

dans ce même panier percé

contrôlé par des pirates infiltrés dans la Fintech

( 450 companies en 2020 )

( Aladdin-BlackRock, State Street, Axioma ... )

( en France, une soixantaine de boites

de "gestion finance" grouillent dans ce marécage ),

pour beaucoup d' entre-elles,

grâce à la cyber criminalité de haut vol !!!

Et à très grande échelle !!!

Les arnaques monumentales,

spectaculaires, ou complexes,

impliquant escrocs internationaux,

grands de ce monde,

ministres, et même présidents,

ne sont ni rares ni nouvelles.

En voici quelques unes parmi les plus cocasses :

Victor Lustig de son vrai nom, qui en suédois et

allemand peut signifier marrant, étonnant, dingue ...

Il vendit la Tour Eiffel à un idiot riche mais naïf,

et escroqua 2 fois Al Capone ... !!!

Giscard dit d'Estaing,

faux noble mais vrai président,

qui, avec son premier ministre Raymond Barre,

plusieurs autres ministres,

des hommes politiques et d'affaires véreux,

fut impliqué dans l'hitoire des "avions renifleurs"

qui soit-disant trouvaient du pétrole,

de l'or, des diamants, sous les sables ...

dans le Sahara. Ça rappelle quelque chose ???

Giscard reçut aussi moult diamants de Bokassa,

l' empereur cannibale de Centre Afrique,

chez qui Giscard mangea, après des chasses

massacres, du gibier, des écoliers,

et un professeur, dit-on !!!

Plus près dans le temps,

Sarkozy = Sarkocaïne Air Cocaine,

plus une douzaine d' autres affaires

pour lesquelles il échapera

sans doute à la justice ad vitam,

parce qu'il était président, et ça la foutrait mal,

ou encore parce que, s' il parlait vraiment,

ça mouillerait du très gros poisson ???

Pendant la même période mais en Suède,

l'affaire Trustor, rocambolesque,

avec des pigeons retraités, un lord anglais,

un juriste international, et des bandits locaux,

qui finit chez Interpol avec fuite de 10 ans,

la grande vie, entre autre au moyen-orient

pour le juriste, en prison pour les autres goys ...

Assez similaire dans sa structure mais plus moderne,

avec de beaux buildings, de la cyber technologie,

et plus proche des models Fintech, un autre "service"

de "fonds de retraites" suédois, Allra, avec à sa tête

l´ex-ministre de la justice, 1 turc, 2 moyens-orientaux,

1 belle jeune économiste blonde très représentative,

Ebba Lindsö. Foto: Fredrik Sandberg/TT Google

et quelques aigrefins complices, avaient "soulevé"

quelques milliards, on a jamais su combien au juste.

Ils avaient fui, qui à Istanbul, qui au moyen-orient,

qui à Dubai ..., et recommencé, mais pas à zéro !!!

Après les banqueroutes bidouillées

de Lehman Brothers, ( Richard S. Fuld, Vidéo ),

Bear Stearns, Banco Popular, Dexia ...,

certains de ces mêmes manipulateurs financiers

qui y avaient débuté, réapparaissent chez BlackRock,

Blackstone ..., et autres Fintech champions.

Ils se retrouvent finalement à ...

Les Échos, 10 juillet 2019, Photo Michel Euler. AFP

... l' Élysée, autour de Macron, régalés,

et certains même hautement décorés !!!

Pour BlackRock, BlackRock, Blackstone ... et cie

( Larry Fink, Stephen Schwarzman ... & co. ),

Goldman Sachs, BNP Paribas,

HSBC, Natixis, Amundi, State Street,

Northern Trust ... , McKinsey ( * ) ( ** ) ( *** )

( au travers de presque tous les précédents ... ),

c'est la gloire !!!

"McKinsey, blood- and multibillion $-suckers"

( with very little work and results,

and not far from no-tax-paying ),

by Natasha Bertrand and Daniel Lippman,

at POLITICO 07/02/2019 and by PAT, March 26, 2022

Pour MACRON, ça passe ou ça casse !!!

S'il a vu juste sur le sous sol africain,

on avalera, peut-être, les << gangters américains >>,

la couleuvre des retraites, et autres entourloupes ...

C'est alors le sauveur de la France, Jeanne d'Arc,

le rédempteur de l'humanité ..., ou son fossoyeur,

avec ses autres croquemorts U.S.,

les black rocks et cie ... Maintenant, ça se sait ...

Somme toute, la vraie évolution, ou l' illusion !!!

Là, il redevient ce qu'il est vraiment, plus "rien" !!!

Tout ça ..., très jupitérien !!! Terrien !!!

D'abord plein d' jus, Dan Le Ku, pi t' es + rien !!!

Par Mac Ron et Dan Le Ku

( poêtes en prose, australien et coréen )

Jan 2020 ( Traduction PAT )

Principales sources :

Bloomberg surveillance

6.12.2019 MACRON ( in English )

SVT2, 28.1.2020, 09.00 : Riksdagens utfrågning

om den finansiella stabiliteten. Hur påverkas den

av cyberhot och Fintech ( in Swedish )

MACRON ( en Italien avec sous-titres français )

Der Banker ( Deutsch )

Was muß man als nächstes erwarten ?

Frankreich !!!

La France banqueroute ( in French )


Big bucks in outsourcing budgeted costs

* E.g. :

Transportstyrelsen = Swedish Transport Agency

Från FRA : "Lätt att hacka i myndigheter ..."

"På en timmes hack jobb får man hela skiten ..."

Från Expressen, Corren, DN, SVT m. fl. ... :

Stridspiloter, alla piloter, flyg- och flygplats

personal, U-båtsbesättningar, hela flottans-

och sjöfartsfolk, stats-, kommun-, och

privata företags anställda, polis, m. fl. ...,

deras körkort, photo, hemadresser, och

privatbil nr., deras privata sommarställen,

privat ekonomi, med mycket annat ...,

via hundratals lätt tillgängliga andra

dataregister, är numera hos IBM och därmed

hos NSA i Bluffdale, i Israel, och säljs svart

i Tjekien, Bulgarien, Rumänien ..., till Ryssland

m. fl. ... För Sverige bara, sammankopplas

och samkörs mer än 500 olika dataregister

i Öststater ...

Snyggt, om Ryssen kommer ...

Many are dead men and women walking ...

"Follow the money", more shit to come ...

like Eltel, Cygate ...

8 families own more than 1/2 the world

+ many more :

Bilderberg Group * JP Morgan Trilateral

Kissinger Goldman Sachs Hollywood Lobby

NWO Soros Rockefeller Rothschild Illuminati

Arms industry Warmongers Illegal narcotics ... ... ...

Soros with whores on St Barth beach St Barth

ICIJ Panama Papers TI *

Paradise Papers

Tax Havens Corp Tax Hav Paradis Fiscaux List

500 € note Fake $ Counterfeit Dollars

Fake $ serial numbers

Money : Big Biz *

Money worthless in economic collapse ???

What to have if money worthless ???

WORLD BANK & IMF secret slush funds

mainly fueling world conflicts, Mideast

war industries ???

An ICIJ newmega project ???

IMF & WORLD BANK secret funds

DSK, Lagarde, phones NSA-leaks about secrets funds

Rasmussen, Reinfeldt, explaine the whole shit,

off camera ???

Graduate school cheating

Fraude - Triche aux examens - concours

Fusk med Högskoleprovet ( på svenska 2017 )

Fusk med Högskoleprovet - Del 1 av 2 Del 2 av 2


Migrants : Facts Europe 2015

Migrations to Nordic countries

Särskilt utsatta områden i Sverige ( 2017 )

Ensamkommande "barn" "försvinner"

i pedofili och knarkhandeln ( in Swedish 2015 )

Organiserat tiggeri i Sverige ( in Swedish 2015 )

Räddningsmissionen ( på svenska 2016 )

Militärhjälp till Polisen ( på svenska 2917 )

Mass migrations to Europe IPBES 2018

By 2100, most of Western Europe Muslim ???

This paragraph below is about advanced media

pros sending items to each other because their

stuff is often too much to take alone, too hot, or

too taboo for usual mass media

Just news ...

“What’s going on out there?”

Pipeline Broadcast Yourself Blogs Michael Moore

(*) (**) (***) (****) (*****) (******)

more coming

Copy these videos before they are removed from

YouTube as for this 4-star-one (****) showing too

precisely the arrested politicians, rabbis, mobsters

and mafioso alike, money launderers, organ dealers...

from NJ and NY, and their connections abroad, with

banks in Switzerland, Israel…, (******), (********), (*********)...

Surgeon Dr Michael Zis

freed in court 2002 for only the tip of

a gigantic iceberg of organ-biz:

A kidney donor is paid, when paid, ripped off,

or killed for 1 or 2 kidneys, about $ 2000;

re-sold in Switzerland, Germany, France,

Spain, Belgium, England, Israel, USA ...,

for not less than $ 20 000 a piece; it is paid

about double by the end-user patient, very

often much, much more...!!! Dr M. Zis admits

in a new trial about 1600 operations in

10 years.

Prof Yehuda Hiss admits

Organ trafficking

Organ trafficking at Google

Organ trade at Wikipedia

Organ trafficking at TheJerusalem Post


Psychological Warfare in 2017 & WW3

by the CIA *** The Russians

The Chinese The Koreans

Israel others ... by 2016

On the Web The NSC The NSA

Secret America Kissinger Associates ...

Haaretz : Trump ISIS Lavrov Israeli disinfo ???

Fonds de la CIA à l' étranger 20-10-2021

In-Q-Tel : le discret activisme du fonds

d’investissement de la CIA à l'étranger ...

France 24

le quotidien Les Échos, 19 octobre 2021

Some conspiracy theories real ??? :




a 24-year-sex-narco-scandal in Stockholm,

with Jean Claude Arnault,

the serial-dizzy-women-rapes, by him,

and his "socialite close friends" ... ,

his cocktails of cocaine + meth + rohypnol,

bought cheap in Paris,

sold expensive in Stockholm ... ,

and the "yearly book-publishers' bribes"

for making possible

the very profitable big business

of printing in advance,

before its official disclosure,

the Literature NOBEL PRIZE ...

That 's lots of books guarantied sold,

every year, round the world,

for whose exclusive profit ... ???

( in English, en Français, Svenska,

and in at least 12 other Languages )



climate4u genetics4u pandemics4u

resilience4u resurgence4u

Worst case - Pire des cas ( English - Francais )

Corona virus - Covid 19

Coronavirus - Socio-political polemics

En savoir + sur la vaccination

Pandémie et manipulation politique

"Le coronavirus? Un coup du Mossad, probablement"

par Laurent Sagalovitsch

dans 31 janvier 2020

Estonia Estonia

Mayday Mayday ...

The whole terrible story begins here ...

( Material added in 2021 here, besides

the material gathered 1994 to 2020 )

Sources :

International multi-lingual press articles,

journalistic reports, research texts, books,

internet material, study abstracts, photos,

live testimonies ...,

videos ( in the green colour ),

PEGASUS info ... ,

triple checked named information sources

( sorting out disinfo, fake news, lies, bluff,

speculations, or obvious conspiracy theories ... ),

specially in the English, Svenska, Eesti,

Suomi, Latviešu, Lietuviu, Polski, Deutsch,

Nederlands, Français, Dansk, Norsk, Íslenska,

Русский, and Українська languages, about

the M/S ESTONIA' s fate, much at Google,

but also often at other sources.

Estonia ( ferry ) at Wikipedia in 28 languages

( latest update 3rd of October 2021 )

A special selection by PAT, 1994-2022,

and by many other media professionals ...

Gigantic serial-blunders, and serial-murders,

mass conventional and nuclear accidents,

contaminations, destructions, and deaths,

by military, and intelligence secret services,

as well as by big armament ordnance,

private and public corporations / companies,

perhaps all part of a same

military-industrial complex

( as described by General - twice US President

from 1953 to 1961, Dwight D Eisenhower,

in his farewell address already Jan 17, 1961 ),

revealing indirectly modern nuke stuff

( nuclear weapon ),

"super nuke making"

( plutonium + cobalt + osmium + ... ),

and "super nuke storing" ,

where one wouldn't expect it,

or wouldn't talk about it, ready for use ...

( Si vis pacem, para bellum ) ???

A still possible future WW3

( A special 4u study 1994-2022 ) :


ATOMIC BOMB, historical background,

Aug 6-9, 1945 ( at Google )


at Wikipedia Nov 21, 2021


"One country, one small bomb" ( as a foot ball ??? )

Do "they" look for smaller ??? YouTube Videos

Lawrence Livermore Lab - SF, CA - 1945 - 2019

Oak Ridge Lab, Knoxville, Tennessee, TN, 1943 -

Los Alamos Lab, Santa Fe, NM, 1943 -

CEA, France


YouTube Videos 1946 to 2021

OSMIUM on board the M/S ESTONIA,

Google, Sept 1994,

What is known about it, by Sept 2021

Some other known cases of OSMIUM smuggling :

2001 - Istanbul police seizes two kilograms (4.4 pounds)

of osmium 187 in 64 glass tubes and takes six people

into custody. Customs officials had been tipped off

about a company involved in an international smuggling

ring for nuclear and chemical materials.

Heat-resistant osmium is combined with plutonium

for coating nuclear missile warheads.

2003 - The Omsk osmium case ( see below )

YouTube video - Survivors, mostly Estonian, Finnish,

Swedish, Danish, English, German ... 20 jan. 2014

Dokumenttiprojekti 1996 Estonian

Multi-lingual YouTube video 8 aug. 2021

Mihin katosi uponneen Estonia-laivan kapteeni?

Multi-lingual YouTube video 5 mars 2021

Sep 28, 2014 Osa 4 Osa 5

A nightmare on the Baltic Sea

Mar 28, 2021

M/S Estonia Documentary 2021,


a British video made by Graham Phillips

on YouTube, for free, not monetized,

with the help of Paul Barney,

the 1 survivor of 2 Britts on board the ship

that night of 1994. Many relevant questions.

Published 5th of March 2021.

Estonia: The discovery that changed history

Norvegian, Swedish with English subtitles

YouTube video by Media City Bergen 9 okt. 2021 video

( Account above closed, the same below, re-open )

video Juri Lina avslöjar i Swebbtv 2020

Fö February 23, 2015

Något, kanske radioaktivt, på bilddäck ???

av : Ian Fernheden

Två ryska varningar Publicerad i Expressen 4 Okt 2020 av Arne Lapidus

”– Natten Estonia sjönk smugglade fartyget avgörande information om Rysslands ballistiska robotprogram och utrustning som tillhörde det programmet. Smugglingen av militära hemligheter och utrustning hade pågått länge”,

säger Stephen Davis Video grävande journalist från Nya Zeeland

i ”Estonia – fyndet som ändrar allt

Stephen Davis säger att Ryssland skarpt varnade både Estland och MI6 minst två gånger,

den andra gången inte långt före förlisningen.

Sara Hedrenius såg militärtransport på Estonia

Google om hål i skrovet på Estonia - info fram till Okt 2020

Youtube Estonia sinking - Google videos

Spiegel international In English Translated from German by Christopher Sultan,

text by Von Ulrich Jaeger 10.08.2008

Var Jutta Rabe någon på spåren ?

With video August 28, 2019


Baltic storm, Dykningar, Gravfridslagen, Haveriplatsen, Jutta Rabe

Var Jutta Rabe någon på spåren? Del II

Datum : 30 augusti, 2019 Författare: Bettan

I maj 2000 träffades den tyska journalisten Jutta R 0 abe och Greg Bemis. Greg Bemis var en amerikanska multimiljonär i dykarbranschen.

De kom överens om att genomföra dykning vid vraket. Varken Tyskland eller USA har godkänt ”Estonialagen” om gravfrid vilket innebar att dessa länders medborgaren var fria att dyka där.

Så länge de befann sig på internationellt vatten så fick de filma och undersöka så mycket de ville, men tog de sig iland i Sverige så skulle de bli häktade.

Denna gången lät Jutta dykarna svetsa loss två metallbitar i fören. Jutta och Gregs gemensamma teori var att Estonia sprängdes. Metallbitarna lät hon genomgå flera av varandra oberoende metallurgiska undersökningar. Alla kom fram till att metallbitarna hade utsatts för en sprängning.

Hennes upptäkt anses vara värdefull men något hål i skrovet fann hon inte.

I en intervju något år senare sa den amerikanske miljardären Greg Bemis att han tröttnat på Estonia. Han hade dessutom blivit osams med Jutta Rabe. De var då båda två anhållna av åklagare i sin frånvaro för brott mot gravfriden i samband med dykningarna 2000.


Jutta Rabe

Jutta Rabe slutade vid Spiegel-TV efter en kontrovers med chefen dessutom gick hon i konkurs. Vad hon gör idag vet jag ej.

Jag har nu lyckat ta mig genom hela filmen ”Baltic Storm” och jag förstår fortfarande inte varför den med sådan kraft stoppades i Sverige.

Svenka Yle : Nya märkligheter i Estoniautredningen, rapporter och nödbojar spårlöst försvunna: "Dags att dyka efter sanningen"

Siiri Same som överlevde katastrofen.

Manus Publicerad 26 Jan 2020

Sara Hedrenius såg militära lastbilar köra ombord på Estonia


Hur många militära lastbilar fanns ombord på Estonia när det sjönk ???

Vad var på de ryska militära lastbilar på Estonia ???

Var de ryskt-tillverkat men Estoniskt militärt skyltat ???

FRIA TIDER Tallinn Nättidning

Teorin: Lastbilar kan ha dumpats från Estonia

Publicerad 20 sept 2021

Svenska Flashback 2020-11-04 till 2020-11-10

Om bl. a. Last manifest, Bil lista, Tax free shop länsat …

Svenska Flashback 2020.12.14 till 2021.01.14

Några intressanta vittnesmål

Freight Manifest Estonia Tallin Stockholm 27-09-1994 19:37 video

Estonian video in English

about the sinking of Estonia

Document:Estonia: Sunk due to n-cargo? - Wikispooks Wikispooks MS Estonia › wiki › Document:Estonia:_Sunk_due…

De Morgen newspaper, Antwerpen, Belgium,

Article by Maarten Rabaey 1996-05-17


MS Estonia, Felix-Report, Contraband, Smuggling


World Information Service on Energy

Archive of this article here and here

May 17, 1996 - Jan 17, 2019

”The ferry Estonia sank on 28 September 1994

between Tallinn and Stockholm,

... the night of the disaster, the ferry had contraband cargo on board, ...

40 metric tonnes ( 40,000 kg ) of radioactive cobalt,

and some radioactive osmium”,

( about 10 to 15 kg of proper osmium in

a briefcase ),

maybe x 3 = ± 45 kg

( Alexandr Voronin

+ 15-year-old son Vassili ???

+ father-in-law, Vassili Kruchkov ???

+ 150 kg, or more, of lab stuff in 2 cars ??? ... )

Forskare på Chalmers : den officiella

beskrivningen av Estonias

sjunkförlopp är felaktig ...

Publicerad 2007-06-13 av Ruben Agnarsson

och Christopher Bollyn 11 Feb 2005,

who has done altogether 27 years of

research about the M/S Estonia tragedy,

by Chistopher Bollyn 1994 - 2021

"The Conspiracy that is MS Estonia"

(Score: 4, Interesting)

by looorg (578) on Wedn Sept 30, 2020,

@07:17PM (#1059160)

This all comes from a new documentary that was shown on Discovery over here a few nights ago. But basically the ship, and the seabed and mud, have moved enough during the last three decades so the side that used to be down towards the bottom has started to shift somewhat so they have now been able to film that side and found a hole that is about 4x1.2 meters wide just around the waterline of the ship.
It wasn't exactly clear if the hole bulges outwards or inwards so it could be something inside pushing out or vice versa. It might also just be stress from moving about or once the ship turned every car and truck inside will have slid into the side.
It might be available to watch at the link below, not sure if it is geo-blocked, requires an account or if there are subtitles or not. []
I might not be completely up to date on the "conspiracy" (that may or may not be one) but as I recall the idea is this. Sweden used MS Estonia to smuggle Russian military technology and equipment out of the country and into Sweden on behalf of the Americans. This happens while Russia was still quite weak and their economy was in shambles after the collapse of the USSR. So everything was for sale more of less.
Then there seems to be several versions of events that may or may not have taken place that night.
(1) Some kind of explosion takes place onboard, perpetrated by the mob, Russian or Estonian or something like that. Apparently they want to throw something overboard (probably drugs) or just make sure the ship never reach port for some reason.
(2) In the next version you replace the mob with Russian military special forces that need to prevent the previously mentioned equipment from reaching Sweden and the American hands at any cost.
(3) MS Estonia is attacked by a Russian submarine. This is more or less option two but instead of special forces people it's a Russian submarine that goes all ancient warfare and decided to ram the ship in the side. Once again to prevent military technology from falling into the hands of the Americans and Swedes.
(4) MS Estonia collides with a friendly submarine. This has for some reason now been moved to the top of the list as the most likely scenario. I personally find it a bit odd. There was really bad weather at the time so a submarine would not want to be riding at the surface in such weather.
So which submarine? Two submarines have been mentioned, but there could also be some unknown third submarine.
HMS Näcken (Sweden) and the Alabama (USA). According to the story an American submarine made port in Scotland (probably at Clyde/Faslane) some time after the incident ( 8 days ) with severe damages. Näcken was rented out to Denmark a few years after the event and a few years after that it was decommissioned and scrapped. Either of the Swedish ports where repairs would have had to been made include a lot of civilian staff and workers so to keep them quiet for three decades would require some kind of miracle. I don't know about the situation at Clyde but imagine it's somewhat similar.
It's not really known what the submarine was doing there. Was it just following the "cargo" as some kind of escort? It might also have used the MS Estonia to mask themselves sneaking in/out of the Gulf of Finland to get close to St Petersburg.
Then there is the official version, or what used to be the official version, that part of the bow somehow came lose, due to a bad repair job, and dropped into the sea and due to the weather the lower deck started to get flooded and eventually the ship tipped over and sank.
(also the BBC link needs fixing)

More about the Estonia ferry - osmium

A book about Russian military corruption, cobalt, osmium video

Radioaktivt Osmium på Estonia.

Av Håkan Bergmark den Oct 16, 2020

”Hallo i rutan från kajutan”

( Han dök på Estonia den 3e Okt 1994

på uppdrag av MUST ) MUST

March 2, 2003

Osmium-187 Seized in Omsk, Russia


Counterintelligence agents of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) regional branch in Omsk arrested an "international criminal group" that was trying to sell the "radioactive isotope" osmium-187 as well as a large sum of counterfeit Iraqi dinar, the news agency VolgaInform reported on 2 March 2002. An FSB spokesperson, Natalya Grudtsyna, said agents arrested a 61-year-old Omsk native who was asking $30,000 for 1.33 g of osmium-187 powder. The man had concealed the glass ampoule containing the metallic powder in a pen. VolgaInform reported that osmium-187 has the property of increasing radioactivity. It also claims that the market price for the rare-earth element is $200,000/g. [According to the Los Alamos National Laboratory website, 99% pure osmium powder generally sells for $100/g depending on quantity and supplier.[1] According to a website designed by the University of Sheffield and WebElements Ltd, UK, osmium has several civilian uses, but there is no mention of its use in nuclear weapons.[2] Moreover, osmium-187 is not a radioactive isotope.[2] According the US Defense Special Weapons Agency, osmium is frequently used in scams by con artists, however, who claim that it has nuclear weapons applications.] The FSB also arrested an accomplice, a 50-year-old Omsk native who was attempting to sell 158,000 Iraqi dinar for 45 cents a piece. According to Grudtsyna, the two men are members of an international criminal group. However, she did not provide any further details about this group or their activities. The Omsk FSB had been conducting surveillance of the group for several months. The FSB is continuing to make arrests of the remaining members of the group.

Abstract Number: 20030110

Headline: Omskaya oblast: Kontrrazvedchiki poymali pensionerov, torgovavshikh radioaktivnym osmiyem i falshivoy irakskoy valyutoy [Omsk oblast: Counterintelligence agents catch pensioners selling radioactive osmium and counterfeit Iraqi currency]

Date: 2 March 2003

Bibliography: VolgaInform; in Integrum Techno,

Material: Scams

[1] "Chemistry Division," Los Alamos National Laboratory website,

[2] "Osmium,",


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Newsroom 21 Sept 2007 › 2007/09 › sveket

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Sep 21, 2007 — 13 år efter Estonia: Sveket ... Men det svåra rättsläget och interna gräl har gjort att det är svårt att se slutet på den utdragna processen. › 2007/09 › konspirati…

Henning Witte

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Sep 21, 2007 - Mörkning enda alternativet. Video

september 25, 2007 kl. 22:15. Inslaget ”Sveket

( about MIG 33 )

A novel, "A Canticle for Leibowitz", by Sam Kean,

July 27, 2010.

" ... That's why the monks prayed for deliverance

from Element 27. It's also why, in Dr. Strangelove,

the Soviet enemies have cobalt bombs.

Unfortunately, scientists are still working hard to create new types of bombs that exploit new elements—and some may turn out to be even worse, both militarily and politically, than the dreaded cobalt. To be continued tomorrow … "

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Nya mysteriet om Estonia

Publicerad 10 maj 2012 av Arne Lapidus

på Stockholms tidningen Expressen

( En mycket bra kort sammanfattningen

av vad man visste redan då, 2012 )

COBALT BOMB 1950 - 2020

COBALT BOMB 1950 - 2021


Combating Illicit Trafficking in Nuclear and other

Radioactive Material, Plutonium - Cobalt - Osmium ...

Berne - 1952, UN HQ, NY - 1956-57, Paris - 1972,

Los Alamos, NM - 2004,

IAEA Vienna - 2007 ( reprint ),



the dirtiest of the dirty bombs - 2010


1992 - 1994 News until 2021

Henning WITTE, Tysk - Svensk advokat,

M/S ESTONIA sänktes,

en bok som pdf dokument, 1999

Estonia, les mystères d'un naufrage

YouTube vidéo en français avec le témoignage

de Siiri Same, comptable de l'Estonia, rescapée.

par Catherine Monfajon, Patrick Bouleau,

Découvertes Production Les demis-aveux du

Général Aleksander EINSELN ( assassiné plus tard ??? ),

publié le 22 Septembre 2016.

Nya fakta, nya dykningar ???

Stor artikel av Svenka Yle, på svenska,

av Stefan Brunow, i Helsingfors, med Siiri Same,

publicerad den 26 01 2020 om Estonias förlisning,

den inställda bärgningen, dykförbudet,

cementövertäckning m.m. ...

av Peter AXELSSON, den 26 Sept, 2019

Otago Daily Times - South Island, NZ

Drowning in lies by Bruce Munro

28 Sept 2019

New Zeeland journalist investigating

the M/S ESTONIA' s fate, 2021

Death in the Baltic: the MI6 connection

by Stephen Davis 23 May 2005


27. October 2020,

New Zealand journalist: Estonian intelligence knew MS Estonia was carrying weapons systems

Andres Einmann

Kaader filmist «Estonia – leid, mis muudab kõike». Ajakirjanik Stephen Davis peab võimalikuks, et Estonia pardal toimunud relvaveost andis venelastele teada Herman Simm. PHOTO: Kaader Filmist «estonia – Leid, Mis Muudab Kõike»

Journalist Stephen Davis claims based on sources in the British intelligence that the ferry MS Estonia was used to transport weapons systems as a joint operation of the Estonian, Swedish and UK intelligence services. Russia, upon learning of the operation, issued repeated warnings against it through diplomatic sources but was ignored.

“I have talked at length with MI6 (officially the Secret Intelligence Service – ed.) about this. Several sources have told me that Russian military electronics was moved west in a joint operation of British, Swedish and Estonian secret services. There was a very close relationship between MI6 and the Estonian intelligence services at the time,” Davis told Postimees.

Source to remain anonymous

One of Davis’ sources is Richard Tomlinson who spent over four years working for MI6 in the 1990s and has fought his former employer in court and been embroiled in several scandals since then. Davis refuses to name his second source. “They would imprison that person if I told you their name,” he explained.

The Swedish defense forces admitted in 2004 that MS Estonia was used to transport electronics for the military but claimed it had nothing to do with weapons systems. Electronics was on board on September 14 and 20, while MS Estonia allegedly did not have a shipment for the Swedish military the night it sank.

“My source at MI6 told me about these smuggling operations six years before the Swedes admitted it. MS Estonia was used to move electronics that were tied to the ballistic missiles program from Russia to the west. The collapse of the Soviet Union caused a so-called open season during which former Soviet army secrets flowed to the west. The Brits, Swedes and Estonians got a piece of the action,” Davis said.

He believes it is possible that the Russians were told about the weapons smuggling by Herman Simm who was caught as a traitor a full decade later.

Two warnings

“The Russians could not just look on as their secrets flowed westward and delivered two warnings for these activities to be ceased. They sent a warning to the Estonian government through diplomatic channels in 1993 but it was ignored,” Davis said.

The journalist’s information suggests that the Russians delivered a new warning in 1994, a month before the sinking of MS Estonia, directly to the MI6 this time. “The Russians said don’t do it or else, without specifying what that meant. The warning was ignored once more. If you are using a passenger ferry with over 900 people on board, you can think of them as a guarantee or a human shield for that shipment,” Davis said.

He maintains that MS Estonia was carrying a shipment of military equipment the night it sank. Sweden’s outgoing PM Carl Bildt said on the day of the shipwreck that the bodies of the victims should be lifted up. His successor Ingvar Carlsson repeated the sentiment in an interview shortly after the disaster.

“At the same time, the Swedish secret service was panicking. What have we done? What if it comes to light? My source told me that the heads of the Swedish secret service knocked on the prime minister’s door the following day and said that lifting the wreck would be a bad idea and that Sweden should not do it. As far as I have gathered, divers later removed evidence from Estonia. As you know, a considerable part of footage from the Estonia wreck is missing,” Davis said.

Mysterious businessman

Stephen Davis has covered the Estonia disaster in his book from last year “Truthteller. An investigative reporter’s journey through the world of truth prevention, fake news and conspiracy theories.”

In it, he associates the smuggling of Russian weapons systems with Tallinn businessman Aleksandr Voronin who allegedly procured Russian military equipment through his brother in Moscow and sold it to the west.

The Estonian press wrote about Voronin in December of 2006. Footage from the MS Estonia wreck taken in December of 1994 has divers looking for something in cabins. They finally find a suitcase in cabin 6230 and ask the operator: “This reads Aleksandr Voronin. Is this what we are looking for?”

Then Foreign Minister Rein Lang said 14 years ago that the suitcase belonged to a businessman with a Russian background who survived the shipwreck. He said it is possible the businessman simply wanted his belongings recovered. We cannot ask Voronin himself because he died in 2002.

Documentary crew finds big hole in M/S Estonia ferry wreck

Head of expert committee: Coverup without end

New series on Estonia shipwreck promises major revelation

No proof of military shipment on the night of MS Estonia’s sinking

No dive to MS Estonia wreck in the near future

dicovery+, Fyndet som förändrar allt,

5 avsnitt ( med abonnemang ), Sept 28. 2020


av Leif GW Persson

YouTube video TV4 4 Jan 2021

Olof Palme - Obduktionsprotokollet

( i slutet, nämns den M/S Estonia frågan )

av Thomas Gjutarenäfve , Thore Flygel,

och Conny Abdersson,

YouTube video 28 Feb 2021

The M/S ESTONIA tragedy,

about a 1000 dead, drowned or shot,

a video by Uppdrag Granskning, Jan 20, 2014,

and by Lars Drake and Tommy Frost,

at Synapze, Aktivist-media, Nov 30, 2004

M/S ESTONIA ferry - Cobalt, Osmium

Google, 1994 - 2021

M/S ESTONIA som krigsmateriel transport,

på Google, senaste 2020

Investigating the sinking of M/S ESTONIA,

an Estonian YouTube video in English,

by Tanel LEPP, Oct 11, 2020

Okręt podwodny przyczyną katastrofy promu

"Estonia"? Możliwe nowe badania wraku Video 18 Dec 2020

Google Wiadomości m/s Estonia promu 2021

MS Jan Heweliusz sinking 1993

Search results " ferry MS Jan Heweliusz "

Sonar vid M/S ESTONIA stördes ut ...

Svenska texter, July 2021

Schiffsunglück Estonia :

Dokumentarfilmer macht brisante

Entdeckung ZAPP | NDR

Video 24 feb 2021

M/S ESTONIA Schiff,, RIGIKOGU Estonia,


har bevis att lastbilar dumpades i havet

strax före förlisningen,

Sverige gömde dem under grus+makadam

( video på Estniska och Finska,

texten på Svenska ), Sept 10-16. 2021, Latest News,

by Håkan BERGMARK, Anders JALLAI ...

YouTube videos, om M/S ESTONIA, Sept 14,

Sept 16, Okt 1, Okt 2, Okt 3, Okt 14,

Whitetv, Okt 4, 2021

Ryssland sänkte M/S ESTONIA,

enligt 2 Ryska varningar,

YouTube video på Svenska, med Jüri LINA,

Sept 17, 2021


Sept 20, 2021

Closer to the truth about M/S ESTONIA ???

Sept 23, 2021

M/S ESTONIA på Flashback, Sept 23, 2021

M/S ESTONIA wreck will be raised ? July 9, 2021

Video Nov 1, 2020

"Bryt gravfriheten", text och video,

av Svenka YLE, med bl.a. Margus KURM ...,

Sept 23, 2021

Nytt hål i M/S ESTONIA skrovet,

Google videos, Sept 27, 28, 2021

Svt 1, Dokument ininfrån, om Ryska

U-båtar, "Under ytan", SVTplay videos,

Del1 och Del 2, Sept 29, Okt 6, 2021

KURSK - 12 Aug 2000 Video 4 Aug 2013

USS Memphis - last completed 9 Sept 2021

USS Toledo - last completed 28 Sept 2021

What Went Wrong in the South Korean Ferry Disaster?

The tragic sinking of M.V. Sewol, which claimed the lives of more than three hundred passengers,

most of whom were students on a school trip,

five years ago.

A YouTube video from The New Yorker

Original language in Korean, sulbtitled in English.

Apr 16, 2019

M/S ESTONIA, bogvisiret

sprängdes av, en YouTube video,

Sept 28, 2021

M/S ESTONIA, bogvisiret

sprängdes bort, Sept 30, 2021

Förlisning M/S ESTONIA,

Google news, Sept, 2014 - Sept, 2021

ripostelaï, Le naufrage de l’

Estonia était-il vraiment un accident ?

Publié le 15 octobre 2021, en Français,

par Jean-Claude Jourdan,

Traduire la page en : Välj språk​▼

Le nucléaire civil en France 10 Nov 2021

Le nucléaire militaire en France 15 Juil 2021


Pontfaverger – Moronvilliers

Nucléaire : un village à l’assaut du secret d’État

Publié le 21/01/2020 10:49

Durée de la vidéo : 3 min

Article rédigé par L'Oeil du 20 heures

France Télévisions

3e AP-fonden investerar i kärnvapen

av Astrid Larsson i Expressen 19 Nov 2021

List of military nuclear accidents

( The M/S ESTONIA catastrophe is

not yet on this list, by 2021, but it should be,

perhaps in 2022 ??? )

Wikipedia - Mass media in Estonia


POSTIMEES ( in English ), ( Русский Russian ),

latest Oct 2, 2021


with Google videos ...

Publicerat måndag 10 januari - Sveriges Radio

  • Haverikommissionen kommer i vår att på nytt undersöka Estonias vrak och kommer då att gå in på bildäck.

  • Enligt haverikommissionens ställföreträdande generaldirektör Jonas Bäckstrand ska alla delar som är tillgängliga undersökas.

  • Skulle omkomna påträffas kommer dom inte att bärgas eftersom det är polisens och åklagarens uppgift och dessutom hindrar gravfridslagen bärgning, enligt Jonas Bäckstrand

Erik Ridderstolpe

Här ligger en hund begraven ...

Fortsättning följer ... 2020-22.

Värre än Baltulämning !!!


Morts suspectes sous Mitterrand

French politics Roland Dumas Lobbies

Ya un loup Face cachée

Violence des riches *

Manip opinion Cons Resist Frinfo Interieur

MACRON 2017 2018 2019 2020

Macron wins handshake over Trump

Macron ( en italien )

Macron et la Réforme des Retraites

Macron 4chan Panama Comptes offshore

Rothschild Paris Suisse Rothschild ( Fr-CH ) *

Macronie Ya un loup = Sondages Face cachée

Benalla un agent Mossad-Maroc ???

Les réseaux africains de Macron ( 2019 )

La manipulation de Macron pour piller les retraites

La privatisation des caisses de retraites en France :

Le dessous des cartes.