PR2004 Jan 8 UNPLUG




Wendy Jones 205-391-2310


(Tuscaloosa) - Shelton State Community College has become the first, and only, community college in Alabama to institute an integrated wireless network system on its campuses.

______________ , a student majoring in _________ at Shelton State said, “This is really a great thing for all of us who use laptops on campus. I can’t wait to try it out!”

The state-of-the-art network system provides encrypted, secure wireless access connection to the school’s network on the Martin, Langston and Fredd Campuses. The wireless network has the same capabilities as the wired network yet provides for complete mobility. Allowing staff to offer more efficient services to students during registration and providing instructors with greater flexibility in the classroom, the system is configured so that it can be upgraded as technology develops.

“Since every laptop at the college will be equipped with wireless capability, computer access will be available without the worry of cables and connection sites,” said Jimmy Osmore, Instructional Support Specialist at the school.

Shelton State’s wireless network is a result of the collaboration between the school and Phifer Wire, the world’s largest producer of aluminum and fiberglass screen products. Though Shelton State’s Training for Business and Industry (TBI) center, the school was introduced to Jim Bonner, Phifer’s Vice President for Information Technology who developed the system used in their Tuscaloosa production facilities. Bonner worked with Jimmy Osmore to create the system now in place on the school’s three campuses.

“This is a perfect example of the college and local industry working together,” said Steve Fair, Associate Dean of Technical Services who was previously Director of TBI.

The access points are provided by a Cisco 1200 Series. Coverage on the Martin Campus is provided by 24 access points, with nine on the Fredd Campus and four on the Langston Campus at the Alabama Fire College.

"This wireless technology puts Shelton State at the forefront of Alabama Community Colleges. No other community college in Alabama is able to offer this degree of service to its students and faculty. We thank our friends at Phifer Wire for their continued support of Shelton State," said Rick Rogers, President.

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