PR2004 Dec 14 IE



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Jones 205-391-2310

TUSCALOOSA - The Industrial Electronics program at Shelton State Community College, working in conjunction with Phifer Wire Products, has developed an instructional method that allows industry to be an integral part of the student’s training.

“When examining our industrial electronics department we were very pleased with the department’s ability to teach fundamental as well as advanced skills to the students. However as most educational programs, we realized the need to provide the students training experiences that closely mirrors that of an industrial setting,” said Steve Fair, Associate Dean of Technical Services.

When pondering the initial thought of taking the students to the industrial setting on a regular basis, the typical obstacles such as transportation, availability of industries to participate and funding, Shelton State began to look at alternative methods.

Contacting Phifer Wire Products, Fair, along with electronics instructors Brett Butler and Lee Tucker, met with Jim Whisenhant and other engineers at the company. Discussions began which soon led to the purchase of 4 Programmable Logic Controller trainers and a mixture of networking equipment that would allow the trainers to be linked to a computer located at the factory site. Through the use of this technology, Shelton State provides students with a training experience that brings the workplace to them in a real time setting.

The process consists of the students interacting with the participating Phifer Wire engineers to solve problems and develop PLC programs. The engineers have the capability to observe the students training project and provide instant input and also have the capability to take control of the student trainer and demonstrate to the student, methods, techniques, and troubleshooting processes.

“The Programmable Logic Controller course has been taught in this manner for one year and the feedback has been excellent,” said Butler. “Students are pleased with having an industry expert involved in their training and our industry is pleased to have an active role in the type of training that students are receiving.”

“One side benefit to the new partnership is that the industry partner has become familiar with the students capabilities and consequently have extended several job offers,” said Lee Tucker.

Tucker, along with Associate Dean Fair, presented the instructional program “Using Technology to Link the Classroom to Industry” at the National Coalition of Advanced Technology Centers national conference in St. Louis. Fair participated with Brett Butler and Jim Whisenhant to make a similar presentation at the present the League for Innovation of Community Colleges Information Technology Conference in Tampa. Butler has also submitted the program for consideration to 16th Annual Exemplary Initiatives Competition sponsored by National Council of Instructional Administrators.

For additional information on technology programs at Shelton State Community College, contact Steve Fair at 205-391-2384 or by email at

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