Where does the sky beginn

2018 01 06 Germany SP1981 translation adaptation 2018

Prayed a lot,

not even only for me,

thousand huors n more I had waited,

for non more war pain like sometimes even about you,

a lot mails written,

some inhold was ewen good about to you,

so hi,

how feel you now,

are you thinking sometimes even of me?

Where does the sky seemes,

that is over you now,

there where the sun in the summer doesn't go down.

Where does your sky begin,

like where does it ends,

when it reaches far ennough,

does the distance between us mathers no more?


I still missing here at my side.

If you would only want all time at start again,

you will not find it any more,

then since it has beginned,

it was just the start to the end.

Where does the sky seemes,

that is over you now,

there where the sun in the summer doesn't go down.

Where does your sky begin,

like where does it ends,

when it reaches far ennough,

does the distance between us mathers no more?


I still missing,


Where does the sky seemes,

that is over you now,

there where the sun in the summer doesn't go down.

Where does your sky begin,

like where does it ends,

when it reaches far ennough,

does the distance between us mathers no more?

Still missing,

Still missing,


Original by: Philipp Poisel