PR2004 Mar U2



Two students from Shelton State Community College in Tuscaloosa have been nominated for All-USA Academic Team Scholarships.  Wilfred Mbah Njah, a native of Cameroon, now living in Northport, Alabama with his family and Jessica Christian, also of Northport, were nominated by a Phi Theta Kappa, the campus academic honorary society.

Njah completed high school in his native Cameroon and intends to become a medical doctor.  His time at Shelton State has a very busy one serving as a math and chemistry tutor for the EDGE program for 15 hours each week while carrying full academic loads.  He is a member of Circle K Leadership Association and Phi Theta Kappa and participates in numerous fundraising activities.

Njah comes from a family of eight and attends Northport Church of God were he is involved in a variety of activities.

Jessica Christian plans to continue her education pursuing a career in architecture after she leaves Shelton State.  Serving as Vice President of Phi Theta Kappa, Christian has been active in the Shelton State Singers, an EDGE tutor and performs with “Bach to Rock.”  She is listed in Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges and was a member of the 2003 Shelton State Homecoming Court.

Active in Northport First United Methodist Church, Christian has participated in Group Volunteer Workcamps since 1998.

The All-USA Academic Team for Community Colleges competition is sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa, the American Association of Community Colleges and USA TODAY. The program recognizes scholarly achievements and leadership accomplishments of students enrolled in community, technical and junior colleges.

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“I am delighted that two such fine students have been nominated to represent Shelton State Community College in this prestigious group,” said Rick Rogers, president.  “Their contributions to their school and their community have been remarkable and deserve recognition,” he concluded.

The first, second and third team members of 2004 All-USA Academic Teams will be announced in April.