PR 2006 Feb U3

Murphy to Chair Governor's Conference on Childhood Obesity



Tuscaloosa - Milady Murphy Ed. D., founder and director of the Wellness Center at Shelton State Community College in Tuscaloosa Alabama, has been selected to chair the Alabama Governor's Conference on Obesity - Childhood Obesity: "Linking Community Practice with Practice Communities," February 20-22, 2006.

The conference, to be held at the Bryant Conference Center on the University of Alabama campus, is hosted and sponsored by The University of Alabama College of Continuing Studies, Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and The University of Alabama System in cooperation with the Appalachian Regional Commission and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama.


State Board of Education Vice President Sandra Hall Ray of Tuscaloosa is serving as co-chair of the event.


Dr. Milady Murphy is the founder and director of the Wellness Center of Shelton State Community College, in Tuscaloosa Alabama. Under her direction the program has received national recognition since its inception. Dr. Murphy has designed health, physical education, and stress management programs for the Shelton State community college student, faculty, staff, and community. She also has designed a wide range of physical fitness and conditioning programs both in the United States and in Europe. She has designed programs for professional athletes, corporations, senior citizens, and for anyone who just wants to stay fit and healthy. Dr. Murphy received her bachelor's degree in health physical education and recreation from Bridgewater State College, of Massachusetts, and her Masters and Doctorate degree from the College of Human Performance from the University of Alabama.

Her background is extensive in health, nutrition for disease prevention, and exercise physiology.


Keynote Speaker for the conference is Walt Larimore, M.D. Dr. Larimore has been a medical journalist since 1995. He hosted over 850 live episodes of the daily National Cable TV Show Ask the Family Doctor (1995-2000) on America's Health Network and later on Fox's Health Network.

While with Fox, Dr. Larimore was awarded the prestigious "Gracie" Award in 2000 by the American Women in Radio and Television for his work on a program about breast cancer and reconstructive surgery for Fox News's Health Network. Besides hosting the show in-studio, he also performed investigative and field work. At its peak, his show was available in over 28 million American homes. Joe Maddox, the past President and COO of America's Health Network, said the Dr. Larimore had more "...actual on-air TV experience than any physician in the history of television." Dr. Larimore also hosted a medical news minute on The Health Network and the Apple a Day segment on The Health Network and later on Discovery Health.


Also attending the conference will be Alabama's First Lady Patsy Riley and Congressman Artur Davis of the 7th Congressional District.


Dr. Murphy said, "This will be an exciting conference with speakers from a wide variety of areas including the medical, academic, health, nutrition and fitness arenas.  Urban planners will also be presenting in addition to local and state politicians.  Continuing Education Units are available through UA's Professional and Management Development Programs."


Obesity is a major health problem affecting adults and young people alike within the Appalachian Region. National reports indicate the population trends in obesity continue to worsen and the types and severity of health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and sleep apnea-which can be associated with obesity-are likely to increase as well. Childhood Obesity is especially alarming as the very overweight child or adolescent is highly likely to become an obese young adult. Many parents and young people are trying to lose this excess weight and there are no apparent "break-through" approaches, medications or diets which have been successful for the long term. Individuals as well as communities are looking for solutions or efforts they can make to change this worsening trend. Many efforts have been made by individuals with specific programs led by health professionals for obese individuals, but more and more emphasis is coming from within and for communities.


The purpose of the conference is to link communities with health professionals through presentations about community-based solutions from which the health professionals can learn and incorporate into their practice-related activities.


Also participating in the conference from Shelton State Community College will be Wellness Center instructors Kareem McNeal and Lea Green, Dean of Instruction Camille Cochrane as well as college president, Dr. Rick Rogers.


For additional information on the Alabama Governor's Conference on Obesity, please visit the conference website at