Moving around

My Efforts

Click for short video of these creatures moving about:

How these small soil creatures  measure up

Mesostigmatid mites
Rhinocerus Beetle
Vine Weevils hatching

Entomobrya sp juvenile digesting

Springtails from woodland
Sminthurid Springtails

.....Woodland Springtails sniff about , while Oribatid mites move around ...............

and over here Sminthurid springtails...

Oribatid Mites

.....Symphylans     From pasture  spring

while here is a Snow Flea according to Tom Waits (part of his Army Ants song...

Snow Flea
Introduction Part 1

....Introduction to Soil Animals:  Part 1                                                  

and   Part 2 .....

Introduction Part 2

Others Efforts

We are sure that many of you can do better than this. Better focus, better chat, better creatures. So we have set up a Youtube Channel to collect short video clips (say around 1/2 minute)

Soil Critters  Dr. Patricia Q. Richardson gives us a fascinating look into the critters living in healthy soil, especially our springtail and mite friends.

Terry Tollefson Extraction and microscope studies inc. tardigrades and rotifers.

Allison Jack Selected soil invertebrates inc. millipedes, pseudoscorpions, mites

Fungus catching nematode

Nematode caught by fungus 

When you watch you have to ask: "What substance is SO sticky?"

Thank you to Matthew Shepherd for this...

This is possibly the best video of live soil creatures. It starts with oribatids walking about, then a pseudoscorpion followed by some sort of predatory mite, then tiny sminthurid springtail, then big  symphlyans (like centipede). Later woodlice.

Sultan Qaboos University (Oman). Are these creatures in a garden there? If so, it shows how ubiquitous our soil creatures are - the same the world over.