SSCC History Module 7

Test Your Knowledge: Shelton State History 

Module 7 

1. Miss Shelton State 1981, the first Miss Shelton State, was

a. Kim Rust

b. Rosalind Connor

c. Lisa Plowman

d. Renee Rains

2. When was the final Miss Shelton State Pageant held at the college?

a. January 12 2008

b. January 14 2000

c. January 16 2004

d. February 6 2010

3. When was the first homecoming queen selected (year) and who was the queen?

a. 1998; Mashay Rutley

b. 2000; Amy Newton

c. 1996; Kimberly Cockrell

d. 1998; Becky Avery

4. The Junior College Division of Shelton State held its first Honors Day in

a. May 1979

b. May 1980

c. May 1982

d. May 1984

5. The first graduates of the J. P. Shelton Trade School received their diplomas on

a. May 26 1956

b. May 28 1954

c. May 25 1955

d. June 30 1954

6. The notable speaker for the first graduation at J. P. Shelton Trade School was

a. Oliver Carmichael, President of the University of Alabama.

b. A.K. "Temo" Callahan, State Representative.

c. Jim Folsom, newly-elected Governor of Alabama.

d. Honorable George C. Wallace of the 3rd Judicial Circuit in Clayton, Alabama.

7. Tuition history: In 1975, the maximum tuition to attend Brewer State Junior College, the Tuscaloosa Campus, for classes for one quarter was

a. $67.50

b. $80.00

c. $88.00

d. $100.00

8. The first instructor to receive the Dr. and Mrs. John Todd Award for Exceptional Achievement in Teaching (1998) was

a. Joyce Jolly

b. Jim Jolly

c. Lyda Black

d. Camille Cochrane

9. The first recipient of the Leo Sumner Award (1980) was

a. Pamela Davis

b. Jim Anderson

c. Susan Cannon

d. Danna B. Northam

10. The championship-winning golf program at Shelton State was discontinued in June 2002 due to

a. lack of a professional golf coach, lack of a nearby golf course.

b. inability to recruit top student golfers.

c. high costs of the sport; most matches and tournaments were out of state.

d. funding cuts by the state, and Title IX guideline requirements.


1. b. Rosalind Connor

2. a. January 12 2008

3. d. Becky Avery

4. b. May 1980

5. c. May 25 1955

6. d. Honorable George C. Wallace of the 3rd Judicial Circuit in Clayton, Alabama.

7. a. $67.50

8. b. Jim Jolly

9. c. Susan Cannon

10. d. funding cuts by the state, and Title IX guideline requirements.