PR2005 Oct 3 PAL



October 3 2005

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Jones 205-391-2310

PAL and Shelton Foundation Establish Alvin P. DuPont Scholarship

Tuscaloosa - Tuscaloosa’s Police Athletic League (PAL) has endowed a scholarship with the Shelton State Foundation honoring long-time Tuscaloosa Mayor Alvin P. DuPont.

The annual scholarship will be presented to young person who has participated in the Police Athletic League programs and will be chosen by the PAL team.

“Mayor DuPont has been a huge supporter of PAL. We are delighted to recognize his long service to the community with a scholarship named in his honor,” said Greg Cosloff, head of PAL and President of the Shelton State Foundation.

PAL, a juvenile crime prevention program founded by Chief Ken Swindle, was borne out of the troubling situation that confronted some young Tuscaloosans, who were often unsupervised and left to experiment with drugs, alcohol and much worse. PAL provides a positive alternative to these distractions, offering students a space to study, exercise, and be in contact with responsible role models.

“This is a wonderful collaboration between PAL and the Shelton State Foundation to recognize and support a deserving student,” said Lewis Drummond, Shelton State Foundation Executive Director.