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A Top Mega Site linking each small questions of   

ours, to The Real Big Global Things all around us ... 


Probably  1  of  the  most  advanced   websites   

on most  internet,  intranet, & extranet  systems 

4  personal, org, gov, & co. use, even with DHT

QEC, & Alint,   DI,   DW,   ...  


This Mega Site  can  be  freely  used  as 1  architecture model 4 a new

European Internet (from 2015),  or for many new continental internets

during  the  3rd  decade  of  this  Century,  and in the further  Far Future

societies of this Millennium ...                     Sign in  


in 1000 years - videos



Vidéos - Les Gardiens de la Mémoire


Videos - Datacenters 



"The Special4u many approaches" 

                              Signs & Symbols Systems            mmp  

                                                     Symbology       Free arrows 


Highlighted and/or underlined 

words, signs, arrows, symbols,

& images, are all hyperlinked to

colour-codes, further web sites,

or new pages within these sites.  



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                              3 - SMARTPHONES   2014 - 2020 

                            FUTURE  SMARTPHONES    

                       6 - TODAY's HUMAN SOCIETIES   

                       11 - NEW  REVOLUTIONS     

                       12 - REAL  BIG  QUESTIONS      

                       13 - LIFE  QUALITY  

                       14 - FUTURE  CITIES                

                        18 - FOOD  


  Further to   

                       20 - ESPIONAGE  

                              SPYING - SURVEILLANCE   

                               21 - BIG  HACK 


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Search Engines    15 top    Watch    Top search 

More  Search                   Top Art   by PAT  Art 


32   entangled   ag  Categories of Top Topics     

selected,  associated,  and  grouped  in  rapidly  changing

Present  &  Future  Issues, and in  "Dynamic"  background

for these interchangeable top topic  categories,  and  their

sorting, classification, designation, here above/below, from

1st time displayed 1994,  upgraded & updated yearly since, 

until latest 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 ..., clearly linking

henceforth, with different colour and background highlight

codes for  Google Algorithm  and  Quantum Entanglement,

to these 32 newly selected and categorized topics : 

- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

- 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 -

- 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 -


- 30 - 31 - 32DONATIONS -

Altogether = 32ENTANGLED  CATEGORIES    



    together on a 1st page of Entangled categories, 

    or on 4 separate pages for each of these topics :     



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Currency exchange 





   imgur     giphy  








19 - MONEY 

"Monetary Systems & Social Observations" 

   from a life-time point of view, now and then in France,  

   BENELUX, Switzerland, Liechtenstein,

   Monaco, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland,

   the British Isles, the West Indies, Latin America ..., 

   since 1957, by PAT


COMPRENDRE le système de l' ARGENT  

   "with new approaches, points of view, opinions, & facts"  



Monetary  policy 

Fiscal  policy 




Image result for stock exchange ticker

      soullfire    * 


Economy   Market   Money   Stocks   Stock Exchange 


Trade  Shows   Electronics   Books   Photo   Textile - Fashion   


Burning clothes    Food    Smartphones    Sports     Gambling  


Gaming ...  Raw   Bulk   Bio   Building   Recycling   Composite 


Textile   Genetic   Materials   Commodity  goods    Derivatives 


Swaps    Futures    Forwards    Options    Bonds    Spot    OTC 


Currencies    Trading    Traders ...   Global  Market  Integration 





"Propaganda bullshit & tax havens reality" 

   All wars are bankers wars  (2014)     

   Les très riches en France  French (2013) 

  The Super Rich & us  (2015

   A bank  (2015)  by Joris Luyendijk 


"Swimming with sharks" by Joris Luyendijk (2015)



Money Market & Financial  NEWS 


Stock Speculation Systems 

           Der Banker  


Trading    Financial Market Trader 

Trading Demo         Social Trading 

Trading Firms           Top Traders 

Markets vunerabilities 2015 by WSJ    


Occupy Wall Street       Videos       


       Money Info 1998-2004-2010 -

    Insiders Predators 

     Lobbying - Corruption - Sheldon Silver - Bribery ... 

     Commissions on Arms DealsChoppers ... 

     Kickback - Bakchich - %  - Mr 60 % ...

    BigBiz - BigBucks - Narcotics 

     DEANSA  (see 20)    

      Narco non ! News from Bluffdale  

      "Cassetoi du Castellet, povcon!"  

      "Les brigands sont forts!"     

      Neuilly coke, already by 2010  

      Romans ricains - suitemépafin  

      Bluffdale tracking narco-flights to VC Bird, 

      Coco,  Codrington,  Le Bourget,  St Truiden ... 

      Royan, Fayence, Cuers, LeLuc, Mandelieu, StTrop ...  

     Les Narco-États   


      Human Groups - Larger Groups of People

      Social Behaviour - The Ethnicity-Wealth Correlation -  

      Dating - Sex - Kinky sex - Cigar sex - SexBiz - Narcotics -




       Der  Banker        Deutsch

       InsuranceReinsuranceBermuda -  

       List of Offshore & Tax HavensWest IndiesCuraçao  




    Cooking the books


       Mega-leak at  PWC-Luxemburg  on corporate  

       nearly-zero-tax systems in big offshore cheats  More :   

       340  top cheating corporations  multiplied by 

       100  of the top cheating  audit companies  in     

       100 top offshore tax havens on Earth    =    3 400 000    

       of the top tax escapees, cheaters, crooks, & narcotic 

       bandits ..., by ICIJ

     List of companies in  LuxLeaks  by ICIJ 

     New LuxLeaks 


     The SwissLux War  

     France in the SwissLux War 

     FIFA maffia in the SwissLux War  (Blatter)


     SwissBanks help you to cheat 


     Belgian Diamond Money trails to Israel  


     ( by Olaricss, & Haaretz )  


     IMF's & World Bank's murky money trails


     ( by Olaricss, ICIJ, & DSK who needs money


     IMF's money Supply, Transfers, Laundering ...  


     WB's money Transfers, Exchanges, Laundering ... 

      ( New Financial Leaks on their way to Financial Leaks News


     HSBC        Narco Banks        SwissLeaks  

      ( More of this with special contributions by NSA hackers


More shit to come, by insiders at  Soros Offshore (2015),  

& by Goldman Sachs insiders,      ICIJ,  & many others ... 


 Panama Leak  by ICIJ 


Soros / Mossad   vs.   Mossack Fonseca ??? 

Soros vs. Fonseca ???  Soros vs. Rothschild ??? 


Liste nominative Panama Papers    


Cash investigations - Ariane de Rothschild  







"Your shit ..." in Eng   Fr   De  ...   run 


" 1000 times bigger shit, but shut up ! " 




Accounting  Apps   BizApps   GetApp  

Real Estate Properties App     +Apps  


Best Biz & Richest Lists      


Richest in the World  

Many absolute richest not on any list  

Less than 1% own more than 50 % 



Venture Capital      Risk Capital

Rate of Return   

The magic 1000 % return (or more)


Shadow banking & Black markets  (2015) 


How to cook the books & Creative Accounting    


How to make money talking about money :     

Money  Collapse    



    Market Warning Signs  2015  

       Insiders Predators  -  BigBiz - BigBucks - Narcotics -

       NSA  (see 20) -

       New Monetary & Financial Systems -  

       New Economical Exchange Systems, New Rich ... ?

       IMF could replace the $ as the Reserve Currency  ?  

     US + allied lobbies rebuke change of RC  ? 

       Foreign Exchange Jargon         More Bucks Lingo    


    Business  Intelligence  


    BI  companies 


    IHS  Markit 


    Google, GAFA ..., profits offshore  (2018)


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 When exactly to stay or quit, buy or sell ..., can make your day, success, or failure, richer, or poorer ...




NSA - Bluffdale - CIA - FBI  -  MI6 - GCHQ  -  BND 

DGSE - PNIJ  -  MOSSAD - ISNU  -  FRA - SÄPO ...  

.. offiially running surveillance with your tax money,  in fact using

MalvertisingRansomware ..., for reselling secretly your consumer

data to wealthy market competitors, for hard cash they pocket   ???


What's about Google doing something similar  ???  

NSA sharing raw intelligence, bulk data, with partners  ???   ???   


  + NSA malware,  worldwide all SIM cards penetration ...,

  see background here     


Secret Services' Snitches, Pimps, & Prostitutes  


Gov, states, officials, employees, agents, banks ..., in drug biz  ??  



                  20 - ESPIONAGE  

                         SPYING - SURVEILLANCE   


                       21 - BIG  HACK   

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New reserve currency systems 



Alternative Currency Systems 




Better sustainable currencies 




Quantum  Entanglement    


Digital intelligence  NSA Quantum  Quantum Revolution 

-0-   -1-   -2-   -3-   -4-   -5-   -6-   -7-   -8-   -9-  -00-  -01-

Brilliant Lucero        In every brain        More Videos 


Vidéos - Les Gardiens de la Mémoire                  Videos - Datacenters 






10 years of analyses of the 2008

Financial Crisis responsabilities :

Soros, GS, Rothschild, Morgan ... 






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References  for all these works, research results, 

and public material mentioned on this page, 

are all directly linked to the names of their authors, 

often and abundantly quoted on the Internet.

More info about these researchers and their works

at Google and other specialized Search Engines. 

Anonymity info : 

Onion routing   

Tor  (anonymity network)

Degree of anonymity  

Cryptology ePrint Archive  

Hash    HashKeeper    DHT ...

for a rather secure transmission of most scientific 

written material and info, but NOT 100% !!!    


Own layout, options, & web design        


New internet systems on their way  


At Google :  Search for Google Special4u 


Special4u Angelfire   Pages & Texts    

Top 100 sites by PAT  at  Angelfire    

and many web creations originally written,   

composed, & layouted by  PAT  from  1994 

to 2014, are now managed by Olaricss  


32   entangled    ag      Categories of Top Topics  

selected,  associated,  and  grouped  in  rapidly  changing

Present  &  Future  Issues, and in  "Dynamic"  background

for these interchangeable top topic  categories,  and  their

sorting, classification, designation, here above/below, from

1st time displayed 1994,  upgraded & updated yearly since, 

until latest 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 ..., clearly linking

henceforth, with different colour and background highlight

codes for  Google Algorithm  and  Quantum Entanglement,

to these 32 newly selected and categorized topics : 

- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

- 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 -

- 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 -


- 30 - 31 - 32DONATIONS -




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                            3 - SMARTPHONES   2014 - 2020 

                             FUTURE  SMARTPHONES    

                      6 - TODAY's HUMAN SOCIETIES   

                      11 - NEW  REVOLUTIONS     

                      12 - REAL  BIG  QUESTIONS      

                      13 - LIFE  QUALITY  

                      14 - FUTURE  CITIES                

                       18 - FOOD  


  Further to   

                      20 - ESPIONAGE  

                             SPYING - SURVEILLANCE   


                              21 - BIG  HACK  

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