PR2003 Oct 22



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Jones 205-391-2310

“SPEEDE” Takes Over Transcript Process

Shelton State Community College and the University of Alabama have partnered to implement “SPEEDE” for the transfer of transcripts from one institution to the other.

“SPEEDE,” an acronym for Standardization of Postsecondary Education Electronic Data Exchange, allows post-secondary schools to send data and information to each other electronically rather than in paper form. Utilizing electronic data interchange (EDI), “SPEEDE” technology is similar to that developed for banks for the electronic transfer of funds thus insuring security and privacy.

“There are a lot of advantages for both our students and the college,” said Diane Layton, Associate Dean of Students/Registrar at Shelton State. “The process of sending the transcript is instantaneous and because the transcript goes directly into the University of Alabama’s files, there’s no chance for ‘human error’ in creating the new file.”

Developed by the American Association of College and University Registrars and Admissions Officers, “SPEEDE” is the result of the development of standard data formats for use by colleges and universities. Replacing paper forms with electronic delivery of information, the University of Alabama and Shelton State Community College will realize time savings in the getting information for one school to the other, an increased accuracy of data, improved privacy of transcripts and cost savings.

“Shelton State is the only school we’re working with on the ‘SPEEDE’ program. We expect to expand to additional schools in the future, but wanted to start with our primary ‘feeder school’ as our first partner,” said Linda Clark, Assistant Registrar at the University of Alabama.

“I’m so pleased with the work of Shelton State’s MIS Department and the efforts they’ve made to bring ‘SPEEDE’ to our office and students,” said Layton.

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