It's About Fifteenth Street

It’s About Fifteenth Street 

Select the best answer to each question. This exercise is related to the J. P. Shelton State Technical College / Shelton State Community College Technical Division and its history.

1. The Fifteenth Street Campus was originally named _____ when it opened. 

a. District 7 State Vocational Trade School 

b. West Alabama State Vocational Trade School 

c. State Vocational Trade School 

d. J. P. Shelton State Vocational Trade School 

2. In 1955, the State Legislature passed a joint resolution naming the school 

a. District 7 State Vocational Trade School 

b. West Alabama State Vocational Trade School 

c. State Vocational Trade School 

d. J. P. Shelton State Trade School 

3. In September 1966, the State Legislature changed the name of the school to 

a. Shelton State Technical Institute 

b. Shelton State Technical College 

c. Shelton State Technical School 

d. Shelton State Community College 

4. When did the Fifteen Street Campus open? 

a. March 1953 

b. January 1954 

c. October 1953 

d. September 1954 

5. Place a T beside the statement that is true. 

___ The shop buildings were finished last: classes in these buildings were delayed in starting. The Administration-Classroom building was finished first: classes in this building started first. 

___ The shop buildings were finished first: classes in these buildings started first. The Administration-Classroom building was finished last: classes were delayed from starting in this building. 

6. The first Director of the school was a native of Buffalo, New York who had moved to Birmingham in 1950. Who was this person? 

a. Harold I. James 

b. C. G. Brown 

c. A. V. Hildreth 

d. Gerald T. Fitzgerald 

7. The first graduates of the Trade School received diplomas on 

a. August 28 1955 

b. June 8 1954 

c. May 29 1955 

d. December 12 1954 

8. The Trade School operated on the quarter system, and the school year ran from 

a. June 1 through the following May 30 

b. July 1 through the following June 30 

c. September 1 through the following August 30 

d. January 1 through the following December 31 

9. During the 1950s, the college published a yearbook. What was the name of the yearbook? 

a. The Tradesman 

b. The Trademaster 

c. The Tradepost 

d. The Trading Post 

10. The college published a student newspaper named _____ 

a. The Tradesman 

b. The Trademaster 

c. The Tradepost 

d. The Trading Post 

11. In 1972, the Principal of Hale County High School joined the faculty of Shelton State and was named Dean of Instruction. Who was this person? 

a. Fred S. Gaddis 

b. Lewis McCray 

c. Thomas E. Umphrey 

d. Leo Sumner 

12. In August 1973, Leo Sumner became the 

a. Dean of Instruction of Shelton State Technical Institute 

b. Assistant Director of Shelton State Technical Institute 

c. Dean of Students of Shelton State Technical Institute 

d. Business Manager of Shelton State Technical Institute 

13. In 1976, Director Harold I. James retired and Leo Sumner became the 

a. Director of Shelton State Technical College 

b. Assistant Director of Shelton State Technical College 

c. Title III Director of Shelton State Technical College 

d. President of Shelton State Community College 

14. In 1976-77, a new Learning Resource Center was constructed and named in honor of 

a. George Wallace 

b. Harold C. Martin 

c. Victor P. Poole 

d. Al DuPont 

15. In subsequent years, the Learning Resource Center became known as the “Learning Resource Center that never was a Learning Resource Center.” Why? 

a. The building never housed a library for the Fifteenth Street Campus. The large space meant for a library was used as an auditorium for meetings. 

b. The entire building was needed for an expanding nursing program. There was no room for a library. 

c. The college did not have money to furnish and equip a new library with periodicals and books. There was no staff. 

d. The administration on the campus wanted library reference materials (magazines, journals, books) to be in departments and individual shops where they would be handy and used by students. A central library was viewed as an inconvenience for instructors and students. 

16. January 1 1979 was a historic date. What took place? 

a. The State of Alabama allotted Shelton State $5 million to construct a new Industrial Training Center behind the Administration and Classroom Building. 

b. The Tuscaloosa branch campus of Brewer State Junior College merged with Shelton State Technical College. 

c. Newly-elected Alabama Governor Fob James visited the campus to thank voters. 

d. Shelton State Technical College was accredited by SACS, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. 

17. Who became President of the new Shelton State Community College? 

a. George McCormick 

b. Charles Davis 

c. Leo Sumner 

d. Harold I. James 

18. An instructor of Social Studies at Brewer State Junior College in Fayette was hired in 1979 as the Dean of Instruction for the new Shelton State Community College. Who was this person? 

a. Arthur F. Howington 

b. George McCormick 

c. Humphrey L. Lee 

d. Charles Bilbro 

19. A new Industrial Training Center opened at the campus in the Spring of 1989. The center was a private venture constructed and owned by 

a. City of Tuscaloosa 

b. Tuscaloosa County 

c. the Shelton State Foundation 

d. Hankins Harrison and Cabiniss (Engineering firm) 

20. On February 19 1985, a historic agreement was announced between Shelton State Technical Division and Rochester Products, a Division of General Motors. What was the agreement? 

a. Fifteen employees of Rochester Products will receive training in Shelton’s data processing program. 

b. Fifteen employees of Rochester Products will receive training in Shelton’s computerized numerical control program. 

c. Fifteen employees of Rochester Products will receive training in Shelton’s electronics program. 

d. Fifteen employees of Rochester Products will receive training in Shelton’s machine shop technology program. 

21. True or False: 

In the Spring of 1964, machine shorthand began to be taught at the school, the first class of this kind in the state. 

22. Shelton State Technical Institute received SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) accreditation on 

a. January 1 1974 

b. December 16 1971 

c. June 15 1968 

d. August 1 1966 

23. True or False: 

To prevent duplication of course offerings between C.A. Fredd State Technical College and Shelton State Technical College, in 1969 by court order, Cosmetology, Practical Nursing, Auto Mechanics, and Air Conditioning and Refrigeration were transferred from the C. A. Fredd State Technical College to Shelton State. 

24. True or False: 

In light of plans being made for a new Shelton State campus to be built in the Taylorville area, an agreement was reached in September 1993 for the sale of the Fifteenth Street Campus. The actual sale to the Home Depot Corporation for $4 million was approved by the State 5 years later on October 22 1998. 

25. By 1985, some of the original courses were no longer offered. Which of the following courses were eliminated from the college? 

___ Auto Body and Fender Repair 

___ Automotive Mechanics 

___ Commercial Cooking and Baking 

___ Cabinetmaking 

___ Cosmetology 

___ Barbering 

___ Air Conditioning and Refrigeration 

___ Radio and Television Repair 

___ Industrial Electricity 

___ Machine Shop Technology 

___ Welding 

Answers are below. 


1. c 

2. d 

3. a 

4. c 

5. 2nd statement is true 

6. a 

7. c 

8. b 

9. b

10. c 

11. d 

12. b 

13. a 

14. c 

15. a 

16. b 

17. c 

18. a 

19. c 

20. b 

21. True 

22. b 

23. True 

24. True 

25. Auto Body and Fender Repair / Commercial Cooking and Baking / Barbering / Radio and Television Repair