Computers & Education (CAE)

  1. A study of multimedia annotation of Web-based materials

  2. A Web 2.0-based collaborative annotation system for enhancing knowledge sharing in collaborative learning environments

  3. Course ontology-based user’s knowledge requirement acquisition from behaviors within e-learning systems

  4. Developing a reciprocal teaching learning system for college remedial reading instruction

  5. Online annotation – Research and practices

  6. The nature, reception, and use of online peer feedback in higher education

  7. Towards effective video annotation An approach to automatically link notes with video content

  8. Using online annotations to support error correction and corrective feedback

  9. Evaluation of keyphrase extraction algorithm and tiling process for a document resource recommender within e-learning environments

  10. Gridcole A tailorable grid service based system that supports scripted collaborative learning

  11. Learning with new technologies Help seeking and information searching revisited

  12. Semantic search of tools for collaborative learning with the Ontoolsearch system

  13. VisSearch A collaborative Web searching environment

  14. A Heuristic Algorithm for planning personalized learning paths for context-aware ubiquitous learning

  15. A knowledge engineering approach to developing mindtools for context-aware ubiquitous learning

  16. A two-tier test approach to developing location-aware mobile learning systems for natural science courses

  17. An experiment for improving students performance in secondary and tertiary education by means of m-learning auto-assessment

  18. Anatomy of a mobilized lesson Learning my way

  19. Comparing the effects of mobile computers and traditional approaches in environmental education

  20. Deconstructing and reconstructing Transforming primary science learning via a mobilized curriculum

  21. Educational affordances of PDAs A study of a teachers exploration of this technology

  22. Learning object design considerations for small-screen handheld devices

  23. MuseumScouts Exploring how schools, museums and interactive technologies can work together to support learning

  24. Myartspace Design and evaluation of support for learning with multimedia phones between classrooms and museums

  25. Personalized mobile English vocabulary learning system based on item response theory and learning memory cycle

  26. The design and evaluation of a computerized adaptive test on mobile devices

  27. Ubiquitous learning website Scaffold learners by mobile devices with information-aware techniques

  28. Using RSS to support mobile learning based on media richness theory

  29. Using short message service to encourage interactivity in the classroom

  30. Web-based museum trails on PDAs for university-level design students Design and evaluation

  31. A Heuristic Algorithm for planning personalized learning paths for context-aware ubiquitous learning

  32. A visual tool for computer supported learning The robot motion planning example

  33. An adaptive navigation support system for conducting context-aware ubiquitous learning in museums

  34. Designing a semantic bliki system to support different types of knowledge and adaptive learning

  35. Enhancement of student learning performance using personalized diagnosis and remedial learning system

  36. Intelligent web-based learning system with personalized learning path guidance

  37. Interpersonal exchanges in discussion forums A study of learning communities in distance learning settings

  38. Not just fun but serious strategies Using meta-cognitive strategies in game-based learning

  39. Personalization in an interactive learning environment through a virtual character

  40. Personalized e-learning system using Item Response Theory

  41. Self-organising navigational support in lifelong learning How predecessors can lead the way

  42. The role of social presence in learner-centered communicative language learning using synchronous computer-mediated communication Experimental study