PR2009 Mar U4




TUSCALOOSA - Poisonings Span a Lifetime! is the theme of the 48th Annual National Poison Prevention Week, March 15 – 21, 2009.  


National Poison Prevention Week is a time to raise awareness about the dangers of poisons among all ages, and how to contact the poison center for help. Governor Bob Riley is showing his full support by proclaiming March 15 – 21, 2009, as Poison Prevention Week.


An estimated 2.5 million poisonings are reported in the United States each year. Two-thirds are children 19 years of age and younger, but another 34% occur in adults. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Poisonings are second only to motor vehicle crashes as a leading cause of unintentional injury death; first for 35 to 54 year-olds.


Dr. John Fisher, director of the Alabama Poison Center explains, “Nearly 53% of all calls to the Alabama Poison Center involve children under six years of age,” he says. There were more than 12,000 children exposed to poisons in Alabama during 2008 alone. Many poisoning exposures occur during daily routines, or due to distraction while a product is in use. Poisonings are preventable!


“Never leave a child out of sight while the product is in use, and only use products as they are intended” warns Dr. Fisher. “Poisonings can occur anywhere to anyone too! Nearly one-third of all the exposure calls and more than 70 percent of all poison deaths occur in adults age 20 to 59. Around 90% of the reported poisonings occur in the home. Poisoning is a problem for everyone.”


The Alabama Poison Center recommends the following safety precautions to help reduce risk of poison exposure:


Don’t forget to Poison Proof garages, basements, and storage areas for items such as pesticides, herbicides, automotive products, flower bulbs, or fertilizers. For further information or questions, call the Alabama Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222.

