ACA Conference 1972


Thursday, March 30, 1972

                                6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.                                                                                                                    Rotunda Lobby



                                        PRESIDING:  IVAN SMITH, PRESIDENT

                                        ALABAMA ASSOCIATION OF JUNIOR COLLEGES

                                7:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

                                        Invocation:   Dr. Charles W. Davis, President

                                                            Brewer State Junior College

                                        Welcome:     Dr. Rex A. Turner, President

                                                            Alabama Christian College



                               8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

                                       Address:        "Development Through Organization"

                                                            Dr. Tom Fryer, President

                                                            Florida Association of Community Colleges

                              9:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

                                    Presentation of Proposed Constitution

                                    Mr. Joe Acker

                                    Brewer State Junior College

                              9:30 p.m.    Adjournment

Friday, March 31, 1972

                              8:30 a.m. - 1130 a.m.

                                    Meetings of subject area and interest groups.

                            I.    Academic Deans                                                                                                                    Room 122, Rotunda

                            II.   Art                                                                                                                                        Room 308, Secondary Building

                            III.  Business and Secretarial Administration                                                                                Room 108, Rotunda

                            IV.  Business Managers                                                                                                               Room 104, School of Religion

                            V.   Deans of Students and Guidance Counselors                                                                        Rooms 301-302, Secondary Building

                            VI.  English                                                                                                                                 Audio-Visual Room, Library

                            VII. Nursing and Allied Health                                                                                                     Room 110, Rotunda

                            VIII. Librarians                                                                                                                            Classroom, Library

                            IX.  Mathematics                                                                                                                         Room 124, Rotunda

                            X.   Music                                                                                                                                   Choral Room, Gymnasium

                            XI.  Physical Education                                                                                                                Classroom, Gymnasium

                            XII. Presidents                                                                                                                            Conference Room, Rotunda

                            XIII. Publications and Public Relations                                                                                        Room 107, School of Religion

                            XIV.  Registrars                                                                                                                          Room 103. School of Religion

                            XV.  Directors of Evening Division, Continuing Education and Community Services                    Room 101, School of Religion

                            XVI.  Science                                                                                                                              Rooms 126-128, Rotunda

                            XVII. Secretaries and Clerical Personnel                                                                                     Library, School of Religion

                            XVIII. Social Science                                                                                                                   Room 132, Rotunda

                            XIX.  Technical and Career Education                                                                                         Room 112, Rotunda

                            XX.   Foreign Languages                                                                                                            Room 114, Rotunda

                            XXI.  Speech                                                                                                                              Room 306, Secondary Building

                            XXII.  Home Economics                                                                                                              Room 305, Secondary Building

                            10:00 a.m. - 12:00                                                                                                                     Auditorium

                                    Symposium on Alternative Modes of Instruction

                                        Dr. Paul K. Preus, Director

                                        Center for Study of Higher Education

                                        Memphis State University

                            History:        Leroy G. Pipkin, Lurleen B. Wallace State Junior College

                            English:        Linda Davis, John C. Calhoun State Technical Junior College

                            Music:          Glen Maze, Snead State Junior College

                            Biology:        Vernell Bowen, Gadsden State Junior College

                            Math:            Bob Drennen, Jefferson State Junior College

                            9:00 a.m. - 12:00                                                                                                                       School of Religion, Auditorium

                                                                                    Meeting of Delegate Assembly

                                                                                    Chairman:  To be elected

                            12:00 - 1:30 p.m.        Lunch

                                                                                                        SECOND GENERAL SESSION

                                                                                                        Presiding:  Ivan Smith 

                            1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.            Constitutional Convention                                                            Auditorium

                            3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.            General Business Session                                                             Auditorium

                            4:00 p.m.                              Adjournment