PR2004 Feb 26



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Jones 205-391-2310



Michael Lee, a sophomore at Shelton State Community College in Tuscaloosa, has been named as one of 24 students to participate in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Research Experience.

The program, designed for students majoring in Biology, Microbiology or Chemistry, is a joint effort of The University of Alabama and Stillman College. The program is funded by a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and offers students a spring 2004 seminar and a year-log program of independent research, which includes a visiting scientist speakers series, a summer research symposium and travel to present their research at professional meetings.

Dr. Karen Rose, of the Biology Department at Shelton State Community College and one of the three professors facilitating the “Language of Science” program said, “Michael is the first Howard Hughes Intern from Shelton State and we are all delighted with his selection and participation in this challenging program.”

The program begins with a seminar to called “Language of Science” which meets on Fridays alternating between the UA and Stillman campuses. During a 10-week summer internship, interns conduct research projects under the guidance of faculty mentors. Michael Lee has been teamed with Kevin Redding, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at UA. Their research will be in the areas of “re-directing biological electron transfer” and “disassembly and degradation of membrane proteins.”

Hughes Undergraduate Research Interns, who may apply for a second year of internship, receive a stipend for their summer participation and funding toward living expenses.

“All of us at Shelton State are thrilled with Michael’s selection to participate in this unique program,” said Shelton State President Rick Rogers. “We value these opportunities that showcase the caliber of students that choose to attend Shelton State.”

Shelton State students interested in applying for future sessions of the program should contact Dr. Karen Rose at 205-391-2259 or by email at Additional information is also available on the web at