PR2004 Sep 9



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Jones 205-391-2310

Automotive Supplier Fills Employee Needs at Shelton State

Tuscaloosa – Plastech Engineered Products, Inc., one of Alabama’s newest automotive suppliers located in McCalla, Alabama, is finding some of its new employees at Shelton State Community College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Plastech was founded in 1988 with the purchase of a single injection molding plant in Caro, Michigan and has grown to have facilities throughout the central United States and Canada. In 2003, Plastech opened a new facility in McCalla to provide molded interior plastic components for Mercedes Benz US, Hyundai and GM plants in Alabama.

“Shelton State was the first and only school in the state I could find that offered students training on a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMC),” said Debbie Blackwood, Plastech Human Resources Manager. “We interviewed the entire Computerized Numerical Control class and found the person we were looking for.”

The Computerized Numerical Control program at Shelton State Community College has long been recognized as the state’s leading center for training in numerical control. CNC is a program that uses a computer language consisting of numbers and codes to achieve automatic machine tool operation to manufacture parts to precise measurements. Students train on state-of-the-art equipment with lab conditions simulating those found in today’s industries.

“We’ve had great success in our CNC program here at Shelton State,” said Ronnie Guy, program instructor. “Our job placement rate for students completing the program has been 100% since we started.”

During Blackwood’s visit to the campus, she also met the students in the West Alabama Center for Workforce Development who were participating in Focused Industry Training (FIT).

“I talked with the students and was very impressed with training they were receiving,” said Blackwood. “I invited all 10 students in the class to attend a job fair we were holding. They came well prepared and handled their interviews so professionally. Seven of those people are working for us today and one has already received a promotion,” she added.

The 10-week FIT curriculum, which is funded through the federal Workforce Investment Act and the Alabama College System, provides 400 hours of training scheduled eight hours a day, five days per week. The program provides students with knowledge, skills and abilities needed to secure entry-level employment. Training topics include basic academic skills, computer skills, problem solving, workplace behavior, manufacturing and job acquisition.

“Shelton State is honored to play such a vital role in the training of Alabama’s workforce,” said Rick Rogers, president. “Our CNC program has always been one of the crown jewels of our technical programs and the success of the West Alabama Center for Workforce Development in only a few short months is a great source of pride for all of us,” he continued.

The West Alabama Center for Workforce Development is a cooperative effort with the West Alabama Chamber of Commerce and offers job placement services, continuing education and skills training, as well as the FIT program. Through its Training for Business and Industry Center it works closely with local business to provide professional instruction that upgrades the skills needed in today’s workplace. For additional information on the West Alabama Center for Workforce Development, call 205-391-2482.

For additional information on the Computerized Numerical Control Program at Shelton State Community College, contact Ronnie Guy at 205-391-2441 or call the school’s admissions office at 205-391-2390.