Herman O. Sintim

Herman O. Sintim obtained his BSc from University College London (Medicinal Chemistry). He did his DPhil in organic chemistry at University of Oxford under Prof. David Hodgson. He held postdoctoral positions at Oxford and Stanford Universities (with Profs Tim Donohoe and Eric Kool respectively) before joining the University of Maryland at College Park (UMD) in 2006 as an Assistant Professor. In 2012, Herman received tenure and was promoted to Associate Professor. In 2015, Herman was promoted to the rank of Professor at UMD. In October 2015, Herman was awarded an endowed professorship in drug discovery at Purdue University and moved his group to Purdue. In 2017, Herman co-founded KinaRx LLC. From 2020 to 2022, Herman served as Program Director at the NSF (Chemistry). In 2022, Herman became the Richard B. Wetherill Professor of Chemistry and Drug Discovery. In Dec 2023, Herman became a Distinguished Professor of Chemistry.