
----- Original Message -----

From: "Kall, Mogens" <mogenskall@ikke.til.raadighed.dk>

Newsgroups: alt.astronomy

Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 5:09 AM

Subject: Re: Open letter to Dr. David P. Anderson, Project Director - suggest (0371)

0415 news:VGufa.2169$vn1.577544@news010.worldonline.dk


______________________ the message _________________________________________________

"Pete Davis" wrote:

> Pardon? The probablity of contact is highest where? In the center of the

> galaxy?


> Why would you say that?


> The area around the nucleus of the galaxy is unlikely to harbor any sort

> of

> life. I mean, I suppose it's possible, but I just find it highly unlikely

> that anything can survive the conditions in that area. First of all, the

> stars in the center of the galaxy are packed much tighter, so you're

> talking

> about radiaton pouring in from every direction from all these stars.

> Second

> of all, you'd have a much higher chance of supernovae going off in a given

> volume of space, further reducing the chances of planets (if they're

> around), being habitable, as a nearby supernovae would wreak havoc on a

> planet.


> I could be wrong, but I would suspect the center of the galaxy is the last

> place one would expect to find life. It would have to be some form of

> "radiation-proof" life.


> Pete

Hey Pete,

I'm sorry, You misunderstood me (I'm from Denmark, my english is very bad).

As far as I remember the Center itself is a black hole. No life-2 can live


What I'm talk'ing about, is the NETWORK-syntax:

Our star, the sun, is about 30.000 light-years away from the Center. If You

look up, You can see the Milky-Way. If You are look'ing into the Center, You

can register, that there are more stars in this direction than elsewhere.

Life-2 can be everywhere, but mostly You meet "people" at town (30.000 -

5.000 light-years).

Therefore my suggest is this (file 0407 ... file 0414) :

> ... I will expect, that they (You) are listning on ALL-time

> (local: 24 hours/day). ...

I have heard, that there was a signal around this position (in 1973 - ?) for

about 23 seconds. I think, it was a *Please - "HANG ON"*-signal.

SETI is only list'ing some seconds on each positions.

Greetings from

Mogens Kall

The servant of Michael




Re: Open letter to Dr. David P. Anderson, Project Director - suggest (0371)


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