
"There are few more fascinating frontiers in biology than the life histories and behaviour of the many small invertebrate animals that live in the soil"

"Scientists estimate that at least about one-quarter of species on planet Earth live in soils. This is the factory of life. Its workers are micro-organisms, small and large invertebrates, small mammals, even plant roots"

"Calculations of success in terms of money return per man-hour-energy-acre instead of food value return is still with us and the lamentable social consequences are still being

Know your soil bugs. Part of Learning form the Land series from Innovation in Agriculture

Teaching Toolkit Soils' Got talent Competition

Elaine Ingham Roots of our Profits on how to ensure healthy soil.

Springtails - Collembola

Biology of Springtails

More on Oribatid mites

How Soil Animals work together in the Soil Food Web

More on Soil Arthropods from USDA

More on Nematodes

Lots of details about the role so the small soil creatures in Soil Fauna and Soil Functions; A jigsaw puzzle

Improving Soil Biology for better Yields LEAF. January 2017

Some key characters

In helping us know what we do about soil.

Edward Hyams is my favourite. He has similar politics, was around Wye College when I was there, and found old Roman vines round there that led to the replanting of grape vines in Britain. Wrote brilliant Soil & Civilisation.

Let's not forget Charles Kellogg in the States who replaced . National Cooperative Soil Survey. - what needs to happen now, but wont.

Some social scientist should do some work on how the 'Soil' has droppped in terms of importance over last 50 years.

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