PR2004 Dec 13 ART



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Jones 205-391-2310

“My 25 Favorite Works of Art” Considered for Award

Tuscaloosa – Carole Johnson, a member of the English faculty and Art Appreciation instructor at Shelton State Community College, has submitted a program entitled “’My 25 Favorite Works of Art’: Art Appreciation as Portal for Cross-Curriculum Achievement, Cultural Enlightenment, and Self-Esteem” to the 16th Annual Exemplary Initiatives Competition sponsored by National Council of Instructional Administrators.

Johnson developed the program as part of her teaching “Art Appreciation” at the Tuscaloosa college. Students created handmade journals which presented their twenty-five favorite works of art, complete with depictions and commentary.

Johnson said, “Although art appreciation is a basic college transfer course with no designated prerequisites, these journals permitted my students to exercise a number of academic skills, including writing, graphic designs, and computer skills, while they began to recognize the strength of their own artistic perceptions.”

The students in Johnson’s class have enthusiastically embraced the project. One student made a full-sized quilt, using traditional quilting techniques; in each square of the quilt (which had twenty-five squares), she sewed a pocket. In each pocket was a computer-generated image of her favorite works of art (which ranged from Vermeer’s “Milkmaid” to the ceiling of the Las Vegas casino where she had her honeymoon), complete with explanatory commentary. Another student created a website, scanning in not only his favorite works of art but creating links to his own artistic influences.

“I have been teaching for over thirty years, and I find myself a little surprised and very pleased at the generosity of spirit and willingness to break down cultural barriers when students are given a chance to present themselves,” said Johnson. “These journals are genuine statements about art and identity.”

With its formation in 1977, the National Council of Instructional Administrators (NCIA), an affiliate of the American Association of Community Colleges, quickly grew to become the largest affiliate of the AACC. It has evolved over time providing for the instructional administrator an agenda for leadership, advocacy, innovation and professional development.

Winning and honorable mention entries will be recognized at the NCIA Celebration Luncheon at the AACC convention to be held in Boston in April 2005.

Shelton State Community College is a part of the Alabama College System which is comprised of 28 institutions located throughout the state. Shelton State Community College encompasses the C.A. Fredd Campus which is a designated Historically Black College and University (HBCU). Shelton State also offers specialized training through the Alabama Fire College Personnel Standards Commission and the West Alabama Center for Workforce Development. In 1998, Shelton State was designated as “Alabama’s Community College of the Fine Arts” by joint legislative resolution.

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