Silvia Walz & Ramon Puig Cuyàs


The Slavik Gallery begins its autumn exhibition cycle by presenting the art jewellery of a German and a Catalan who are also a couple – Silvia Walz and Ramon Puig Cuyàs. Although their work may at first seem diametrically contrasting, a closer look shows a great deal of common ground – and reveals the depth of their affinity.

Silvia Walz, who likewise teaches at the Escola Massana, has found her material of preference in the form of translucent ‘window enamel’, which she uses to capture moments of spacious luminosity in innumerable variants. Her works are vibrant with Catalonian joie de vivre and alive with the spirit of the Mediterranean. She sees her jewellery objects as amulets, generating magic moments to accompany their wearers along life’s path.

Ramon Puig Cuyàs has collaborated with the Slavik Gallery almost since its foundation and is a long-standing professor at the Escola Massana in Barcelona. He is well known for his superlatively worked brooches, which are like technical collages and works of art in their own right. The special character of his masterly objects does not lie in their material value but, rather, in their aesthetic presence, their message, and the story behind what they have to tell us. As the artist himself says, his works are ‘mapas para perderse en los bosques’ – ‘maps to help us get lost in the woods’. The woods of the Mediterranean as an important source of raw materials and as a habitat – and the Mediterranean forest fires as a source for new life. He sees his brooches as mind maps, maps of our consciousness that show us the way through the ‘forest of life’.

Come and find inspiration in Silvia and Roman’s SOUNDS OF THE EARTH!

We are looking forward to seeing you!

With warmest greetings,

Renate Slavik & Jutta Pietsch

Catalans Colors – Ramon Puig Cuyàs & Silvia Walz

Galerie Noel Guyomarc'h

August 27, 2019

Catalan Colors

Retrospective exhibition : Ramon Puig Cuyàs & Silvia Walz

September 5 – October 12, 2019

Opening reception : September 5, 2019 from 5 to 8pm, in presence of the artists.

A unique exhibition!

It is with great pleasure that Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h presents its newest exhibition: Couleurs catalanes (Colours from Catalonia), from September 5 to October 12, 2019. A unique retrospective of the work of both artists Ramon Puig Cuyàs and Silvia Walz, the exhibition showcases the exceptional journey of two masters of contemporary jewellery, partners in life and partners in art.

It is not the first time that Puig Cuyàs and Walz are honoured at the gallery, as a first show together was held in 2009. Couleurs Catalanes, however, is their first retrospective together. It will cover all series from the last 30 years since they met and highlight each of their impressive careers.

Walz and Puig Cuyàs first met in 1988 when Silvia, of German origin, registered for a year at the Escola Massana, an art and design center in Barcelona. At the time, she was a student of the Hildesheim University of Sciences and Applied Arts, majoring in metal design. She soon decided to settle permanently in Spain, even though she remained a student of the Hildesheim University until 1991. Ramon, on the other side, had studied at the Escola Massana and started teaching soon after. He was named Head of the jewellery department in 1977.

Silvia and Ramon decided to settle together in a small port village in the south of Barcelona, facing the immensity of the sea and prompt to jump on a boat to wander the Mediterranean. Until very recently, they shared the same studio and that same inspiring view, working in close proximity while preserving their own artistic individuality.

May 8, 2017

COORDENADAS, du collectif Joyas Sensacionales Bijoux Contemporains de Catalogne It has been years now that we carefully keep an eye on our friends and colleagues’ work abroad, especially when their goal is to encourage emerging contemporary jewellers to exchange and learn from