2016 Paragrapf 3 Friendly Sex 2016 §: Freundlich Sex

Preamble OATH: The truth and nothing else then the truth in verb like in mind.

§ 1 Common agrrement, agreement of both, custody care like security obligation, stop code obligation.

§2 Honesty with secrecy clause.

§3 fidelity, loyalty, obligation, Oath. Rights and hand.

2016 CODE BLACK BLUE RED Master. (valid for bisex)

That would be US alloved. "we drive defensly" EWER LIVE again

Friendly Sex

§1 both should wan´t. No is No. Stop is Stop and not even a little more. The bouded has control.(*1)

§2 truthness savety enjoying; no lie

§3 devensive is priority, silence is silver like platin, truthness in %

(*1) Verry important with your doktors, medics, like even in SM Adventures.

Example, I would had spend 6 Monts in an rehabilitation fittnes hotel, may had have even some orgys...

Where have you be?

In holiday, no lie!

Was it good?

... was may something like a GOOD therapy...

Would you wan´t me there?

Truth: You can go there but you wount find the people who spendet there time with me.

What would I say to my child:

May if you want to find the first girlfriend you schould first test her if she is able to keep a secret, while all just will go to laugh instead of enjoy the luck toghether.

Before marriage there may I would say today;

You will first real love me if you like the smell of my sweat.

Don´t toutch nobody who has not allowed you by toutching you first!

The highest art is to lead someone to ground while the person not even aknowledge that he is suddenly lying on the flor. Be aware of the fact that a naked Navy Seal kills you may with an beat from his fist just like you would be a kind of glass...


~20160202 USA First Militarry Gay Couple married... when I would had said it that i was interestet in gay friendschip when I was ~13years old may I would not be alive now.

Cinema Paradiso byTornatore: There is a central sentencis in the dialogue from the movie after an cinema operator lost his eyes bekause an fire of cinemafilm, a little time after that incident the filmcelluloid was not more so dangerous easy inflammable: "i progressi sempre tardi arrivano" ~the progresses arrives ewer to late.

Paragraph DREI

Preamble Aid: Die Wahrheit, nichts anderes wie die Wahrheit, in Wort sowie Geist.

§ 1 Gegenseitigkeit, Einverständniss, Fürsorge, Geborgenheit, Stopcodepflicht.

§2 Ehrlichkeits mit Verschwiegenheitsklausel.

§3 Treue, Loyalität, Verpflichtung, Aid. Rechte und Hand. (bisexuell geltend)

Freundlich Sex

§1 Gegenseitiges einvernehmliches Wollen. Nein ist Nein Stopp ist Stopp und nicht noch ein wenig mehr. Der Gefesselte bzw. Die Gefesselte hat die Kontrolle.(*1)

§2 Ehrlichkeit Sicherheit Genießen; keine Lüge

§3 Defence ist Priorität, Ruhe ist Silber wie Platin, Wahrheit in %


Berühr am besten Niemanden der es dir nicht vorher Erlaubt hat, das gilt auch für notorisches Händeschütteln...

*1 Gillt insbesondere auch für das Verhältnis zum Arzt sowie SM Abenteuer.