PR2012 Jul 23


July 23, 2012

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Doug Perry 205.391.3988

Shelton News Briefs

Kevin Windham, Ph.D., recently appeared in a thirty minute video for the University of Alabama Honors College program, “Lights, Camera, Alabama.”

Windham, an academic advisor and history instructor at Shelton State, is a native of Hale County, as is the subject of the video, Julia Ward Tutwiler. Filmed in the Havana, Alabama, United Methodist Church, established in 1848, the video features Windham providing background and commentary on the life and achievements of Tutwiler.

Dr. Windham began his educational career at Shelton State receiving an A.A. Liberal Arts degree. He subsequently received a B.S. from the University of Montevallo, a M.A. in history, and a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from the University of Alabama.

The video, “Julia Tutwiler: Let Her Own Works Praise Her,” can be viewed on-line at


SSCC announces the addition of Taryn Brown to the Fine Arts faculty as an instructor in dance. Ms. Brown received her MFA from the University of Colorado at Boulder with an emphasis in Dance Choreography and Performance and her BFA in Contemporary Dance from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. Her experience as a teacher, performer, and choreographer brings an abundance of knowledge and creativity to the campus. Taryn has been on faculty at Iowa State University and has been a guest artist at the Montana Dance Arts Association, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University of Northern Iowa, Appalachian State University, Vanderbilt University, University of Nevada at Reno, and Universidad de Heredia. She is currently a part-time instructor for the Children’s Dance Foundation in Birmingham and Artistic Director of the TARBRO Performance and Design in Southside, Alabama.

Courses in Dance Styles, Modern Dance, and Jazz will be available fall semester 2012. Students may register online. For additional information, contact Syble Coats by e-mail,, or phone, 205.391.2270.


Lila Dostal, a recent Shelton State Community College graduate, was awarded the “Tim and Ellen Lupinacci Scholarship” by the University of Montevallo. The scholarship was awarded on the strength of her writing, including a soon to be published work entitled, Cry of the South. Dostal was an active member and officer in the Red Cross Club at Shelton State. She will be attending the University of Montevallo in the fall.

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