Invitation to a Hobbit Elevensies

To all the friends of Elves and Hobbits:

This invitation is extended to join us for "Elevensies," the famous brunch of Hobbits. In honor of the autumn weather, we will gather at the _________ Hobbit Hole (in the Shire of _______) for an outdoor picnic on _______ at 11:00 a.m. precisely. Pray do not be late! Directions are available by email. Wear your best travelling cloak (we will be exploring the woods) and bring a blanket and picnic with such sundry items as tea, buttered scones, seed cakes, apple tart, cheese, pork-pie and salad, cold chicken, coffee, eggs and pickles, or whatever you like. You may also want to bring your Hobbit books to read a favorite passage for the group. Please send an RSVP by the good innkeeper Butterbur (_____email address or phone number__) as soon as possible to let us know if you can join us.

Over the misty mountains cold

Past rivers deep and caverns old

We must away ere break of day

To see fall's mellow leaves of gold.

Most cordially yours,

The Hobbits of the ___________ clan

*This adventure is sponsored by the ___________ Shakespeare Troupe, but cordially invites other family members to come along.

In the event of rain we will still have tea by remaining snug and dry by our own fire..