Dec 2023
Herman becomes a Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
May 2023
Riddhi Chaudhuri wins Cancer Center SIRG Graduate Research Assistantship
May 2022
Chris Vennard wins a T32 fellowship in Infectious Diseases for 2 years
April 2022
Congratulations Dr. Kenneth Onyedibe on successfully defending his dissertation!
Congratulations Dr. Delmis Hernandez on successfully defending her dissertation!
Congratulations Dr. Elizabeth Chu on successfully defending her dissertation!
November 2021
Congratulations Dr. George Naclerio on successfully defending his dissertation!
April 2021
Kenneth Onyedibe wins the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship for his PhD work in the discovery of novel antibiotics
George Naclerio wins the H.C. Brown Graduate Student Research award for his PhD work on the synthesis of novel N-(1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)benzamides as antimicrobial agents
November 2020
Congratulations Dr. Caroline Karanja on successfully defending her dissertation!
August 2020
George Naclerio wins the NIH T32 Training Fellowship and the Hass Memorial Fellowship
April 2020
Congratulations Dr. Elizabeth Larocque on successfully defending her dissertation!
November 2019
Congratulations Dr. Sarah Menio on successfully defending her dissertation!
April 2019
Clement Opoku-Temeng wins "UMD Caramello Distinguished Dissertation Award" (area of Biological and Life Sciences) for his PhD thesis "Small Molecule Inhibitors of Cyclic-di-AMP Signaling".
Elizabeth Larocque wins Alice Watson Kramer award for Chemical Biology
Elizabeth Larocque wins Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship for her PhD work on leukemia.
March 2019
Herman Sintim is awarded Purdue Residence Hall Favorite Professors Award- Most Distinguished Faculty for Research
March 2019
Herman is featured in the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships 2017-2019 Annual Report “This Is Us” in the Health & Longevity article titled “Tackling Superbugs,” page 12 (
January 2019: Our work on leukemia is profiled on many news outlets:
December 2018
Congratulations Dr. Clement Opoku-Temeng on successfully defending his dissertation!
Feb 2018
Herman Sintim NOBCCHE Lectureship at UPenn Chemistry
December 2016
Our group's work on bacteria and cyclic dinucleotide signaling profiled in American Scientist (
November 2015: The Sintim Laboratory Moves to Purdue University
October 2015: Herman Sintim becomes an endowed Professor of Drug Discovery at Purdue University
April 2015: Herman Sintim is promoted to a full Professor at UMD
April 2015: Yue Zheng wins a one year Graduate Dean's Dissertation Fellowship. Yue was also awarded Ann G. Wylie Dissertation fellowship (Declined)
Feb 2015: Our Patent, Phosphorylated and Branched Dihydroxy-Pentane-Dione (DPD) Analogs as Quorum Sensing Inhibitors in Bacteria" has been awarded.
July 2014: Yue Zheng wins Kraybill Biochemistry Fellowship
April 2013: Jie Zhou Wins a one year Graduate Dean's Dissertation Fellowship. This is a second major award for Jie.
October 2012: Group's work is featured article for October issue of Analytica Chimica Acta.
August 2012: Benjamin Roembke is selected as 2012-2013 GANN fellow
June 2012: Group's work chosen as cover for ACS Chemical Biology.
April 2012: Herman wins tenure and is promoted to Associate Professor.
April 2012: Min Guo wins Graduate School Dean's summer fellowship
April 2012: Yiling Luo wins Graduate Schol Dean's summer fellowship
June 2011: Jie Zhou wins AHA fellowship award (
May 2011: Herman wins a Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award.
September 2010: Jacqueline Smith and Lei Yan win Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Award (Rare for two people in the same group to win the same year. Both have made us proud).
April 2010: Jingxin Wang wins summer Bailey fellowship
August 2009: Jacqueline Smith is selected as 2009-2010 GANN fellow
April 2009: The Sintim group's Junction Probe technology selected as one of the three finalists for the life science invention of the year.
March 2009: Herman is invited to attend the 3rd Indo-US Frontiers of Science symposium in Agra, India.
March 2009: Mouhamed Diop, an undergraduate in the Sintim group is awarded the prestigious The Arnold O. Beckman Fellowship for two years.
March 2009: Lei Yan, a graduate student in the Sintim group is awarded the Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel award.
May 2008: Jacqueline Smith, a graduate student in the Sintim group is awarded the UMD stand mentor of the year award.
April 2008: Herman is awarded the prestigious NSF career award for five years, starting September 2008.
Travel Awards
1) Goldhaber Travel Award (Yiling Luo 2012, Jingxin Wang, Lei Yan)
2) 17th Annual RNA Society Meeting Travel Award (Yiling Luo, 2012)