PR2017 Apr 18



April 18, 2017

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Media and Communication, 205.391.2959


Tuscaloosa, Alabama – Shelton State was named Alabama’s ACT Career Preparedness Exemplar for the 2016-2017 ACT College and Career Readiness Campaign.

Established in 2013, the annual ACT College and Career Readiness Campaign celebrates achievement and creates awareness around the goal of college and career readiness for all. ACT developed the campaign to shine a light on the individuals and institutions doing more with less, overcoming personal or community obstacles, and serving as examples to others working to improve the condition of college and career readiness for all.

The campaign identifies exemplars in each of four categories—students, high schools, postsecondary institutions, and employers—for each participating state. ACT State Councils – comprised of education and workforce professionals in each state – selected Shelton State Community College’s Mechatronics program from a group of applicants for the Alabama ACT Career Preparedness Award and ultimately, state exemplar designation.

“Each year we are proud to recognize exemplary students, high schools, postsecondary institutions and employers working to advance the condition of college and career readiness in their communities,” said Scott Montgomery, ACT senior vice president of public affairs. “The individuals and groups named ACT state exemplars demonstrate perseverance and innovative thinking in the face of adversity, and serve as examples to others working to improve college and career readiness for all.”

Following a nomination from local high school counselor Connie Coleman, Shelton State Community College received the Career Preparedness Award for the Mechatronics program. “Mechatronics is the best opportunity for school-to-work training in our area,” said Coleman, Hillcrest High School Counselor. “The partnership is a win-win-win for our students, Shelton State Community College, and Mercedes Benz U.S. International, Inc. Very few programs have such positive results and provide such amazing support for students while serving the employment needs of one of our largest and most responsible employers.”

“Our partnership with Mercedes Benz U.S. International, Inc. allows us to work together to develop and deliver up-to-date technical skills training, while offering students workplace learning opportunities,” said Jason Moore, Associate Dean for Corporate Programs. “Through our apprenticeships and internships, we have developed strong relationships that are beneficial for our students and the businesses and industries that we serve.”

All state exemplars will be considered for National Semifinalist status by an ACT Selection Committee, which will narrow the talented group into four National Semifinalists per category. Finally, a National Selection Committee composed of national education and workforce leaders will choose one semifinalist per category to make up four National Exemplars. These National Exemplars, along with all state exemplars and semifinalists will be honored at an ACT recognition event in late fall 2017 in Iowa City, Iowa.

For more information or to apply to the mechatronics or automotive skills programs, click here and visit the Students tab. Additional resources can be requested by emailing

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