Other Mats

On the links below you can see my COLLECTION of beermats that do not fall into any of the previous categories, i.e. it excludes brewery beermats and any beermats catalogued by the British Beermat Collectors Society (BBCS).  "Various" links indicate grouped sections or brands where I only have a limited number of beermats.  Listed below are the sections I have added.  It can sometimes be quite difficult deciding the category in which to include a beermat, and I recognise I may not always have been entirely consistent, despite my best efforts.  In some sections (but notably not Drinks or Tobacco) I may only include UK mats as I do not have time to scan and upload for all other countries.  However, some early additions may remain included, and some where I may not know the country.

BUSINESS: Small Businesses - by which I mean businesses used by individuals (rather than "industry", i.e.  used by companies or businesses, listed separately below). 

Small Businesses.  I have grouped selected business types together, with everything else listed under "Various".

DRINKS: Any drink brand not catalogued elsewhere, including alcoholic, cola, fruit based and water.

FINANCE: Finance: includes sections for Accountants, Banks, Building Societies, Gambling (Bingo, Bookmakers, Casinos, Lottery, Poker, Slots and Various), Insurance, and Various (i.e. whatever doesn't fit in any other category).

GOVERNMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY: (Education; Government - Central; Government - Local; Health and NHS; Police; Politics; Safety - General; Safety - Roads; Unions)

INDUSTRY: By which I mean engineering, mechanical, and electricity, gas and water supplies.  Also see Business above.

MEDIA: Art and Museums; Cinema; Gaming; Music; Print - Books, Magazines and Newspapers; Theatre - Ballet, Circus and Theatres; TV and Radio

PUBS: Pubs (Public houses), including Hotels, Clubs, Discos and other licensed premises.

Leading numerals, e.g. "3 Bar" are located in A.  Also, this section is only for beermats that do not reference a brewery or beer as they are catalogued separately, see here.

SPORT: Cricket; Football; Golf; Racing; Rugby; Tennis; Various, i.e. all other sports

TOBACCO: Cigarettes; Cigars; Snuff; Related (e.g. Rizla, Matches); "Tandem" (jointly advertising tobacco and another product)

MAJOR BRANDS (50+ mats):  Benson and Hedges;     Berkeley;     Camel;     Carrolls;     Castella;     Embassy;     Hamlet;     Lucky Strike;     Marlboro;     Players;     Reemtsma (R6);     Rothmans;     Silk Cut;     Stuyvesant.


TRANSPORT: Airlines; Buses and Coaches; Cars Marques; Car Related; Cycles and Motor Cycles; Railways; Shipping; Taxis

MISCELLANEOUS: (i.e. anything not listed above) - Animals (Zoos etc.); Personal (Weddings etc.); Places; Religion (Churches etc.); Unspecified (i.e. beermats with no text); Various - anything not fitting any other category.

For reasons of space and ease of management, I have separated into three sections: