PR2004 Oct 21 IDOL



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Jones 205-391-2310

“Shelton Idol” to be Named October 26

TUSCALOOSA – From the original eight contestants, three finalists have been chosen to perform on Tuesday, October 26 at 11:30 A.M. in the first ever “Shelton Idol” contest at Shelton State Community College.

“Just like ‘American Idol’ the contestants have performed each week and those receiving the lowest number of votes were eliminated,” said Molly Booth the contest coordinator.

Performing on October 26 in the atrium of the Martin Campus, will be Marquita Poe, Christie Williams and Brittany Norris. In addition to the three finalists, the original eight contestants included Shannon Williams, Megan Skelton, Katie Besant, Jonathan Pate and Kineski Howard.

Poe is a pharmacy major who says that her singing idol is Beyonce Knowles. Williams, an office administration major, says her favorite quote is “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Brittany Norris is a music performance major whose idol is Judy Garland.

Students, faculty and staff will vote following the performances and the winner will be named. The contest winner will receive a $500 book scholarship at the Shelton State book store.

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