PR2004 Oct 13



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Jones 205-391-2310

Tech Prep Offers Head Start for High School Students

(Tuscaloosa) - Shelton State Community College offers Tech Prep, short for Technical Preparation, a way to start a college technical major in high school. In a Tech Prep program, students begin their course of study in high school and continue in college or an apprenticeship program.

Tech Prep programs combine the academic courses that students will need for success in college and technical courses that they will need to prepare them for a career. Tech Prep is intended to improve technical and academic preparation of students and to provide a transition plan for secondary (high school) students desiring a post-secondary (two-year college) outcome in a technical field of study. Students in Tech Prep programs can earn college credit while still in high school through content enhanced articulated courses and dual credit.

A key component of Tech Prep is articulation, which is a planned process linking educational institutions and educational experiences to assist students in making a smooth transition from one level of education to another without experiencing delays or duplication in courses.

The articulated high school courses contain the same course content as an equivalent college course and a post-secondary institution has agreed to award college credit if the student meets requirements outlined in the course articulation agreement. The articulation agreement is a signed document that indicates the specific responsibilities of the secondary school, the post-secondary institution, and the students.

The main difference between Tech Prep programs and career/technical programs is that all Tech Prep programs are articulated. Career/technical programs are college-

preparatory, designed to prepare students to continue in a related program of study at a two-year college. However, Tech Prep programs allow students to get a head start on their college education while they are still in high school because students can receive college credit for courses that they take while still in high school. Tech Prep high school course sequences prepare students for continuation in many related post-secondary Tech Prep associate of applied science degrees or certificate programs.

For additional information on the Tech Prep program at Shelton State Community College, contact Larry Gray at 205/391-2407 or your local high school guidance counselor. Additional information is available on the web at

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