



21 - BIG  HACK  ( 2000 - 2020 ) 





         Cyber  Warfare   


Cyber spying   Cyber spies 


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Access  Quantum  Computers,  in  several  Multi-lingual  options !

It's already all in your brain ?      Know more now, here,  or here

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   AI   smartphones    smarter than humans    ???    Sign in  



Many accesses & backdoors                                                                                                                        gifde  



"The Special4u many approaches"      

                                Signs & Symbols Systems                mmp  

                                                     Symbology            Free arrows 


Highlighted and/or underlined 

words, signs, arrows, symbols,

& images, are all hyperlinked to

colour-codes, further web sites,

or new pages within these sites.



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    Back to  a 2nd Earth 



    together on a 1st page of Entangled categories, 

    or on 4 separate pages for each of these topics :     



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3 - SMARTPHONES   2014 - 2020  







    Back to 19 - MONEY 

    Back to 20 - ESPIONAGE - SPYING  

                          SPYING - SURVEILLANCE 


      Further to 21 - BIG HACK   

      Further to 22 - WAR   >  

      Further to 23 - PEACE      >  

      Further to 24 - DRONES   >  

      Further to 25 - SPACE      >  


Many pages of this site are under daily upgrading 

by site members as indicated below :        fg-a  

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Completely,   really free,   no fee,   no trick,

no registration,  no download,  no install,

no listing of IP address, no ad, no popup, 

nothing for sale,  no reselling your data to

commercial  marketing,  no  GPS  tracking,  

no email sent if not agreed before with you

as a staff member,    no record kept on you

Just for surfing, for browsing, for your info


Modified by members only : Use personal  backdoors.

Daily codes change at office hours in your  time zone

Worldwide com hours :    01:00-06:00      GMT + 2:00 


No Sign in if not a member after applying by email and

getting an ok reply. Free open email: wetry2@gmail.com 

Mega Site updated, upgraded, & modified by members 

only.  Secure https  cookies thru Google & other reliable sites. 



A Top Mega Site   ...


A Top Mega Site linking each small questions of   

ours, to The Real Big Global Things all around us ... 


Probably  1  of  the  most  advanced   websites  

on most  internet,  intranet, & extranet  systems 

4  personal, org, gov, & co. use, even with DHT

QEC, & Alint,   DI,   DW,   ... 


This Mega Site  can  be  freely  used  as 1  architecture model 4 a new

European Internet (from 2015),  or for many new continental internets

during  the  3rd  decade  of  this  Century,  and in the further  Far Future

societies of this Millennium ...  



Google       Wikipedia      Wiki          Sign in 


Search Engines   15 top   Watch    Top search 

More  Search                  Top Art   by PAT  Art  


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"with new approaches, points of view, opinions, & facts"  

           From 2000 & on, with many Videos


Surveillance Proxy Gateway

Backup Storage wholinks2me


Network Programming

Hacker Hack+ Virus Worm Trojan Mobile virus


Zombies Cluster Backdoor Bugs Bots

Botnet Protection More computer


Interactivity virtual cyber 3D encryption 

encription artificial intelligence



Secure communication Anonymity Anonymous proxies Crowds


SNC ES EAS EA FSM Free software Libre software GNU Hacker


( -*- )   ( -**- ) 

Hacker hacker hacking hackers crackers "Super Hackers"


elite skill  in computer programming ( * ) 


Deutsch      Hackers war     Fake news      (**)      (***) 



Successful (never busted) “hacking hackers”, crackers, of very

large organizations, companies, banks, Hollywood lobbies…,

using network, hacker, hack+, virus, worm, trojan, mobile virus,

bugs, bots, botnets, zombies, backdoor, cluster… penetration

and other little-known home-made hacking techniques, come

often from very small groups building themselves their home-

assembled computers (English  Nederlands Français

Español Italiano Português 日本語 中文…), gaming a lot, and

learning top programing ** at a young age, often very young.

-CHIL- -BRA- -WIN- -NASA- -CIA- -文言- -more- -EXIO-

The many non-busted hackers are not known, and their preys,

especially banks, keep usually their mouth shut about that.

PAT 2008 規格膠質的4U 頭版 updated 2009.




Microsoft   Adobe   JBoss   SunGard 

Sun Microsystems  CA  Oracle   SAP


“In addition, a great deal of enterprise software is now available

through the free software movement, notably operating systems,

web servers and databases. Many other types of enterprise software

are also being introduced, such as application servers, portal servers,

and even productivity software that is well suited for large-scale

adoption by enterprises. While most open source software is available

freely for use and further development, several companies provide

enterprises with open source enterprise software for free and charge

for software maintenance, modifications, support and additional


This quote is retrieved from Wikipedia




      Real Big Hack  


205 Anonymous Gifs - Gif Abyss


           anonymous     alphacoders   


        "Anything can be hacked !!!"  

         Videos     Real Black Hats        

        ( For Advanced Programmers )  

Some examples 2000-2009        2010      2011  

Update  2012   Hack   More at Google 2012

Hacking, hackers     Top penetration      

Top Hackers 2013  

Hack Videos       Anonymous     2013     2014  ...  


      A page by Sabu & Samba  (Who the fuck is Samba ???)    

      Early Big Hack 2000-2004 

      A few get busted, most go free, and get top jobs in Data

      Computer, Advanced Electronics, IT. Now they have DHT   

      Netsky Mydoom Bagle Love-Bug Sasser-Boy Sweet-16 ...

      Stakkato (Hacked into CISCO, NASA ...   

      Buffalo spammer ... 

      Anonymous   hacking into Pentagon, CIA, FBI ...     


  =   Byond   

Young Hacker


      DVD Jon  

      Bradley-Chelsea  Assange  The Spy in a Bag  Snowden ...  

      Aaron Swartz     Aaron Swartz      “An invincible web elite ...”     

      Dreamhack  -  Real Big Hack 2014  -

      Sat Track - Sat Hack -

Chinese have 10 cm resol images hacked from USA 245 ??? 

      by 2014 

      Millions of computers could work together ?   

      Botnets, Zombie Army    -    NSA  (see 20)



Sabu  (right)  with  lawyer  (left),  getting  away  free  from

the Manhattan Federal Court, with an "Anonymous Smile",

2014. Now available for a highest paid top job at the NSA ?

But, is it so fun ?  New York Daily News   

Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Hack ! Hack! Hack   

9 top known hacks 2013   

Prof Hack Asia       Secret Hack  

Hack protect ?       WEB HACK NEWS 

Real Black Hats  

TopHack     SatHack     TvHack    VPN 

SupComp TITAN      -+-

All "system activity", mineral, organic life, "vibes", on "satellite capture" ?  

Anonym Proxy Gateway I2P TOR Onion Hkeep 

Tor     DHT 



"An invincible web elite" 

+ Gamers   Semi-pro   Pro  

New Gamers   ******

"I hack, therefore I am !"     2014 ... 2020 ... 

Can anybody track & decode any satellite signals ? Yes 

Mass Data,   millions  of  Sync  PCs,   sync smartphones,

bigger than  SuperCompsBig DataQuantum comps


Computer makers 

Build your own Computers

Not "contaminated" or Spy-bugged as here   


Embedded  Systems 

Computer size 

List of Computer Size Categories



Big  Data  


Quantum Computing   Quantum Entanglement

Quantum Computers     NSA Quantum 2015


Digital intelligence                     Quantum Revolution 

-0-   -1-   -2-   -3-   -4-   -5-   -6-   -7-   -8-   -9-   -00-  -01-

Brilliant Lucero      In every brain      More Videos 


Videos - Datacenters  


Vidéos - Les Gardiens de la Mémoire     



Hackers News  

Hackers attack giants   

Hackers attack banks

NSA News 

Hackers attack NSA-CIA  

NSA-CIA penetrates hackers 

Hackers can hack NSA-CIA 

Hackers attack satellites

DreamHack Sweden    

Dreamhack International   


Pwn2own   4 top navigateurs hackés  






Hackers at CeBIT 2015


Chinese hackers check US gov employees

Hackers Conference Amsterdam 2016





A Special Page about Disinfo  

More about Disinformation :


disinformation definition

disinformation dvd

disinformation documentary

disinformation tactics

disinformation agents

disinformation society

multimodal society

geotechnology definition





Psychological  Warfare 


    Psychological  Warfare  in  WW3  by  2016  

             by the CIA             The Russians   

           The Chinese            The Koreans  

                  Israel               others ... by 2016 


            On the Web      The NSC      The NSA 

        Secret America   Kissinger Associates ... 


Some conspiracy theories real ?  






The Swedish Kingdom under attack !

                         In cold blood in Stockholm.

                     What can happen if too neutral.

First published at   21 - BIG  HACK  the 26.02.2016 

A psychological-warfare free web-novel. With new facts.

By  PAT        

Written when consulting qualified hackers and

whistleblowers for the following chapters :

       18 - FOOD 

       19 - MONEY 

       20 - ESPIONAGE - SPYING  

             SPYING - SURVEILLANCE   

       21 - BIG  HACK 

       22 - WAR 

       23 - PEACE  

       24 - DRONES

       25 - SPACE  CONQUEST

"with new approaches, points of view, opinions, & facts ..."

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21 - BIG  HACK 


Hack  Attacks  Dark nets  ¤


Dark Internet

dark internet sites

dark internet search engine

deep web

dark web


dark internet websites

how to access the dark internet

darknet               Dark Internets 




Animated sparkles

  Black hat     netani 


Many "systems" use some kind of App

most of Apps can be easily penetrated  !!! 

It's as simple as that ?  Ha ! Ha ! Ha !!! 

Learn Coding !!!    For Fun !!!    För Fan  !!!  


Smart hackers can penetrate anything ??? 


Examples of main "penetration gates" 

in self-made hacking systems. 


See herehereherehereRansomware  ... 










Computer security   F-Secure   Companies 


Cyber Warfare    by States    Stuxnet     Next Stuxnet 


NSA - Bluffdale - CIA - FBI  -  MI6 - GCHQ  -  BND 



Russian hack     SUPER  HACKERS 


Quantum       Encryption       Gencrypt       DHT 


Surveillance    Proxy Gateway    Special Pages 4u 


Backup Storage    WayBack Machine    wholinks2me      


100 Apps     1000 Apps     More Apps  ...     



Multi-access  -  Backdoors                 gifde  


COLOR CODES - SYMBOLS        Signal      SigVid  


TOR   DHT   QEC   Altint   DI   DW   DN  Dark Internets 


 Your Smartphone, Computer, TV, car, truck, boat, plane,  

electronics ..., spying on you, or anybody, anything else : 


Here,     here,     here,     here ( French ),    here ( French ) ... 


Cyber piracy       The new pirates  ( French and English )  


Long range power-hack antennas   Hack NSA   NSA   Jobs 


NetPir  ForHack  Aircrack  Hackfor  Hvoice  crak-wpa.fr ... more 



Remember ! Very few top hackers get busted.

But those who do, have most often made

school kid basic sec mistakes. Hackers belong

to the absolute top Élite, the crème de la crème,

the "Invisible" and "Invincible" ones, in all countries ... 

They mostly keep it tight safe !!!  



More about the busters' masters at Real Big Biz 

Think tanks 

Spheres of Influence 


Conspiracy Theories 

Decoys, Baits ..., to lure surv 





Big Hack using sex, biz, & porn, to infiltrate surv 


CIA-NSA, Mossad-ISNU, use sex & porn

to infiltrate computers   



     Website destroyers   


     Try this one too !!!! 


Getting hacked as an internet creator    



Bruce Schneir    Thibault Prévost





        BIG  HACK  ( 2020 ) 



32  entangled    ag   Categories of Top Topics                                                                                                                                mmp  


selected,  associated,  and  grouped  in  rapidly  changing

Present  &  Future  Issues, and in  "Dynamic"  background

for these interchangeable top topic  categories,  and  their

sorting, classification, designation, here above/below, from

1st time displayed 1994,  upgraded & updated yearly since, 

until latest 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 ..., clearly linking

henceforth, with different colour and background highlight

codes for  Google Algorithm  and  Quantum Entanglement,

to these 32 newly selected and categorized topics : 

- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

- 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 -

- 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 -


- 30 - 31 - 32DONATIONS 

Altogether = 32 -  ENTANGLED  CATEGORIES 


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References  for all these works, research results, 

and public material mentioned on this page,  

are all directly linked to the names of their authors, 

often and abundantly quoted on the Internet.

More info about these researchers and their works

at Google and other specialized Search Engines. 

Anonymity info : 

Onion routing   

Tor  (anonymity network)

Degree of anonymity  

Cryptology ePrint Archive  

Hash    HashKeeper    DHT ...

for a rather secure transmission of most scientific 

written material and info, but NOT 100% !!!    


Own layout, options, & web design        


New internet systems on their way  



At Google :  Search for Google Special4u 


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