POST SCRIPT: I have left this page in its basic auto-converted state. It is negligible benefit and too much work to fully convert properly. Most of the text is legible, but some months are truncated.


This page is a "blog" of my progress in developing this site. If you are watching my progress, or want to see what has been added since you last visited, most of the details should be listed here (but I'm only aiming for the 'headlines', not every single change). If you have not read this blog before, the first entry at the bottom gives details about my starting point for this year and my hopes and intentions for the future.


Start of this year's Blog - January 2020


See the subpage for what I did in 2019. For various reasons, I had much more time off than in previous years, but typically made progress whilst leaving much to do. Most countries are up to date, except for Germany which I didn't manage to update at all, and where there remain many thousands more to add. I will always have some recent acquisitions for all countries still to add, but not so many this year.

For non-brewery mats, I have largely completed the process of adding a column to my Collection pages to indicate whether I have a spare or not (though a few small sections remain to be done). Some of the pages may still be lacking in spares I have tucked away in boxes somewhere, but I am now able to add many more spares and do so much quicker. Brewery spares are still maintained separately as before.

My "Other Mats" section is now fully established, with all the significant sections and pages in place, though I still have many thousands of unsorted mats to add. Now the pages are created and linked subsequent updates will be easier and quicker, and I can process sections or sub-sections without having to try and update everything at once.

In my Wanted section the UK section has fallen far behind (even though it will always be a few months 'in arrears'). I hope to remedy this early in the year. The 'Name Finder' section has finally started. So far I have only added brand new references, but the existing references are slowly being updated when I have cause to update existing pages. I'm still not planning yet to try and methodically go through all possible existing references, but maybe one day I will.

Brewery spares are still being updated irregularly. I still have many thousands to add, especially for the UK and Germany, but I am only likely to add in short bursts, then a gap before the next update. However, as always, if you want any specific beermats, please let me know what you are interested in and I will do my best to help you.

Of course, there are constantly new additions that mean I need to update breweries or sections previously considered 'complete'. I will tend to do these in batches, which means some may be held at the back of the queue, so if you have sent me a beermat recently, there may be a delay before I can add it to my site.