Staff Stuff Newsletter

Staff Stuff was a newsletter for staff and administrative employees.  These issues are indexed in the General Index.

There is no official statement on the length of the run for Staff Stuff at Shelton State Community College. If you have any issues that we are missing, please consider allowing us to scan them and add them to the collection.

Available Issues:  Various issues beginning with the January 10 1991 (volume 1 no. 1) issue and continuing through the January 1994 (volume 4 no,. 1) issue.

1991 Jan

1991 Feb

1991 Mar

1991 Apr

1991 May

1991 Jun

1991 Jul

1991 Aug

1991 Sep

1991 Oct

1991 Nov

1991 Dec

1992 Jan

1992 Feb

1992 Mar

1992 Apr

1992 May

1992 Jun

1992 Jul

1992 Aug

1992 Sep

1992 Oct

1992 Nov

1992 Dec

1993 Jan

1993 Feb

1993 Mar

1993 Apr

1993 May

1993 Jun

1993 Jul

1993 Aug

1993 Sep

1993 Oct

1993 Dec

1994 Jan

Alternative access methods

To browse the issues, go to the Internet Archive and type "Shelton State Staff Stuff" in the search bar.  This should bring up all of the issues.  Or, click here to get a list. 

To find a specific issue from the index, use the naming convention.  Files are named StaffStuffYYYYMM.  For example, if you are looking for the May 1992 issue, you would search StaffStuff199205.  If you were looking for the October 1993 issue, search StaffStuff199310.