

use_blackjack: "これは警戒していない標的を、血を流さず、\


use_breath: "水中を泳いでいるとき、息を数秒間分回復させる薬だ。価格:125"

use_broadhead: "鋭い矢尻がついた矢だ。価格:25"

use_fire: "衝撃を受けると爆発し、標的にダメージを与える矢だ。\



use_flash: "この爆弾は強い閃光を作り出し、これを見ている敵の目を \

- あるいは軽率なシーフの目を見えなくさせる。価格:200"

use_gasarrow: "衝撃を受けると破裂し、\



use_gasmine: "踏まれると破裂し、\


use_healing: "ダメージを回復させる薬だ。価格:250"

use_holywater: "聖別された液体が入った小瓶だ。\


use_lockpick: "ちょっと作業するだけで大抵の鍵を解錠できる道具だ。"

use_pricey_lockpick: "ちょっと作業するだけで大抵の鍵を解錠できる道具だ。\


use_mine: "踏まれると爆発する地雷だ。価格:350"

use_moss: "当たった場所に苔の塊を撒き散らす矢だ。\


use_noisemaker: "当たった場所で奇妙な音を鳴らす矢だ。敵の気を逸らすのに役立つ。\


use_rope: "木でできた面に突き刺さり、登り降り可能なロープを展開する矢だ。\


use_sword: "敵を貫くことに加え、剣は敵の攻撃を防ぐことも可能だ。"

use_water: "敵にダメージを与えることはないが、\


use_m9papyrus: "Lost City周辺で見つかる骨董品を欲しがっている知人が、\


use_m3holytip: "Cragscleftの元囚人が、\


use_m3cuttytip: "信頼できる調査はHammerがCuttyを閉じ込めている場所を\


use_fakeeye: "HammerはEyeの偽物を組み立てた。\


use_hammertip: "あるHammerが、\

彼が見つけた情報を俺に進んで提供してくれるそうだ。しかし俺に対価を \

- シーフを助けることで彼の魂を汚すことにならないような\


use_consword: "この奇妙な黒い剣は、俺が剣を構えていることを\


use_talismans: "空気、土、水、火のタリスマンを使えば、\


use_coins: "警備員の墓のためのコイン。"

use_speed: "少しの間非常に高速で動けるようになる薬だ。価格:500"

use_hallpass: "新米Hammerとしての、本物の紹介状だ。\


use_lckey: "この石でLost CityにかけられたKeeperの封印を解けるはずだ。"

use_pickhelp: "説明書が無いシーフ道具を売りつけるとシーフの怒りを買うので、\


use_m7tip: "かつてアンデッドと戦った戦士が持っていた日記の一部を\


use_blackjack: "This weapon will knock out an unsuspecting target with little \

noise and no blood."

use_breath: "This potion will provide you an extra few seconds of air when \

swimming underwater. Cost:125"

use_broadhead: "This is a sharp arrow. Cost:25"

use_fire: "This arrow will explode on impact, damaging its target and setting \

burnables such as torches on fire. It does not arc in flight, so aim on the \

top of the bow sight. Cost:300"

use_flash: "This grenade will produce a bright flash of light, blinding \

enemies who are looking at it - or the unwary thief. Cost:200"

use_gasarrow: "This arrow explodes on impact into a cloud of knockout gas, \

putting most living creatures inside its area to sleep. It does not arc in \

flight, so aim on the top of the bow sight. Cost:500"

use_gasmine: "This grenade will explode when touched into a cloud of knockout \

gas, putting most living creatures inside its area to sleep. Cost:650"

use_healing: "This potion restores lost health. Cost:250"

use_holywater: "This vial of Hammer-sanctified liquid is potent protection \

against the undead when used on your water arrows. Cost:200"

use_lockpick: "These tools will let you unlock most locks, with a little work."

use_pricey_lockpick: "These tools will let you unlock most locks, with a \

little work. Cost: 4000 for the pair."

use_mine: "This grenade will produce a fiery explosion when touched. Cost:350"

use_moss: "This arrow sends out a cloud of moss upon impact, which settles \

into a soft and silent carpet. Cost:125"

use_noisemaker: "The mechanism in this arrow produces a strange noise upon \

impact, useful as a distraction. Cost:250"

use_rope: "This arrow will stick into wooden surfaces and deploy a hanging \

rope. Cost:200"

use_sword: "In addition to putting holes in the enemy, a sword can block a \

foe's attack."

use_water: "The water arrow does not do any damage, but it douses torches and \

other burning objects. Cost:50"

use_m9papyrus: "An acquaintance will sell you a commission he has to pick up \

some antiquities which you may be able to find around the Lost City. Cost:150"

use_m3holytip: "A former prisoner of Cragscleft says he has info about the \

haunted mines. Cost:100"

use_m3cuttytip: "A few well-placed inquiries might reveal where the Hammers \

are keeping Cutty. Cost:300"

use_fakeeye: "The Hammers constructed this replica of the Eye to substitute \

into Constantine's ritual."

use_hammertip: "One of the Hammerites is willing to offer you some information \

he found, but insists that you pay for it - something about not sullying his \

soul by helping thieves. Cost:100"

use_consword: "This strange black sword seems to prevent your foes from \

noticing that you have it drawn, even when you're about to strike."

use_talismans: "The Talismans of Air, Earth, Water, and Fire will allow you to \

defeat the wards on the cathedral and unlock the door."

use_coins: "The coins for the Watchman's Grave."

use_speed: "This potion will greatly increase your speed for a little while. \

Cost: 500."

use_hallpass: "A genuine letter of introduction for a Hammerite novice, this \

should get you past the guard at the gate."

use_lckey: "This stone ought to unlock the Keeper's seal on the Lost City."

use_pickhelp: "Since selling thief-tools with no instructions can produce \

angry thieves, Farkus provides a brief \"owner's manual\" for his wares."

use_m7tip: "An acquaintance is willing to sell you some pages from a journal \

that he claims belonged to a long-ago fighter of the undead. Cost: 200"