
The Winter’s Tale

Polixenes, the King of Bohemia, has been visiting his old friend King Leontes in Sicily for nearly nine months but is ready to return to Bohemia. Leontes begs him to stay longer but Polixenes is anxious to go, and declines. When Leontes’ pregnant wife, Hermione, succeeds in persuading Polixenes to stay, Leontes becomes obsessed with the thought that his wife has been unfaithful with his friend. He orders his servant, Camillo, to poison Polixenes. Instead, Camillo warns Polixenes and they flee, leaving Hermione and her little boy, Mamillius, to face the King's displeasure.

Leontes imprisons Hermione and she delivers a baby girl in prison. A lady in waiting, Paulina, takes the baby to Leontes to try to persuade him to accept her. Leontes, however, appears to be crazed and instructs Paulina’s husband, Antigonus, to take the baby into exile. Hermione is put on trial but is vindicated by a message from the Delphic oracle. Sadly, her son Mamillius dies from heartbreak at his mother's imprisonment. At this news Hermione collapses and appears to die. In shock, Leontes comes back to his senses and reproaches himself for these tragedies.

Meanwhile, Antigonus places the baby on a beach in Bohemia. A shepherd and his son discover the child and take her to their home.

Sixteen years pass, during which time Leontes mourns the loss of his wife and children. In Bohemia, King Polixenes’ son, Florizel, has met and fallen in love with a shepherd's adopted daughter, Perdita. While she is organizing a sheep-shearing feast, Polixenes and Camillo attend the feast in disguise. They are entertained by the rogue Autolycus, who has previously tricked Perdita’s brother and stolen his purse to provide himself with knick-knacks to sell at the feast. When Florizel announces his desire to marry Perdita, Polixenes reveals himself, reprimands his son, and threatens Perdita’s foster father for promoting Perdita’s friendship with the Prince.

Camillo and Autolycus help Florizel and Perdita to run away to Sicily. They are followed by Polixenes, Camillo, and Perdita’s foster father and brother. At Leontes’ court the plot thickens. Who are Perdita’s true parents? Will the two kings be reconciled? And what is the secret of the statue of Hermione that has just been finished at Paulina’s house?