Photos - 2017

2017 Holiday Party and Silent Auction - December 7, 2017

Martinelli's Tour and Cider Tasting - October 11, 2017

Tony Robinson (chapter member) and Vice President of Sales and Marketing hosted 15 for a special apple juice tasting, tour or their new Country Store and storage facility, and hosted us for lunch and a presentation on the history and status of S Martinelli’s products.

Tony Giving us a tour
Company Store
In the Company Store

Elkhorn Slough Safari - September 27, 2017

A beautiful day in Moss Landing.

A slew of slough view-ers!
Elkhorn Slough Crew

Our naturalist counted 30 different avian species including Elegant terns, pelicans, grebes, snowy egrets, blue heron, cormorants and gulls. (Did you know that a group of terns is a cotillion?)

We also saw sea lions and harbor seals, otters, cormorants.

If you venture out to the Salinas River Beach, you might also see dolphins, whales, sea lions and otters.

SJSU Alumni Night - Santa Cruz Warriors - January 14, 2017

Michael Ulwelling

Maxine Miller, Chrissy Chang

Thomas Sutkus and grandkids

Go SeaDubs!!!

A Day at the Races - Golden Gate Fields - April 1, 2017

Winetasting at Cooper-Garrod Winery - May 18, 2017

2017 Spring BBQ and Scholarship Recipient Meet & Greet - June 3, 2017

We had a great picnic! Continuing scholarship recipients Kendra and Jenny attended (center and far right in photo) and we met our new Carol Coe Memorial Scholarship recipient, Ruby (front table, right side).

Each of these young women has a bright future ahead.

Ruby, Kendra and Jenny
Past Recipient - Amanda
Future Spartan Finn

Wharf-2-Wharf Viewing and Band Scholarship Presentation - July 23, 2017

Before the race

Football Viewing Party, Saturday, September 16th. Our second SJSU football viewing party took place at Tony and Alba's Pizza in Scotts Valley. While the Spartans didn't prevail against University of Utah, our members cheered them on.

Viewing Party - Tony & Alba's