2018 Recipient

The 2018 Shasta Piping Society Pipe Scholarship has not been awarded due to a lack of suitable candidates.

Instead, an award of 1,000GBP has been made in our name to the charitable organization: Iolaire Working Group


His Majesty's Yacht Iolaire sank in Stornaway Harbor on January 1, 1919. The loss was one of the worst maritime disasters in United Kingdom waters during the 20th century.

HMY Iolaire left the mainland port of Kyle of Lochalsh on the evening of December 31, 1918, and was carrying reservist sailors who had fought in the Great War back to the island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. After 02:00 on New Year's Day, as the ship approached the safety of Stornoway Harbor during a gale, she hit the infamous rocks "The Beasts of Holm" and sank quickly within sight of Stornaway. Of the 283 reservist sailors on board, at least 201 perished before reaching shore. The sailors were wearing their uniforms including heavy boots, which made swimming from the wrecked ship difficult. The impact of the disaster was devastating to the island communities, and the loss of men from those small islands are still felt vividly today.

The Iolaire Working Group renovated the walking path to the memorial site, in anticipation of more visitors during the centennial remembrances, increasing the suitability for handicapped transport.

We here at the Shasta Piping Society are very proud to have contributed to this worthy cause, and encourage others to consider the same.

New path to the HMY Iolaire Memorial (photo Chris Murray)