PR2004 Apr 8



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Jones 205-391-2310

April 8, 2004

Pickens Academy Graduates Create Shelton State’s CY-BUCS Logo

After months of anticipation, Shelton State Community College opened its Cy-Bucs computer café on March 15 featuring a special aluminum sign created by two Pickens Academy graduates.

Josh Wilkinson and Jamie Lindsey are sophomores in Shelton State’s Computerized Numerical Control program and together they produced the sign from original logo concept to finished product. The CNC program uses computers to achieve automatic machine tool operation to manufacture parts to precise measurements. Students train on state-of-the-art equipment with lab conditions simulating those found in today’s industries. Students learn how to write programs using Computer Aided Drafting and Computer Aided Machining software to make their own setups, choose the correct machine for the job and accurately measure the finished product.

Ronnie Guy, who heads the Computerized Numerical Control program said, “This was a wonderful opportunity for these guys to tap into their creative side. Josh and Jamie are both great students. Not only do they make the grade, they both have good attitudes and an outstanding work ethic, the kind of students that you love having.”

In order to produce the sign, the students first generated a drawing of the logo on a Cad/Cam software package called “Mastercam,” then with the computer they wrote a program to machine the parts of the sign out of aluminum. A CNC milling machine was used to manufacture the parts.

With 12 computer workstations and a laser printer, all in a relaxed café setting with tables and booths, Cy-Bucs provides information services in a casual environment. In addition to computer access, food and beverages are available and encouraged in Cy-Bucs.