Soil Sisters

Soil Sisters

I was asked to the Soil Sisters in Bristol to demonstrate the Living Soil. So I showed people soil animals - not the worms or the microbes, but all the ones in between - the mesofauna. These are usually mere specs, but when I extract them using this cheap equipment (that anybody can make) (See DIY)I could show off the living creatures using the digital microscope through a laptop. Hence they come to life. Not a video but realtime.

See file 'Collembola' at bottom of page for one video, where you can see after 1/2 minute a mesostigmatic mite enter the frame: they eat springtails..AND as a followup to this I appeared at the Winter Gardens Blackpool. There is going to be a banquet where the dessert is going to be eaten out of versions of this extraction equipment while images of the soil animals are going to be projected throughout the auditorium. Called 'Dishing the Dirt' was put on by LeftCoast and 'They eat Culture', Oct 24 2015.

See file video, where you can see after 1/2 minute a mesostigmatic mite enter the frame: they eat springtails.

We were lucky enough to see this beast of the soils..

Mesostigmatid mites