PR2013 May U3


Tuscaloosa – At a meeting of the college faculty and staff on Friday, May 24, Dr. Mark A. Heinrich,

Chancellor of the Alabama Community College System, announced the appointment of Joan Yvette

Davis to serve as Interim President of Shelton State Community College.

In making the announcement, Heinrich noted that by State Board of Education Policy, an interim

president may only serve two, six-month appointments. Steve Fair, who has been interim president for

nine months, will be returning to his position as Dean of Technical Services and will also begin

assisting the Chancellor with statewide workforce development efforts which will include providing

support to corporations, workforce regions, and community colleges throughout the state to develop

training partnerships and programs. The change in interim leadership avoids any possible disruption

being made at the beginning of the fall 2013 semester.

Throughout his career, Fair has been involved in developing numerous partnerships with business and

industry. He was instrumental in developing the relationship between Mercedes Benz USI and Shelton

State to form the Mechatronics and Automotive Technician programs where students are selected for

training specifically designed for Mercedes Benz.

Joan Yvette Davis has served as Interim Chancellor of the Alabama Community College System and

most recently with the Alabama Technology Network. Prior to joining the Department in 2002 as

General Counsel and Vice Chancellor for Legal and Human Resources, Ms. Davis, who has practiced

law for 20 years, engaged in private practice as well as governmental and higher-education law in the

states of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.

Born in Macon, Georgia, she moved to Tuscaloosa at age four and is a product of Mrs. Henderson’s

Stillman College Kindergarten and the Tuscaloosa City School System. She holds a Bachelor of Arts

degree in English and history from Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina, and the Juris

Doctor degree from The University of Alabama School of Law.

Davis will begin her duties at Shelton State Community College on June 1.

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