




"Probably the best free internet services 4u" 

"Why do it tricky when you can do it  easy ?" 


       "No computer knowledge needed" 

"Quantum 4u is here : Life changing faster !" 



   Online services     drept 


 Top free video editing 2020   Making videos  


   PAT journalist's Internet site with this URL : 




Sources  References  Cache  DHT  Encryption 



Google   Wikipedia   Sign in   ccs 


Cover Page    Entangled Categories                           mmp 







main article image





Related image





      Quantum News  


Many determining questions by 2019  2020 ... 

2030, updating, upgrading daily, and preparing 

  for Quantum computing  Quantum computing  



          Planck  Faraday  Maxwell  ( Einstein ) Bohr   

          de Broglie  Heisenberg  Schrödinger  Born     Photo 

          Dirac  Pauli  Schrödinger ...    

                                                         Quantum field theory  





     Quantum  Gaming    Quantum  Video  Games 


      DreamHack   ( 1993 - 2019 - 2020 - 2030 )   




Quantum  future  applications for Manyinternets4u


Facial recognition + geolocation ( GPS alternatives

positioning anybody anywhere anytime, living and 

dead beings, IoT objects, "Quantumized" concepts ... 


Reading brains, thoughts, and minds, at distance ??? 


Quantum computers as small as 2020's  chips ??? 


Many brain cells capable of  Quantum functions ??? 


Quantum scientists "reverse time"   ( 3-3-2018 ) ??? 



Mocom   Quantum future   Man is God ??? 





IoT   Robotics   Artificial  Intelligence   Hologram tech  ... 


Internet Of Things And Smart Home Infographics - videohive.net Item for Sale



List of Quantum Computing companies ( 2019 )   


          List of main Quantum companies 


USA  China  Germany  GB  Fr  Ru  World  Top18 


   European Quantum    Australian Quantum  ... 



  madsen  Quantum supremacy 


                     Quantum        Qubit  

Quantum  mechanics        Quantum computing 


Quantum programming   Quantum supremacy 


             List of Quantum prossecors 

all super faster than Supercomputers 







Related image

Ф         mmp   

Today's Crypto Industry ( 2019 ), won't survive  

tomorrow's absolute Quantum Computing ???  


Learn Quantum today ( 2014 ), 

it's basic science for tomorrow's kids !!! 

        Quantum   Physiqe Quantique

  Man is God ???  ***

    cdn0                          Genesis 1:27   at Google 











timeanddate.com Logo

Clock   Week  


The absolute website 


Getting better every day & night !!! 


3 decades of top web picks



     In this up left column, read, 

watch, these site examples 4u,  in 1 click or 2, 

or by Touching screen, using Voice only 

Speech recognition, Person's voice identification, 


in smartphones, computers, internet devices   with Interconnection Networks  models    


In 2020-2040, Think only technology developed  

beyond today's limits.  ( Blue arrows by Madsen )  

Image result for animated gif earth from sky


  giphy / ESA 



First left click on screen = Start Man is God video 

Right click again = Copy Loop Troubleshoot Stats 

Left click on : Play Next Mute Time CC Set Screen 


Videos in green hilited background color 

( see Color Codes & Symbols


Earth from space ( ISS live video )  Earth in space 


Internet   much about video ( 2020IoT  



IoT    IoT  ( 2018 - 2020 )  Internet of Things 


Quantum computing  and  IoT 


IoT meeting AI, Robotics, Hologram, Quantum ...  


specially with YouTube  ( Alternatives


Most of these sites & pages are already today 

copyright free, and partly DHT encrypted. 


Zooming in Landscape mode on smartphones 

gives an easier readability than Portrait format

Zoom and center text by pinching


Many pages in different Languages

Many Translation apps. 


Scroll down / up, for more Top Stuff below  








The Milky Way  The Universe 


Related image


  with Black Hole 

  The Milky Way   *   The Universe   *  

    with the Sun              Multiverse 

It's real Big, Big ...         Dark matter / energy 


                   small     madsen  


Universalinternet world-surv  site 


specially designed for Smartphones, or    

super smartphones, with many more Smart Apps

and for many other internet devices, with much 

hologram technology        AI neural TTS hologram  


At this site, many pages are free to copy

and reorder at will, if not mentioned otherwise. 


This site is often quoting  Google  Wikipedia  

and other Classification schemes for internet Search 

references. It focuses mainly on Economics and Business, 

Arts, Entertainment, Communication, and Media, Science 

and Technology, It tries avoiding bias. It is based in Sweden





Selected  Music, Videos, Apps 

thru internet devices, now  

and in future Super Smartphones


Related image
Related image


    giphy                     dreamstime   ( Loopable


This site is much about the times to come, 

now, tomorrow, and in a more distant future. 

Pinch in / out, and adjust any text font, pixel



   Pioneer               Hourglass                      Touch        i.e. / e.g.     









Sex Dream nightmare  Psy Soul spirit  Healthcare 

Food  Diseases  Consult Doctors  Net Web Docs 


Extraordinary people          Medical news 


Internet's impact on Health  



Mind reading  Thought identifying  Leaving Earth 


Extend human individual reproductive life ??? 


Separate mind from body for space travel ??? 


Leaving solar system with mind only is a way ??? 







Basic Q & A, useful 4u  ??? 


The most FAQ at Special4u ??? 



Related image



Internet access for free ??? 










Search Engines   15 top   Watch    Top search 

More  Search                  Top Art   by PAT  Art 




This page is one example of topics and issues internet

categorization  among  many  others. You  can  freely

use this pattern, or "copy & paste" its contents for any

info, study, research, or business purpose of yours, or

create some new ones of your own,  or with any of the

elements below.  It took 20 years to elaborate this well

arranged "quantum-like entanglement", as it could be      

"looking like" in any brain of today,  or in future more 

naturally, or technologically  evoluated human brains

cross-linked together.   For advanced horizontal, vertical,

transversal,   neighbouring,   near,   next,   directly linked,

or distant, even very far away, with no visible connection,

associated by conceptual  proximity or similarity,  across, 

opposite, contrary, reverse, parallel, concentric, spheroid,

elipsoïde,  converging,  cyclic,  periodic,  redundant reality,

verifed facts, figures, or fiction, illusions, representations,    

shortcuts & Quantum Entanglement by Erwin Schrödinger,

or in artist views by Hieronymus Bosch

or  animated  as  above  (click, tap)  by Matei  Apostolescu,

in a more or less regular time/space/volume conjunction,

like spatial objects, waves, beams, nodes ...,   in a rythmic

space danse and music, or totally arrhythmic, spasmodic, 

twisted,  seemingly disordered,  in a brain progressive,  or 

sudden,  instant propagation,  impulse,  lightning insight, 

dream,  nightmare,  fear,  anxiety,  threat,  danger,  myth,

tale, legend, story, fable, saga, pure product of the mind ..., 

lies & tricks ..., all  conscious  or  apparently unconscious ...,

click, touch, or tap  herehere,  or on any number below : 



    together on a 1st page of Entangled categories, 

    or on 4 separate pages for each of these topics :     



right arrow animated gif
right arrow gif

Sign in  Top of page  Google  Wikipedia    



There are a number of  background 

and backup pages to the selected ones  

among these 32 Entangled Categories

and they are listed below : 





Digital Art - Graphic Design   









pierre andré thibault 1  






top stuff 4u   





reporting journalism 

( in  http://olaricss.angelfire.com/repjour.html )

news & special world reports  

( in  http://olaricss.angelfire.com/rep.html


( in  http://olaricss.angelfire.com/sex.html


( in http://olaricss.angelfire.com/dsksinclair.html )  

narcotics  (in realbigbiz) 

aircocaïne (in realbigbiz)

videolaricss  (in videolaricss)

art       raphael' s madonnas        art+  

Music     music pages       site music     music basics   





Apps   ...  ...  ... 



   Nobel Prize  -  Alternative Nobel Prize  

     "with new approaches, points of view, opinions & facts" 

   Many other  Prizes  &  Awards ...,   

   genius with no prize or award ..., 

   self-learned individuals & teams ...,

   plenty of groups of all kinds ...,

   numerous  Whistleblowers ...,

   ManningAssangeSnowden (Escape) ...,

   and that's just the beginning of it ... ???,

   + all those who Know but have no

   other choice than keeping quiet, so far ...

   Who'll stop them ..., before, during, or

   after  WW3WW4WW5 ... ???


   Apparently not those who get

   too much paid for doing it ... ???

   Too well paid but not clever enough ... ???  

   Or simply too slow to know yet (2015)

   enough of the  Quantum  Theory ???

   Where and when literally every thing,

   organism, being, animal, human, system ...,

   is mathematically  Quantum Connected,

   soon (2015) with each an Internet IP and

   Internet ID, based both on "Classical" and  

   "Quantum" Architectures :    




   Accessible both from Earth and from 

   man-made Sun Satellites, or from new

   (2015Autonomous Space Nodes, with 

   Artificial Intelligent Systems of all kinds,

   inclusively on nano and small man-made 

   objects, up to man-made Artificial Planets,

   built anywhere in Space (intra or extra

   galactic), provided  with much more  than     

   the 4 Fundamental Interaction Forces 

   that are known by 2015 ... Specially 4u ...   


   Outsiders with brilliant ideas, or not yet 

   "established" among the traditional




   financial-legal-police- or criminal ...  

   Lobbies & Pressure Groups ...  


   Existential Systems ... & Universes, as    

   "Eternal Automatic Machines ?", to make

   everything, from atoms to mountains,

   tornadoes to volcanoes, planets, suns, 

   stars, celestial stuff, phenomena, vibes ...,

   to galactic groups and black or grey holes,

   from virus & amoeba, to animals & human 

   individuals, groups, whether good or bad ...,

   divinities & devils, perhaps all the same ...,  

   all working the same way, but differently, 

   more or less quickly, into something more

   or less handy, useful, valuable, desired ...,

   but sooner or later disregarded, discarded,

   neglected, rejected, disposed off, buried,

   burnt ..., from everything and any stuff  

   to everybody ..., to  Quantum Computers

   to be obsolete, remade again and anew,

   always the same way, never in the same

   time, but always similar, never identical, 

   or equal, all the rest being mass-medial

   theoretical possibilities, or plain bullshit ??? 



Mind steering of Quantum Computers  ( 2019 - 2023


bit  qubit     Quantum  Computing  

Chips   Advanced chip  makers 2023    

GAFAMI-Big Tech   AI   AI chatbot    Al alternatives 2023  

Bing   Bard   chatGPT   AI chatbots +  

Prompt engineering   Requête informatique  

Las Vegas DEF CON 2023 - AI   

IA future 2023    Super IA-chatGPT  

Quantum  vs  AI chabots  2023 - 2030 ???  

Quantum change the world  2023 - 2100  ???  

Michio Kaku  18 Aug 2023 

Quantum Thinking  Sept 2023  

lebigdata - Universe a big Quantum computer ???  230911   

YouTube video about China's export of Gallium and Germanium  ( 1 Aug 23 ) 


 https://www.google.com/search?q=china+stops+export+gallium+germanium&sca_esv=567928140&sxsrf=AM9HkKkKDC6Oet11SCXqk4Zg8jJEKj2Psw%3A1695525035963&ei=q6gPZf-vOraSxc8P_tmPsAw&oq=china+stops+exporting+gallium&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiHWNoaW5hIHN0b3BzIGV4cG9ydGluZyBnYWxsaXVtKgIIAjIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMggQIRgWGB4YHTIIECEYFhgeGB1I-LwBUJ8VWIGEAXABeACQAQCYAfcBoAGaEKoBBjAuMTAuM7gBAcgBAPgBAcICCBAAGIAEGLADwgIHECMYigUYJ8ICBhAAGBYYHsICBRAAGIAEwgIHECEYoAEYCuIDBBgBIEGIBgGQBgE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp  ( 20-9-23 ) 


 https://hardware.developpez.com/actu/348708/La-Chine-cesse-d-exporter-deux-mineraux-rares-dont-les-fabricants-de-microprocesseurs-du-monde-entier-ont-besoin-elle-a-mis-en-place-des-restrictions-pour-des-raisons-de-securite-nationale/  ( 23.9.23 ) 


Adieu zéro absolu : 

Un matériau quantique 

change la donne  ( Enerzine, 13.9.23 )  


https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/sci/magnetic-material-change-world.html  ( 21.9.23 ) 


Data centres for Quantum Computing  ( 2023 ) 


Is the Cloud ready for Quantum Computing ( 2023 )  


Tyska forskare har uppfunnit kvantmekanisk motor carup.se  Nyheter  

Okt 2023, av Maths Nilsson  




ai   chatbot   gpt   gpt4   generative ai   modpak ...  will be 

outdated, obsoleted, by some applications of Quantum Computing, or is Quantum Computing a next step after ai  ???    Question by May 23  



Selected  AI-Quantum Computing 

from Oct to 23 the End of 2023

Google Bard peut désormais se connecter à Gmail, Docs, Maps : comment ça marche https://www.blogdumoderateur.com/google-bard-connecter-gmail-docs-maps/  

Les langages informatiques les plus populaires en octobre 2023 https://www.blogdumoderateur.com/20-langages-informatiques-populaires-octobre-2023/  







Avsnitt för bifogade filer

Förhandsgranska YouTube-videoklipp Quantum Physics Full Course | Quantum Mechanics Course



Avsnitt för bifogade filer

Förhandsgranska YouTube-videoklipp What is the Schrödinger Equation? A basic introduction to Quantum Mechanics




Avsnitt för bifogade filer

Förhandsgranska YouTube-videoklipp Michio Kaku:"Quantum Computer Just Shut Down And Something Terrifying Is Happening" 





AI and Quantum Computing info 2024 ... 



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                            2018   2019   2020 ... 2030 


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