PR2004 Oct U1



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Jones 205-391-2310

Rogers Honored by Business and Professional Women’s Organization

TUSCALOOSA – Dr. Rick Rogers, Shelton State Community College President, was honored by the Tuscaloosa Business and Professional Women’s Organization on October 19, 2004 as “Employer of the Year.”

In presenting the award, Rogers was recognized for “outstanding achievement in his professional career while providing exceptional opportunities for upward mobility to female employees at Shelton State Community College.”

The Shelton State Community College workforce is comprised of an average of 54.8% women. The executive division of the college is 53% women, administrative division 44%, faculty 57%, clerical 95%, maintenance 22%, and other professionals 58%.

“I am deeply humbled by this award,” said Rogers. “All of the women employed at Shelton State have made it possible for this school to achieve its phenomenal growth and presence in the community. I view this honor as recognition of their enormous contribution to the quality of education in West Alabama.”

The third week in October has been celebrated as National Business Women’s week since 1928. BPW is the oldest and largest organization of working women in the United States with representative membership from the entire spectrum of occupations. 2004 marks the 75th anniversary of the organization in Tuscaloosa.

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