The Criminal Element

The Criminal Element

    • Thief: one who commits theft or larceny, usually avoiding direct confrontation in the process. Broken into the following types:

    • Lock-Pick Thief: a thief who knows how to pick locks and thus specializes in hiests involving locks

    • Scholar: a thief who specializes in the theft of books and documents

    • Crane: a jackablade, pickpocket, cutpurse

    • Saddler: a thief who specializes in the theft of horses and other animals

    • Boxman: a thief who knows how to crack safes and thus targets those specifically

    • Burglar: a thief who enters buildings (homes, warehouses) at night, forcing entry if necessary

    • Pirate: one who commits robbery on the high seas through the use of force

    • Highwayman: one who robs wagons on the roads outside of the cities through the use of force

    • Smuggler: one who imports/exports goods in violation of the law

    • Warden: the head of a crime organization

    • Racketeer: one who obtains money by an illegal enterprise, usually involving intimidation

    • Cutthroat: a murderer

    • Assassin: a hired killer

    • Toughboy: hired muscle for illegal activities

    • Cadger: one who dupes people into throwing their money away

    • Vandal: one who defaces the property of another

    • Heretic: one who dissents from established church dogma

    • Falsetale: a perjurer

    • Firelighter: anyone who lights a fire with the intent to do harm

    • Fireboy: a professional firelighter, an arsonist

    • Whore: a prostitute

    • Whorekeep: a pimp

    • Ladytaker: a rapist

    • Thiefs-pawn: anyone who aids a thief, be it harboring one, selling gear to one, or fencing for one

    • Coinfaker: a counterfeiter

    • Goldlender: a loan shark or usurer