PR2010 Jan 25


TUSCALOOSA – Spring 2010 enrollment numbers are up at Shelton State Community College, with

10 percent more students taking 11 percent more credit hours than in spring of 2009.

Following the first week of classes and the drop/add period which ended Jan. 15, the College has 5,631

students enrolled for 59,003 credit hours, which is the highest spring semester enrollment for the

College dating back prior to 2005. That increase comes on the heels of the fall 2009 semester, which

saw 5,708 students enrolled for 61,164 credit hours, the highest for the College since fall of 2003.

The record enrollment marks the fourth consecutive semester with increases of double- or nearly

double-digit increases over the year prior. Smaller class size, more affordable tuition than four-year

institutions in the state, and the current economy are a few of many reasons why Shelton State

President Dr. Mark Heinrich feels that the College’s numbers continue to rise. But, Heinrich also sees

the growth as a movement in the right direction as Shelton State’s strategic plan calls for an enrollment

of 12,000 by the year 2020.

“We certainly are encouraged to see the continued rise in the number of people who are taking

advantage of what Shelton State has to offer,” said Heinrich. “It is obvious that the residents of West

Alabama understand that this College is here to positively impact our community. At the same time,

however, we all understand that we must remain diligent and continue to develop our programs and

offerings to meet their demand. I am confident that will happen at Shelton State because of the efforts

of the dedicated faculty and staff who work to provide our students with excellence in instructional

programs and support.”
