Stock Phrases

  1. What is a stock phrase and how do I use it?
    • A stock phrase is a commonly used sentence or group of sentences that you often use in a SDS.
  2. How do access the stock phrase list?
    • When clicked into a text box, press the Stoc[k] button or Ctrl + k on your keyboard. The stock phrase dialogue window will open.

Stock Phrase window

Stock Phrase video

3. How do I import my own stock phrases so they will appear in the stock phrase list?

  • The stock phrase import is found in File / Utilities/ Imports / Stock phrases
  • This import reads a tab-delimited, UTF-8 text file on disk. The text file has four columns per row:
  • 1. Category of stock phrase (max 255 characters)
  • 2. Stock phrase (text)
  • 3. Field name (max 255 characters)
  • 4. Example use (text)
  • The import finds existing stock phrase records from the category and stock phrase text (the contents of the first two columns). When exactly one record is found, it will update the record with non-blank values in the third and fourth columns. If no record is found, the import creates a new stock phrase record. The import is also capable of reading an earlier version of the import file, which contains only the first two columns. The two-column file never updates existing stock phrases. Hazard Solutions may have provided a stock phrase import file. If so, it should be located in your "Imports" folder, which should be in the "Resources" folder, which is along this path:
  • C:\Hazard_Solutions\Database\Resources\
  • If you want to create your own stock phrase import file using a spreadsheet program, ensure that you save the file as tab-delimited text, with UTF-8 encoding. Do not insert carriage returns into the spreadsheet cells, or the field parsing will be incorrect. If you press the OK button, the program will next prompt you to identify the location of the import file on disk. Or click on Cancel to stop, without importing any information.

4. Do you have a stock phrase file that I can use as a template to enter my own stock phrases which I can upload?

5. What is a “Relevant field name”?

    • This is the name the database recognizes for each text field. For example, the “Relevant field name” for the "If swallowed" text box in the First Aid tab, is "First_aid_ingestion".
    • In order for the database to reduce the stock phrase list down to those pertinent to the text field, you need to make sure you have properly populated the “Relevant field name” with the exact name recognized by the database
    • The Stock Phrase window includes a dropdown list with the known “Relevant field name”. Make sure this is properly populated when you add a new stock phrase.

Relevant Field Names