Solution approatch of the economic crises

Solution approach of the economic crises;

translated excerpt from the (ANE 2012) English PDF, excerpts

From the history of pharaohs and slaves to this power and money you can philosophize a long time. But you can not deny, that there has not been done a lot on change, except a manifestation shift to the states.

The solution is not the rescue founds ...

A revision of the European and Global economy network on "Efficient ecology," not on professional profit maximization and forward looking in future infrastuctures, taking into account an ROI calculation on energetic level, could be the base create economic and prosperity on a long term basis and secure the life levels. This need to go forward instead of capital saving measures today huge investment and structural alterations in the current economic system that has been tuned for low cost and efficiency while the manutension is latently trascured. But we must also keep the quality, do not forget our young skilled workers while heading for a life worth living for all.

I mentioned that you can come danger "to want to play God," and yet we have to go on this easy way to make a difference. Humanity is foolhardy and perhaps she is ready to lay down their arms and take the tools in hand to build the future.

Well the fact of insolvency is probably enough disgrace.

Now, if a sovereign State logs an insolvency, this is a disaster with unimaginable extent.

Economic crises !!!

Who has actually Causes?

Why did we not see it coming?

Where's the money gone?

What for is it used?

Where it is needed?

And these are just some of the questions that we have to clarify alone would have to do something about it.

Perhaps the solution of today's crise ...

We need investment and major projects that leads to positive effects on economy, live ways and global health.

And for the goal that is pursued here, it is quite, no shame in begging the rich to …

But perhaps the coming problems in Global trade are even more serious. We sell raw materials. Not only raw materials that we promote from the earth, and we would like to have the raw materials in the form of scrap that we just want to have from the scene. This is probably the new raw material scrap gold that you no longer need to extract only laboriously digging out of the ground. You have to separate and recycle it. The conditions in the third World where little kids, sort mostly without shoes and with bare hands, in-making from their perspective future family garbage and junk that we then sorted back buy at bargain price are, if you'll excuse the expression, under all.

Mosttime children make the work and break their health, where we actually are in abler to positionate functioning energy-efficient ultra-modern processing equipment to waste treatment. Whoever has the power and the money to do so, should be aware that when it puts a funding for such projects and this plant operates with a minimum winning strategy, it would not be a shame to give away a lot of money. It would be a gift to the local enviroment and humanity. Using only one system required for such purposes that are not just small fails, creates new hope very well payed jobs in comparison to the region and beyond also gives many people a future. These would suffer without immediate help, even on the long term consequences of their current work. Gloves and respiratory protection would be actually a gift delivery, that had just been delivered yesterday.

In addition, our economy would certainly be busy with the provision of the necessary technology, products, equipment ... that are needed there. It would be even nicer if such projects, the managers engage in more average wage would increase by the donor to keep costs low and to not try to save it to the local workers. Alone planning for such projects could also frustrated academics full employment and pleasure to be working on a project start up again, which seems to be almost extinct, unfortunately in today's profit-driven world.


"GLOBAL AID LEVER” The Economic Crieses & The Solution

In 2010, was considered by the economic Crises in Europe on insolvency proceedings for entire states. Somehow you can here assume that only money and is not thought to the purpose.

When was it? 2006 High frequency auto trading for profit and now even binary options…

World economic crises… Be ashamed.

I mentioned that you can come danger "to want to play God," and yet we have easily embark on this path to change something. Humanity is foolhardy and perhaps she is ready to lay down their arms and take the tools in hand to build the future.

Well the fact of insolvency is probably embarrassment enough. Now, if a State go for bankruptcy, this is a disaster with unimaginable extent. Economic crieses here or economic crieses there. Now considered sober, we have the all together, but who is more and who is less the other question. The coincidence of the world economic crieses from 2007 with the advent of the boom in the capital market by high frequency trading technology maturity is undeniable.

Why did we not see it coming?

So something is usually insidious and unimpressive but unfortunately is inevitable at some point there.

The next three questions are essential to refine a solution.

Where's the money gone?

What is it for?

Where is it used?

And these are just some of the questions that we already had to clarify alone to get a glimmer in the darkness on the way to a solution.

Perhaps the solution of today's crises ...

We need investment and major projects which again have positive effects on our economy. ...

And for the goal pursued here, it is quite, no shame to begging the rich to. ...

But perhaps the coming problems for the G8, the EU and the whole world will be even more grave. We sell raw materials. Not only raw materials that we promote from the earth, even the raw materials we would like in the form of scrap from the scene. This scrap is probably the new raw gold that you no longer have to laboriously only extract from the earth. You have to separate it and recycle it.

The states in the 3 World where little kids, sort mostly without shoes and with bare hands, in-bringing of their perspective future family waste and scrap, that we then sorted back buy at bargain price are, if you'll excuse the expression, under all. Children make broken health, where we actually are in a position where functioning energy-efficient ultra-modern processing equipment To be drawn up.

Now comes the crucial point that we solve our problems by solving problems synergistically of foreign poor states.

Whoever has the power and the money to do so, should be aware that if he puts his funding for such projects and this plant operates with a minimum winning strategy, it would not be a shame to waste such a lot of money also. It would be gift to mankind and humanity by., Only with a facility for such purposes that are not just small turns, creates new hope very well-paying jobs in comparison to the region and beyond also gives many people a future These would suffer without immediate help, even on the long-term consequences of their current work.

Gloves and respiratory protection would actually be a gift delivery which would have been needed years ago.

Moreover our economy would certainly be busy with the provision of the necessary technology, products, equipment ... that are needed there to set up a normal live. It would be even nicer if such projects, the managers engage in more average wage would be reduced by the donor to keep costs low on horrible provisions and to not try to save it to the local workers.

Alone planning for such projects could also get the frustrated academics in full employment and maybe they re-find joy be to work on a project that can bring this world up again in an new EDEN, which seems to be almost extinct, today, unfortunately in our today's profit-driven world.

Appeal to the rich ...

Now, many projects are certainly overdue in the world. But it still looks mostly like that the first question that is asked is not whether we should do it, it is tasted even more worse, we ask what you can earn with it.

What was that about the Doomsday Clock: If it hits 12, it's too late. Well, even if I did almost say that it's long been one, it would be nice if we get the curve yet.

About 4000 years ago, there was the Babylonian civilization, they perished. About 2000 years ago there were the Romans. From the disintegration of this empire, which the Catholic Church flourish in the Middle Ages and many other factors, is today's high culture of information emerged.

Well, there is these mathematical question: "continued the series."

Well when the exception proves the rule. IT WOULD BE VERRY VERRY GOOD FOR MANKIND!!!

If not it´ll be a shame to all that we have reached in our time.

The ritch have the monney...

We all together have the power to make it real...

If this might will be recognized and used is the first point. The purpose the second. ...

Give yourself a jolt

For you, for others, for us. ...

Discover a new hobby "terraforming": Space?? NO This Mother Earth!!!!!

How about a new hobby: terraforming! The 3rd World needs urgent modern and efficient energy infrastructure, seeds, education, and future prospects.

On that projects it is less about making money, it´s about to sow the future live happiness and future way of live.

Just the simplicity of mini loans for poor farmers in the 3 world can cause small miracle, we ate talking of loans about sometimes 50 100 200 € or $ that should be gifted. Whole families could thus start to a better future. This would be really thinking about a free of interest and a project based success bonus. That is abnormal for every bank.

Now get back to the question of normal. Well it's probably not normal, just to give without taking. But since Germany, also shone with the export of production to the export process, perhaps it is need to start a "Global Plan Agency". This Agency should go on to developing projects for whole countries that should not be the same thing as known, we can get jealous on them if established while even I can´t relive my youth otherwise. It should be a modified system in the world poor states which if structured, build and establish to get the developing countries lift on equal, but it has to be a solution that is accept in the country’s in which with modern methodology for perfection is combined with the existing traditions.

These are very costly factors on this planet are necessary to an approximation of the "Way of Life" and the need to remain affordable for the users. Here it is not so that everyone gets a Maserati. Probably honest about everyone what to eat, an education, a future without health high risk, and thus gets to have a live ideology. For that Ideology I since the publication risk to get killed by Capitalistic Zionists.

We solve our problems by beginning with those of others.

However, we need to mobilize the capital that is approaching to the accounts of the super-rich, the high-frequency trading circles continuously and automatically propagated. As such, these still have a soul through donations. More boost through the construction of new facilities and infrastructure systems, the global economy. Maybe we can make it loses this circuit pump and level pump that drives the capital sea which is located on the high-frequency trading circle of strength thus the capital falls down where it is already reused again with skillful human action to also save what we have achieved to date and finally:

For the first time in the modern history of humanity known to provide almost global equitable social relations.

Social Trading

Now we have created the modern capital market witch when is used only for the profit driven investion is devented probably the hardest brake for development that we were able to create.

We should start to act socially on the capital market.

Now buy a business share fond of an agency and earn money on it was once the idea. And surely we owe it to this idea that we have created it to today's modern world because the idea comes up to collect monney for big projects.

Maybe we should rediscover this old idea to the targeted promotion of various sectors of the economy to come back and even don´t lose the actual stand.

Futures, derivatives, and high-frequency trading are certainly well-functioning instruments. But idle capital, with no materially productive, except that it is steadily increasing almost by itself just is not what promotes our development.

We need to get our instincts under control, the more likely is a problem of excess here. It's probably not the fine way to a full belly before starving and even then freeze the rest of the banquet for bad times. But the principle of that is not to just keep working the capital market, the money should not work it selfe, there are real aktions needet to get something grow.

This is often a normal condition, as is changing the normal level of their own.

Money is the equivalent to a commodity! The danger that it becomes a self-product is high in the "Capital Market", this leads to inflation.

May well be that through good investment strategy the money almost multiplies by itself. We have learned to save. And yet the more we have more money for a rainy day, the more we lose value and purchasing power, the longer we wait to spend it again. A galloping inflation, we risk by today's "just in time production", perhaps, or if goes wrong with the rescue of the aktual structures, in some countries might be inevitable, we will probably not survive economically, so we quickly returned to the advantage of the situation to come to make a global quality of this home the moment in some places quite unfriendly planet Earth, from which we can say that we are proud. And even if there is a "worst case" to minimum will certainly find a shrewd businessman who produced again from the suffering of the other capital.

The best exemple would be: If I invest may a sum to grow corn, I would not be interested to maximize the return of investion on that step, I would be interested that the bread arrives there next year...

Energy and Problem!

It continues with the statement that it is a fact that every resource has a value. It requires energy for the purification and supplying in the resource trading form. Depending on the method causes not only costs money. It also causes the “energetic energy costs” needed that need to be generated and transportet. The greater the efficiency of this method are, the greater benefit we can gain from it. Each processing step in the whole production chain has an energetic cost post, that can be used to calculate an energy balance, which at the end contains a EFFICIENCY and an energy cost per unit. Here must even be generated the balance sheet for the construction and disposal and recicling of the systems that produce this products.

What should be really fast as possible to a new law, is the desire to keep such energy costs low. This has to happen on a global scale, where we would have to commit to not destroy existences.

Energetic- and raw resources energy- energy conservation theorem ...

One day when we come to the situation straightforward to create such a complex balance sheets in easy way, we can begin to dream to get the global energy problem handled. We are currently building the first expansion of the global renewable energy systems. It is a hot chalenge to build such systems. We must remember that we, first, plugged into the energy that was required for the construction, secondly, the energy we need to be able to renew them and even the energy for the plants. Third, we also want to produce surplus for the maintenance of life. We must therefore take into account the consideration of "return on investment" on an energetic level, so that the humanity, if they wanted to light a new fire in umpteen years, is also refunding itself in possession of the necessary raw material and the igniting flame; like wood and a lighter. The production of energy from the plants, with the provision of the raw material in standard material, including the processing and assembly, the generated energy from the energy minus the operating energy and the recovery energy from the dismantling, disposal, recycling to return in the market as standard material must be offset against each other, so that the energy conservation theorem is satisfied, that there is no loss, and even in summary, an energy gain and benefit is over that we can use. This bill we would have to expand to all additional energy costs, for example the costs that are required for transport.

The newly created system will also require a redundancy to be prepared for potential natural disasters. We need to really plan for the eternity. Such hushed factors of global warming and its environmental consequences as well as the air pollution and its impact on the efficiency of the systems must be taken into account as far as possible.

Career System

Why is it not possible that some people may also do what they wanted to be happy ...

Why is a worker in the most chases not able to get engineer.

Why do you find yourself alone at the mention of the project to further qualification mostly with colleagues already in a war situation.

Why ... Could not establish a regular day job rotation, in which the worker is at times planner, the chief of staff at the canteen food distribution, the rationalization expert at the energy company, the Dr. in the study auditorium audiences, ... .

A Booking platform where someone can book 3 year apprenticeship, 2 years experience, 3 years 80% job with training, and much more as well the job rotation, I would find it beautifuly brilliant ...

But as long as there besides the social chefs, masters, technicians, studied, ... not only them with good life experience, but also those who do not know otherwise small dictators, notorious even if not quite opinionated position defending, unfortunately mostly through everyday almost every day a little more social competent dead, half dead hard workers, and also are apparently natural bound malicious slave driver, we are easily in an generations conflicted high explosive social powder keg, that within an generation (25years) seems not possible to get under the current condition the start conditions for such a system in the next generation done... even if it would be still possible to starting it now...

I would actually want to build a new monument to the tolerance on which in Europe the EU flag is hanging at half-mast and a black mourning flag to full mast until one day it appears that the social value to hoist a new flag of tolerance with the EU flag at half mast.

In the hope that one day the new "Flag of Tolerance" with the flag "Earth our Home" will be hoist and hopefully for very very long time without interruption to full mast in the wind, so hopefully remember at all that ever have done something for helping to get to this maybe worthwhile day that maybe I´ll not be able to life in my life.

Alone International "One World; One Future" initiative could guarantee full employment also among the most frustrated academics ....