PR 2006 Jul U1

Free Adult Education Classes in West Alabama


Tuscaloosa - The Shelton State Community College Adult Education Program has the vision of assisting adults in learning and developing skills for employment and self-sufficiency. An educated, employed workforce improves the social and economic conditions of any community. Adult Education is a vital factor in improving the social and economic condition of our state, and west Alabama in particular. The course of study and materials are designed specifically to prepare adult learners to pass the test and earn their high school equivalency diploma and to earn the Career Readiness Certificate (CRC).

Alabama has unveiled a new workforce initiative – the CRC.   Students who qualify for Adult Education classes (18 or older or 16 and 17 year olds who have officially withdrawn from school and need a GED or have a high school diploma but are functioning below grade level 12.9) will attend at least 12 hours of Adult Education classes and work on skills based on their individual Plan of Instruction (POI).

Targeted instruction can be used in place of or in conjunction with the traditional Adult Education computer programs and workbooks. The students will take post-tests.  When their targeted instruction and TABE post-tests indicate, they will be eligible to take the WorkKeys© assessment. The WorkKeys© scores will be used to determine if they qualify for the CRC credential and will indicate the level of the credential (bronze, sliver, or gold). 

            The CRC will be an economic boom for our state and will help our students find employment.  It will in essence be a statewide database of qualified employees. The CRC will document a person’s skills based on WorkKeys©  which is a job skills assessment system measuring “real world” skills that employers believe are critical to job success.  These skills are valuable for any occupation – skilled or professional – and at any level of education. 

Adult Education classes are offered at no cost to the learner.  Diana Liverman and Joe Powell are the instructors of the Adult Education classes are held at the Branch Heights Community Center in Eutaw and Paula Brewer is the instructor of the Adult Education class held in Wallace Hall at the University of West Alabama in Livingston.  Students attend an orientation before enrolling in a class.

“We also offer classes on-line,” said Dr. Fran Turner, Adult Education Program Director. “Individuals who wish to study for the GED in this format, must have access to an Internet-connected computer.  The on-line method of delivering instruction is ideal for students who cannot attend a traditional Adult Education class due to schedule conflicts;  Students must be on a ninth grade reading level to qualify for the on-line class.” She said.

To register for classes, call the Adult Education office (205/391-2662 or 391-2664), and sign up for an orientation.