PR2004 Sep 20



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Jones 205-391-2310

Brenizer Attends Community College Leadership Academy

TUSCALOOSA – Sara Brenizer has been selected to represent Shelton State Community College at the Fifth Annual Alabama Community College Leadership Academy.

Established in 2000, the Leadership Academy provides a year-long leadership development program for current and up-and-coming administrators in Alabama’s community and technical colleges. Classes focus on examination of the dimensions of leadership needed to be effective in the 21st Century, interaction with colleagues throughout the Alabama College System, research projects, and opportunities for personal and professional growth and development.

The 2004-2005 class of the Alabama Community College Leadership Academy is made up of 26 representatives from 18 community and technical colleges throughout the State of Alabama. The group convened last July for a five-day intensive introduction at the University of Alabama and will continue throughout the year with a series of two-day workshops at various campuses in the state.

The Academy is sponsored by the University of Alabama College of Education and College of Continuing Studies in cooperation with The Alabama College System and the University of Alabama System, and is one of only six programs of its kind in the United States.

Brenizer attended Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, Virginia and graduated from the University of Alabama with a BS and an MA. She is currently Division Chair for the Natural Sciences and serves as Coordinator of Distance Education at Shelton State Community College. Prior to joining the faculty at Shelton State in 1994, Brenizer taught at Tuscaloosa Academy and at Central High School in Tuscaloosa.