ACA Conference 1974

                                           ALABAMA JUNIOR COLLEGE


                                     ANNUAL CONVENTION

                            JEFFERSON STATE JUNIOR COLLEGE

                                        Birmingham, Alabama

                                                      March 28-29, 1974


12:00 Noon

Thru                                                        Registration in lobby Fitzgerald Student Center

4:00 P.M.

1:00 - 3:00 P.M.                                      Commissions (1973-74) - Fitzgerald Student Center

3:00 - 4:30 P.M.                                      Executive Committee - FSC Conference Room

4:30 - 6:30 P.M.                                      Delegate Assembly - FSC 400

6:30 - 7:30 P.M.                                      Dinner - FSC Cafeteria

7:00 - 8:00 P.M.                                      Registration - LWH 300 (outer lobby)

8:00 - 9:00 P.M.                                      Speaker - LWH 300 Dr. John Porter,

                                                                                            Executive Director, A.C.H.E.

9:30 - till                                                 Social - Holiday Inn Civic Center

2:00 - 7:00 P.M.                                      Exhibits Open - FSC Main Lobby

FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1974

8:00 - 9:30 A.M.                                      Breakfast & Speaker - FSC Cafeteria

9:30 - 12:00 Noon                                   Interest Groups

12:00 - 1:30 P.M.                                    Lunch - FSC Cafeteria

1:30 - 3:00 P.M.                                      Speaker - FSC 400 Dr. John Grede

                                                                                            "Career Education"

3:00 - 5:00 P.M.                                      Business Session - FSC 400

9:00 - 3:00                                              Exhibits Open in FSC Main Lobby

                                            1973-74 COMMISSIONS


FSC 400                      Administration

FSC 416                      Learning Resources

FSC 405                      Public Relations

FSC 201                      Student

FSC 202                      Faculty

FSC 204                      Supportive Personnel

FSC 205                      Curriculum and Instruction

                        1974-75 Commissions "ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING"

1 - 1:30 FRIDAY

FSC 400                      Administration

FSC 405                      Public Relations

FSC 416                      Supportive Personnel

FSC 201                      Students

FSC 202                      Faculty

FSC 204                      Learning Resources

FSC 205                      Curriculum and Instruction

                                    A.J.C.A. Interest Group Meetings

                                      Friday, March 29, 9:30-12:00

Presidents                               G.W.H. Conference Room

Academic Deans                      G.W.H. 215

Supportive Personnel               F.S.C. 400

                9:30 - Monsignor Houck - "Role of Supportive Personnel in

                                                         Educational Institutions"

                10:15 Movie - "If An Elephant Answers"

                11:15 - Ms. Suzanne Straight - "E.R.A."

Business Managers                  F.S.C. 305

Business Division

                9:30 - G.W.H. 230 - General Meeting

                10:00 - Group Meetings.

                            Accounting - G.W.H. 217 - Dr. Thomas McLeod

                            "Conceptual Approach for Elementary Accounting"

                            Economics - G.W.H. 221 - Dr. Raymond Ritland

                            "Problems Related to Teaching Economics"

                            Secretarial Science - G.W.H. 115 -

                            Mrs. J. Thornton and Mrs. E. Gulledge

                            "Shorthand...Gregg's I.P.M. System"

                            Divisional Chairmen - G.W.H. 219 - Mr. J. Walker, Jr.

Library Division                         F.S.C. 204

Math Division                            C.H. 117

                            9:30 - Dr. Steve Tefteller - "Applied Mathematics"

                            10:30 - Dr. Steve Brown - "The Case for the Straight Master's"

                            11:30 - Business Session

English Division                        F.S.C. 201

Student Personnel                    F.S.C. 416

Foreign Language                    B.D.H. 213

Science Division                       C.H. 112 - Dr. Lee Summerlin

                                                "Educational Implications for Science

                                                 Instruction in the Junior College"

Art and Music                            L.W.H. 311 - Dr. Coy Huggins

Admissions & Records Officers    F.S.C. 405 - Mr. Kermit Mathison

                                                   "Alabama A.C.R.A.O."

Physical Education                        Physical Education Building (Gym)

Federal Relations                          F.S.C. 202 - Mr. Paul Barnett

                                                    "War Orphans Act"

Financial Aid                                  F.S.C. 205 - Mr. Wayne Hopper

Evening Division & Community Service   L.W.H. 204 - Dr. John Porter

History & Political Science               B.S.H. 112

Behavioral Sciences                         B.D.H. 102 - "Films, Demonstration, and


Allied Health & Nursing                   B.D.H. 201 - Ms. Barbara Royal

                                                        "Linkage Program"

Vocational Education                        L.W.H. 200

Data Processing & Computers          G.W.H. 205


McGraw - Hill Book Company                             U.S. Navy

Parco Scientific Company                                   Bell & Howell Company

                                    Central Scientific Company

    Special gratitude and appreciation is extended to McGraw - Hill

    Book Company for furishing the refreshments for the social at the

    Holiday Inn - Civic Center.